- The 7 main functions of a comptroller
- 1- Audit of accounts
- Legality and regularity
- Economy, efficiency and effectiveness
- Integrity
- Protection of individual rights
- 2- Evaluate financial management
- 3- Treasury
- 4- Tax management
- 5- Accountability to the State
- 6- Registry of public debt
- 7- Criminal and disciplinary investigations
- References
Among the main functions of the comptroller, it is important to ensure the legality of financial operations. The comptroller is responsible for auditing the income and expenses of an entity.
The principles of integrity and efficiency are the criteria that are considered in this audit work. This audit is carried out at all levels of the organization to evaluate budgetary and management matters.
In the case of a nation's comptroller, it is in this instance where the public debt is recorded and the accounts of public servants are monitored to detect possible acts of corruption. It is an instance with administrative, functional and financial autonomy.
The Latin American countries that have this figure are Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela and Chile. It also works in the United Kingdom and the United States, although with a different structure.
Normally, the holder of this unit is an accountant, administrator or some profession similar to these.
The 7 main functions of a comptroller
The comptroller's office is an organization that ensures the correct functioning of all the institutions of a country, in light of the criteria of legality, efficiency and effectiveness. Its ultimate goal: to protect and recover the resources of the State.
Each country assigns more or fewer functions to its comptroller; but in general, the following are the most important:
1- Audit of accounts
The comptroller defines the methods to be used by those responsible for the funds to render accounts of their management.
Public and private companies, political parties, non-governmental organizations and any entity that may affect national interests is audited.
This process can be described as a compilation of information on the activities of the audited organizations, to evaluate them in the light of the current standards.
The comptroller also defines the criteria to be used for said audits, which are generally the following:
Legality and regularity
It must be determined whether the management of public funds has been done respecting the legal framework of the nation. Likewise, it must be verified whether this respect for the rules is maintained over time.
Economy, efficiency and effectiveness
This criterion attempts to guide the audit towards verifying how many resources were used on the job.
Seeks to determine if the objective was actually achieved. An attempt is also made to determine if there is a relationship between resources and the objective achieved.
It consists of a review of the degree to which public employees follow the rules of conduct that govern their work as servants of the nation.
Protection of individual rights
In this case, it is evaluated whether the organism object of the audit respects the legal framework related to the respect and promotion of individual rights.
2- Evaluate financial management
In a comptroller's office the focus of attention is on the accounts of those responsible for the treasury. The objective is to reduce and prevent corruption and inefficiency in financial management.
3- Treasury
In a certain sense, the comptroller must also carry out tasks of the treasury, inasmuch as it must account for the treasure or assets of a State.
The objective will always be to verify that such assets are safeguarded and well used.
4- Tax management
In some nations, the comptroller supervises the tax collection process and its allocation within the national budget.
The comptroller has the right to be formally informed about the fiscal management of public officials, and of any person or entity (public or private) that manages national funds or assets.
Likewise, comptroller professionals can present bills related to fiscal control and the operation of the comptroller general.
5- Accountability to the State
Like any public instance, the comptroller's office is also responsible for rendering accounts of its actions before the State authorities. Must submit substantiated reports of the balance of public finances.
Just as it conducts audits, the comptroller must also be audited periodically and its officers must undergo evaluation.
6- Registry of public debt
The accounts of a country include assets and debts, so the comptroller also keeps an account of the accumulated debt.
The objective is to ensure that the country in question finds ways to pay this debt without going undercapitalized.
Likewise, an attempt is made to support the negotiation of the debt in the most convenient terms for the parties.
7- Criminal and disciplinary investigations
The comptroller carries out investigations that lead to criminal or disciplinary sanctions against those who have incurred in corruption with the patrimonial interests of a country.
During these investigation processes, the comptroller's office has the power to demand the suspension of officials suspected of having committed any wrongdoing, until their innocence is proven.
The State Comptroller also investigates complaints from individuals who have been harmed by actions of public authorities.
- Cuervo, Jorge (2013). The Attorney General's Office and the Comptroller's Office: what are they for and how to improve them? Recovered from: razonpublica.com
- Visible choice (s / f). Functions of the Controller. Recovered from: eleccionvisible.com
- Mevaker (s / f). The functions and powers of the State Comptroller. Recovered from: mevaker.gov.il
- Mulverhill, Lauren & other (2016). What does a comptroller do, anyway? Recovered from: comptroller.texas.gov
- Salcedo, José María (2016). What is the Comptroller's Office and what is the role of the comptroller? Recovered from: rpp.pe