Here are the best quotes about spring from great authors such as Virginia Woolf, EE Cummings, Audrey Hepburn, Henry David Thoreau, Leo Tolstoy, Pablo Neruda and F. Scott Fitzgerald.
You may also be interested in these flower phrases.
-Spring brings a spirit of youth to everything. -William Shakespeare.
-Spring will come, as well as happiness. Wait. Life will get warmer. -Anita Krizzan.
-Spring is nature's way of saying, Let's celebrate! -Robin Williams.
-You can cut all the flowers, but you cannot avoid the arrival of spring. -Pablo Neruda.
-The promise of the arrival of spring is enough to help someone to endure the cold winter. -Jen Slelinsky.
-The day the lord created hope was probably the day he also created spring. -Bernard Williams.
-One thing is for sure in this world, there will always be more springs. -LM Montgomery.
-The first sprouts of spring always make my heart sing. -S. Brown.
-Spring awakens us, nourishes us and revitalizes us. -Gary Zukav.
-Spring adds new life and beauty to what already exists. -Jessica Harrelson.
-Winter is hard but spring is coming. -Steve Southerland
-April is a promise that May is obliged to fulfill. -Hal Borland.
-Spring is when you feel like whistling even with your shoes full of melted snow. -Doug Larson.
-The flowers of the late winter and early spring occupy places in our hearts in a magnitude very disproportionate to their size. -Gertrude S. Wister.
-Whenever it is spring, everyone is in love and the flowers pick themselves. -EE Cummings.
-Spring is the source of love for the thirsty winter. -Munia Khan.
-Spring has arrived. The earth has happily received the embraces of the sun and we will soon see the results of its love! -Sitting Bull.
-Spring, an experience on immortality. -Henry David Thoreau.
-Autumn comes early in the morning, but spring comes at the end of a winter day. -Elizabeth Bowen.
-The beautiful spring has arrived; and when nature resumes its beauty, the human soul is also fit to revive. -Harriett Ann Jacobs.
-Where flowers sprout, so does hope. -Lady Bird Johnson.
-Can words describe the fragrances of the breath of spring itself? -Nelje Blanchman.
-In the winter, I stretch and plan. In the spring, I act. -Henry Rollins.
-If you have never been moved to the edge of your soul by a flower in the spring, perhaps your soul has never blossomed. -Audra Foveo.
-Spring is the time for plans and projects. -Leo Tolstoy.
-I want to do to you what spring does to cherry trees. -Pablo Neruda.
-Each spring is actually a unique one, a perpetual wonder. -Ellis Peters.
-My heart is in a world of water and glass. My clothes are damp in these times of spring rain. -Du Fu.
-When spring arrives, the flowers learn their colored shapes. -Maria Konopnicka.
-If we didn't have winter, spring wouldn't be so comforting; if we didn't have a taste of adversity, prosperity wouldn't be so welcome. -Ane Bradstreet.
-The earth laughs through the flowers. -Ralph Waldo Emerson.
-With spring being a difficult act to continue, God created the month of June. -Al Bernstein.
-Spring is when life exists in everything. -Christina Rossetti.
-The best kind of spring morning is the best weather that God has to offer us. -Dodie Smith.
-The sweet showers of April create the spring flowers in May. -Thomas Tusser.
-I love spring flowers: daffodils and hyacinths are the best flowers for me. They are the essence of spring. -Kirsty Gallacher.
-The sun has risen, and the air is charged with a spring light. -Byron Caldwell Smith.
-Science has never been able to find a calming agent as effective as a sunny spring day. -W. Earl. Hall.
-Even though my heart is numb from the cold, my soul is blooming like spring. -Debashish Mridha.
-What a strange thing to be alive under cherry trees! -Kobayashi Issa.
-I think that no matter how old or sick I may get, I will always plant a great garden in the spring. -Edward Giobbi.
-In spring landscapes, nothing is better, and nothing is worse. The flowering branches are, among themselves, some short and others long. -Ryokan.
"Come gently, spring!" Ethereal goodness! Come. -James Thomson.
-In the spring, love is breathed in the air. Beware of flying passions or kisses that fly past your head. -Emma Racine de Fleur.
-Work in the spring is carried out with joyful enthusiasm. -John Muir.
-Only the farmer who faithfully plants seeds in the spring is the one who will have his harvest in the fall. -BC Forbes.
-The force of spring: mysterious, fruitful, powerful beyond all measure. -Michael Garofalo.
-Being interested in the changes of seasons is a happier state of mind than being hopelessly in love with spring. -George Santayama.
-An optimist is the human personification of spring. -Susan J. Bissonette.
-Spring is a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can be.
-Spring is God's way of saying: "one more time." -Robert Orben.
-In the spring, at the end of the day, you must smell like earth. -Margaret Atwood.
-Some old-fashioned things, like fresh air and sunlight, are hard to beat. -Charlotte Brontë.
-I love the feeling of freshness of fall and the sensuality of spring. -Cristopher Meloni.
-Spring shows us what God can do with a discolored and dirty world. -Virgil Kraft.
-With the arrival of spring, I feel calm again. -Gustav Mahler.
-I will try to pay attention to spring. I will look at all the flowers around me and see the busy trees. I will close my eyes and listen. -Anne Lammot.
-No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn. -Hal Borland.
-A single swallow does not make the season summer, but a skein of geese, interrupting the darkness of the March thaw, is spring. -Aldo Leopold.
-Life lies before me like an eternal spring, with a new and shiny garment. -Cal Friedrich Gauss.
-I leaned out the window looking for signs of the arrival of spring. The sky was almost blue, the trees were almost in bloom, and the sun was almost bright. -Millard Kaufman.
-Spring is the music of the open windows. -Terri Guillemets.
-It was one of those days in March when the sun shines warm and the air blows cold, when it is summer in the light but winter in the shade. -Charles Dickens.
-Deep roots never doubt that spring will come. -Marty Rubin.
-Everything is blooming in a rush. If there were voices instead of colors, an incredible scream would be heard in the heart of the night. -Rainer Maria Rilke.
-Spring makes its own statement so strong and clear that the gardener only seems to be one of the instruments and not the composer. -Geoffrey B. Charlesworth.
-Each April, God rewrites the book of Genesis.
-The world's favorite season is spring. All things seem possible in the month of May. -Edwin Way Teale.
-Yes, I deserve a spring. I do not owe anybody anything. -Virginia Woolf.
-Despite the forecast, live as if it were spring. -Lilly Pulitzer.
-If people didn't love each other, I couldn't find another reason for the existence of spring. -Victor Hugo.
-A flower after another flower marks the beginning of spring. -Algernon Charles Swinburne.
-Never cut a tree in the winter. Never make a negative decision in a moment of sadness. Never make your most important decisions when you feel at your worst. Wait. Be patient. The storm will pass. Spring will come. -Robert H. Schuller.
-A little madness in the spring is healthy, even for the king. -Emily Dickinson.
-Spring has returned. Earth is like a child who knows poems by heart. -Rainer Maria Rilke.
-I love spring everywhere, but if I could choose, I would always welcome it in a garden. -Ruth Stout.
-The sun was warm but the air was cold. You know, how it's an April day. -Robert Frost.
-Rebellion without truth is like spring in a desolate and arid desert. -Khalil Gibran.
-In the spring I have counted 136 different types of weather in 24 hours. -Mark Twain.
-During the long winter, I dream of my garden. On the first day of spring, I dip my hands deep into the soft earth. I can feel their energy and my spirits rush. -Helen Hayes.
-Spring is when the earth is closest to the sun, and has a strict flower calendar. -Alice Oswald.
"Spring will not allow me to stay in this house any longer!" I must go out and take a deep breath of air again. -Gustav Mahler.
-Only in my spring dreams will I be able to see my cherry trees blossom again. -Frances Hodgson Burnett.
-The greatest happiness of spring is without a doubt when it makes children go outside. -Edgar Guest.
-The spring of love is hidden and soon fills up. -Max Muller.