- What are the principles of the organization for?
- Most relevant principles of the organization
- 1- Goal orientation
- 2- Specialization
- 3- Hierarchy
- 4- Responsibility
- 5- Chain of command
- 6- Diffusion or disclosure
- 7- Control section
- 8- Coordination
- 9- Continuity
- 10- Flexibility
- 11- Efficiency
- 12- Communication
- References
Some of the most prominent organizational principles are goal orientation, hierarchy, specialization, responsibility, and chain of command. The organization is an administrative sub-process.
This procedure consists of arranging the organizational resources in such a way that the expected results can be obtained in the defined time, with efficiency and effectiveness.
It is at the time of the organization when the forms of production and use of resources are decided, as well as the role that each member of the team will fulfill. The idea behind the concept of organization is that of coordinated effort.
These principles constitute the platform on which the operations of any entity or company will be carried out, and its configuration is governed by the philosophy of the founders and a legal framework.
What are the principles of the organization for?
In general, the principles of the organization are oriented to the following:
- Be a route to follow towards the business goal.
- Simplify the work.
- Clearly establish work flows and communication channels.
- Define hierarchy of roles.
- Disseminate the features of the organizational philosophy.
- Transmit and maintain the organizational culture.
Most relevant principles of the organization
1- Goal orientation
Like any process within the administration, this must respond to the objective that the company has set.
Each action that is contemplated, as well as the way of selecting and structuring the information on which the plan is based, must serve the main objective of the company.
Management criteria, such as efficiency and effectiveness, must also be taken into account. It's about achieving profits with low operating and production costs.
2- Specialization
It is the principle that establishes the serial realization of a very specific task.
It is about making the most of a very specific capacity of an employee or a machine, in order to obtain the maximum performance in that task.
This implies that the production chain must be very well structured, thought out and timed to accommodate that sequence of specialized tasks.
3- Hierarchy
It is the principle according to which power is distributed within the company so that it is exercised for the benefit of meeting the objectives.
Generating that chain of command will help to have better control of the tasks in terms of methodology (how things are done) and results (why things are done).
This chain of command also functions as an incentive for the people who make up the organization, because it presents them with opportunities for professional and / or job growth within the company.
And this also has a little obvious educational dimension; people within the company can understand the structure of a state and its reason for being.
4- Responsibility
Organizing the use and management of resources and assigning tasks also require the generation and distribution of responsibilities.
The magnitude of the responsibilities will depend on the rank and role of the person within the institution.
This principle allows you to have an idea of the scope of the actions, manage expectations and develop management indicators.
It is also important that each responsibility is assigned a person with sufficient authority to enforce it.
5- Chain of command
In this organization, rules of action and procedures must be established within the chain of command.
In this way, misunderstandings will be avoided in the course of operational work, and responsibilities in case of failures and acknowledgments in cases of successes can be established.
The administrator must ensure clear and effective communication of this chain of command, so that employees can recognize their immediate bosses and render them accountable.
6- Diffusion or disclosure
It is a fundamental part of the entire administrative process: only by correctly and timely disseminating the structure of the company and its processes will employees be clear about their scope for action.
All members participate in the internal dissemination of this information, but mainly the upper and middle ranks of the company, who cascade the data to the base employees.
It is essential that there is written support for all this information, to keep a record of institutional events and so that there are ways to verify orders and procedures.
7- Control section
At the time of organization, one must think about the structure of the supervisory line, a group of people with the responsibility of supervising others.
Here you have to handle a rationality criterion to determine the number of subordinates for each supervisor. Ideally, one person should supervise no more than 5 direct employees.
8- Coordination
This principle refers to the harmony or balance that is achieved by distributing responsibilities among the different units of the company, and how these units contribute proportionally to the achievement of the objective.
9- Continuity
Continuity is the principle according to which, when organizing, one must think in the long term, how the stability of the process is guaranteed over time.
The idea is that each process has a way of starting and running until the achievement of the objectives, and even that it can be extended beyond the objectives, to their respective verification and adjustment.
This principle arises from the certainty that the organizational structure needs to be maintained, but also to adjust to the conditions of its environment.
This principle entails a task of constant documentation of the processes so that there is continuity of procedures regardless of whether the people who execute them change.
10- Flexibility
The organization must be sufficiently prepared so that, in the event that they have to make adaptations to technical changes or possible alterations, these are as less abrupt as possible.
That is to say, that there is a capacity for reaction without this affecting the employees, the bureaucracy or control systems excessively.
11- Efficiency
Maximum objective at the lowest cost. It is the most accurate definition of efficiency applicable to the organization. The efficient work of any organization depends on how the management function of the organization is carried out, which must also promote satisfaction among employees so that - redundancy is worth - efficiency is effective.
12- Communication
The organization must have a constant flow of communication, which is fluid and reaches from top to bottom in both directions. This principle contains concepts such as company policies, complaints, suggestions, company programs, news, reactions, etc.
Communication channels must be fluid and serve as a funnel to eliminate all information that is irreverent, generates controversy, misunderstanding or uncertainty.
- Anayeli (2009). Organization principles. Recovered from: anayeli-organizacion.blogspot.com
- The thinking (2016). What are the principles of the Organization? Recovered from: educacion.elpensante.com
- Management of human talent (2016). What is an organization and its principles? Recovered from: jgestiondeltalentohumano.wordpress.com
- Jerez, Daynelis (2010). The administrative organization. Recovered from: eumed.net
- Entrepreneurship Leader (2013). The 9 principles of the organization. Recovered from: liderdelemprentación.blogspot.mx
- Shein, Edgar (1982). Organizational psychology. Prentice-Hall Hispanoamericana, 1982 - 252 pages.
- Wikiteka (2015). Principles of formal and informal organization. Recovered from: wikiteka.com