The coffee lingzhi is a beverage prepared from the infusion of roasted coffee beans extract dried and pulverized lingzhi fungus. Lingzhi is a group of several species of fungi of the genus Ganoderma; the most common are Ganoderma lucidum, Ganoderma tsugae, and Ganoderma lingzhi.
In Japan they are known as reishi. In China, both Ganoderma lucidum (red lingzhi) and Sinensis (purple lingzhi) are recognized as lingzhi. These species differ in some of their properties; Ganoderma lucidum is considered the most medicinal ling zhi, and is the strain used in Korean and Japanese medicine.
The drink made with this variety is dark and bitter. It is considered an adaptogen because it helps the body adapt to both physical and mental stress.
They contain beta-glucans, which strengthen the immune system, contribute to the regulation of blood pressure and can delay the onset of tumor growth.
Among its chemical components, the triterpenoids stand out; These carry out activities in the biological field that make them components that could be very useful in the treatment and prevention of various diseases.
Composition and nutritional information
In general, fresh mushrooms are about 90% water and 10% dry matter. In the dry matter are proteins with a moderate to high content, a high fiber content, low carbohydrates and ash.
Two main components are present in lingzhi: polysaccharides and triterpenoids. Polysaccharide compounds (carbohydrates and fiber) are soluble in water.
With regard to triterpenoids, more than 130 have been identified in the genus Ganoderma which, due to their fat-soluble character, are found in the ethanolic extract.
In the two main strains (lingzhi red and purple) the levels of the bioactive ergosterol differ, as well as those of the triterpenoids. In contrast, the polysaccharide content does not differ significantly.
The triterpenoids in Ganoderma lucidum are called ganoderic acids and have a similar molecular structure to steroid hormones.
Other compounds present are beta-glucans (polysaccharide), coumarin, mannitol, and alkaloids. Sterols isolated from the fungus include ganoderol, ganoderenic acid, ganoderiol, ganodermanontriol, luciiol, and ganodermadiol.
Fungal immunomodulatory proteins are bioactive ingredients within the genus Ganoderma that stimulate the different cells that allow the immune response. These include T and B lymphocytes.
Lingzhi coffee contains just 9 mg of caffeine per cup, unlike traditional coffee that contains 150-200 mg in a similarly sized serving. Black tea contains 50 mg and green tea 30 to 50 mg.
The pH of most coffees is 5.5, while lingzhi coffee has a pH of between 7.3 and 7.5.
Until now, no scientific evidence has been found of the health benefits of lingzhi coffee. However, there are reviews on the healthy effects of the genus Ganoderma, especially of attempts to evaluate the therapeutic effect of lingzhi in promoting healthy aging.
The beneficial effects of taking Ganoderma lucidum are attributed to two of the main components already mentioned: on the one hand, the polysaccharides (carbohydrates and fibers) and the peptidoglycans (carbohydrates with amino acids that branch from them); and on the other, triterpenoids (fat-soluble molecules with a structure similar to cholesterol).
- Ganoderma lucidum has antioxidant properties when used as a supplement. It also has a therapeutic effect on insulin resistance and can help treat a variety of conditions associated with metabolic syndrome.
- Human studies have been conducted with reishi in patients with mild hypertension and elevated blood lipids. While the results showed little change in blood pressure, the researchers found a marked reduction in serum triglycerides and a marked increase in HDL cholesterol.
- Ganoderma lucidum strengthens the immune system. It has been used in the treatment of AIDS and for the relief of chemotherapy damage in cancer patients. Supplementing this extract reduces the chances of prostate and breast cancer, as well as metastasis.
- It has been shown to be effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. The presence of a polysaccharide peptide in lingzhi fungus inhibits the proliferation of synovial fibroblasts in rheumatoid arthritis.
- Mushroom extract helps eliminate overactive inflammation that contributes to cardiovascular disease.
- It has also been indicated that taking 150 to 300 milligrams of Ganoderma lucidum extract two or three times a day can relieve urinary tract infections.
- Ganoderma lucidum prevents the gradual degeneration of nerve cells and can help fight degenerative disorders such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.
- Ganoderma has sedative properties, which induce relaxation and sleep. This is why it can help relieve insomnia and chronic fatigue.
- It is effective in the fight against viruses such as influenza and herpes simplex.
How to take it?
Today lingzhi comes from artificial cultivation on suitable substrates, such as sawdust, grains, and wood logs.
After forming, the lingzhi is harvested, dried, ground, and processed into tablets or capsules to be ingested directly or made into tea or soup. Other lingzhi products include processed mushroom mycelia or spores.
If it is made with the commercial mix with solubilized coffee powder, ready to prepare, it is recommended not to drink more than one or two small cups a day, such as those of espresso coffee.
Now, if you do not have the commercial preparation, you can make the lingzhi infusion and mix it with coffee. For this, it is necessary to attenuate the bitter taste of lingzhi.
It is traditionally prepared by adding it, fresh or dried, thinly sliced or pulverized to a pot of simmering water. The water gradually reduces and in the covered pot it cooks little by little for two hours.
The resulting liquid is quite bitter in taste and dark. Red lingzhi is more bitter than black. The process is sometimes repeated for additional concentration; this decoction can be mixed with coffee.
Side effects
There are not many studies on the safety of lingzhi coffee. It can cause a number of side effects, including nausea, dry throat and nose, and a rash or itching.
It is important to consult your doctor before ingesting the drink if you are taking medications for blood pressure, anticoagulants, immunosuppressants, antiplatelet agents, or chemotherapy.
Lingzhi contains adenosine, a compound that can inhibit platelet aggregation. This can lead to unusual or excessive bleeding due to its blood-thinning properties.
As it is associated with coffee, it is necessary to consider the effects of ingesting high doses of caffeine, such as the acceleration of the heart rate, difficulty in falling asleep, some stomach upsets and the increase of anxiety states.
- Benefits of Ganoderma coffee (sf). Retrieved on April 23, 2018, at
- Ganoderma coffee (sf). Retrieved on April 23, 2018, at
- Ganoderma Lucidum Mushrooms (Red Reishi / Ling zhi) Benefits (sf). Retrieved on April 23, 2018, at
- Lingzhi mushroom (2018). Retrieved on April 23, 2018, in Wikipedia.
- Moore S. (2017). What Are the Benefits of Ganoderma Extract ?. Retrieved on April 24, 2018, at
- Terry S. (2017). Dangers of Ganoderma. Retrieved on April 24, 2018, at
- Wachtel-Galor S, Tomlinson B., Benzie I. Ganoderma lucidum ('Lingzhi'), a Chinese medicinal mushroom: biomarker responses in a controlled human supplementation study. British Journal of Nutrition. 2004 Oct; 91, 263-269.
- Wong C. The Benefits of Ganoderma Coffee. Can It Really Boost Your Health? (2018). Retrieved on April 24, 2018, at