- Main economic activities in Sinaloa
- Industrial and technology parks
- Ports
- Airports
- Indicators of the economy
Among the most important economic activities in Sinaloa, trade, agriculture, construction and real estate services and rental of movable and intangible assets stand out.
The State of Sinaloa is located in the north of the country and represents 2.9% of the national territory. It has a population of 2,966,321 inhabitants, according to the 2015 Intercensal Survey of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI).
Sinaloa is the most important agricultural state in Mexico, it also has an important livestock development. In 2014, the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of Sinaloa represented 2.1% of the national total. Agriculture, breeding and exploitation of animals, forestry, fishing and hunting, represented 7.0% of the national total by sector of economic activity.
The Quarterly Indicator of State Economic Activity (ITAEE), which offers an overview of short-term economic activities, during the first quarter of 2016 placed Sinaloa in third place nationally in terms of the economic activity index, thanks to an annual variation positive 5%.
In the same way, primary activities occupied the ninth national position, the secondary ones the third position and the tertiary ones the fourteenth national position in the index of economic activities.
In the third quarter of 2015, the economically active population (EAP) amounted to 1,330,650 people, which represented 60.1% of the working-age population.
According to INEGI, the value of exports from the mining and manufacturing sectors in 2014 was 769,708 (thousands of dollars), ranking 27th at the national level.
In 2016, during the January-June period, 284 million dollars entered the Sinaloa economy in family remittances.
Main economic activities in Sinaloa
Among the main economic activities are:
- Commerce, representing 22.4% of the activities
- Real estate services and rental of movable and intangible property with 13.9%
- Agriculture, breeding and exploitation of animals, forestry, fishing and hunting with 10.3%
- Construction with 8.8%
- The food industry with 6.9%
- Together they represent 62.3% of the state GDP.
The sectors considered strategic in Sinaloa's economy are: Agriculture, mining, construction, food industry, chemical industry, machinery and equipment, information services, food and meals.
According to INEGI data, in 2014 Sinaloa's GDP according to 2008 prices was 276,520 million pesos.
Of this total, agriculture, animal husbandry and exploitation, forestry, fishing and hunting had a share of 29,637 million pesos, mining 865 million pesos, the generation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy, water supply and gas to the final consumer 8,204 million pesos.
Trade also stands out with 63,553 million pesos, construction 23,752 million pesos, manufacturing industries 26,108 million pesos, real estate services and rental of movable and intangible goods 38,230 million pesos, educational services 14,926 with million pesos. pesos, With a smaller but important participation are cultural and sports leisure services, and other recreational services with 1,558 million pesos, temporary accommodation services and food and beverage preparation 5,574 million pesos and professional, scientific and technical services with 3,394 million pesos, among other sectors.
In 2015, foreign investments in the state presented a flow of 402.3 million dollars, being Canada, the United States and Germany, with 281.4 million dollars (millions of dollars), 99.2 million dollars, 30.6 million dollars, respectively, the first three in the list of flow of investment.
Sinaloa has 109,824 Economic Units, which represents 2.2% of the country, according to the National Statistical Directory of Economic Units.
Industrial and technology parks
Regarding the productive infrastructure, the state has 11 industrial or technological parks:
-El Trébol Industrial Park
-Topolobampo Industrial Fishing and Port Park
-Alfredo V. Bonfil Industrial Fishing and Port Park
-Mazatlán Industrial Park
-Industrial Park Canacintra I
-Industrial Park Costa Rica
-Canacintra II Industrial Park
-Guasave Industrial Park
-La Primavera Industrial Park
-Sinaloa Technology Park
-Los Mochis Ecological Industrial Park.
In addition, the state has a total of six ports, of which in three the main activity is fishing, two are commercial and one tourist.
Of these six, three qualify as high-altitude ports, that is, they serve vessels, people and navigation goods between national and international ports or points.
It has three international airports and 216 aerodromes, to guarantee effective communications.
Indicators of the economy
- United Mexican States, Secretary of Economy, "Sinaloa State and Economic Information", July 11, 2016. Available at: gob.mx
- National Institute of Statistics and Geography - Government of the State of Sinaloa, “Statistical and Geographic Yearbook of Sinaloa 2016”, Mexico, National Institute of Statistics and Geography 2016, 477p.
- National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI). "Bank of economic information". (2016, April 5). Available at: inegi.org.mx
- Autonomous University of Sinaloa, Faculty of Social Sciences - Council for the economic development of Sinaloa, "Economic and demographic structures of Sinaloa: Instrument for regional development planning", Culiacán, 2014. Available at: codesin.mx
- National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), July, 2016.