I leave you the best phrases of If I decide to stay, an American film published in 2014, whose main characters are Mia Hall and Adam. It stars actors Chloë Grace Moretz, Jamie Blackley and is directed by RJ Cutler.
You may also be interested in these love movie phrases.
-Sometimes I think that funerals are too much like death itself. You can have your wishes, your plans, but at the end of the day, it is out of our control. –Mia Hall.
-A small part of me felt like I was committing some kind of betrayal. Julliard was in New York. Adam was here. –Mia Hall.
"Is this what death feels like?" Like the most pleasant, warm and deep sleep? If that's what death is like, I wouldn't mind dying at all. –Mia Hall.
-Parts of my father's brain are on the asphalt. But his pipe is in his pocket on my left breast. –Mia Hall.
-It's all quiet now. So quiet that you can hear other people's dreams. –Mia's grandfather.
-People believe what they want to believe. -Kim.
-I have a feeling that once you've experienced something like this, you become a little invincible. -Mine.
-Promise it. Promise me that you will spend New Years Eve with me next year. –Adam.
-If I felt like a fish out of water in my family, I felt like a fish on Mars in Adam's circle. –Mia Hall.
-Finger it until you get it. "Mia's mom."
-My parents are not here. They are not holding my hand or cheering me on. –Mia Hall.
-Love. This one never dies. It never goes away, it never fades, as long as you hold on to it. Love can make you immortal. –Mia Hall.
-Sometimes you make decisions in life, and other times decisions transform you into who you are. Does any of this make sense to you? –Mia Hall's dad.
-Come on me. You are surrounded by your family. -Henry.
-I'm dead? The point has come where I have to ask myself this. –Mia Hall.
-I wanted to sound joking, but I ended up sounding bitter. –Mia Hall
-I know it's silly but sometimes I wonder if my dad was disappointed in me for not turning into a rock girl. –Mia Hall.
-In fact, I'd rather go with my family. –Mia Hall.
-My dad seemed to understand that something had happened. He had stopped arguing and had obtained his driver's license. (…) Time to grow. –Mia Hall.
-I would understand if you choose love, Adam's love, about your love for music. Either way you would win. And either way you would lose. What can I tell you? Love is a bastard. "Mia Hall's mom."
-Please don't die. I can understand why you would like to do it, but think about this: if you die there will be one of those cheesy moments (…) at school, where everyone puts flowers, candles and notes on you. I know you would hate something like that. -Kim.
-The car radio continues transmitting as if that quiet February morning continued as before. –Mia Hall.
-I was taken by surprise how much I wanted to be kissed by him, to realize that I thought about it so often that I had memorized the exact shape of his lips. –Mia Hall.
-In books and movies, the stories always end with the couple finally giving their romantic kiss. The “happily ever after” part is always taken for granted. –Mia Hall.
-I do not care. I just need a second to show him that I was here. That someone is still here. –Adam.
-I always felt like I came from a different family. She was not like my outgoing and ironic father, nor a tough girl like my mother. She had also chosen to play the cello. –Mia Hall.
-I shouldn't care. You shouldn't have to work that hard. I realize now that dying is easy. Living is difficult. –Mia Hall.
-But you, who are here tonight, are the same with whom I was in love yesterday, and the same with whom I will be in love tomorrow. –Adam.
-One of my breasts was exposed. Sorry, I look away. –Mia Hall.
-And that? Am I like a social experiment for you? –Mia Hall.
-I walk over and now I know it's not Teddy who's lying there. It's me. –Mia Hall.
-Maybe it was because we were too similar. –Mia Hall.
-I was still scared, but in a way it comforted me that stage fright was a trait I had inherited from my father. –Mia Hall.
"Even if sleet falls, not even half an inch of snow falls, will it convince me to dress as a lumberjack." "Mia Hall's dad."
-I'm not choosing, but I'm running out of the will to fight. –Mia Hall.
- It is not necessary to judge so unfairly. It must be heartbreaking to bury your own son. –Mia Hall.
-For my first recital, they gave me a cello. And for this, they gave me to you. –Mia Hall.
Losing me is going to hurt, and it will be that kind of pain that won't feel real at first, and when it does, it will take your breath away. –Mia Hall referring to Kim.
-She didn't care that people called her a bitch. "It's just another word to say feminist," she told me proudly. –Mia Hall referring to her mother.
-I'm obsessed with music and yet it doesn't transport me like you do. –Adam.
-So I played. And even if it doesn't look like it, the cello didn't sound too bad on all those guitars. In fact, it sounded pretty impressive. –Mia Hall.
-Girlfriend is such a stupid word. He couldn't bear to call her that way. So we had to get married so we could call her wife. "Mia's dad."
"No one had ever said that to me before, and while I was automatically furious, deep down I was also flattered that it elicited enough feelings worthy of the name." –Mia Hall.
-I just wanted to tell you that I understand if you want to leave. It's okay if you need to leave us. It's okay if you need to stop fighting. –Mia's grandfather.
-I did not care. I was excited for a baby. And I knew Carnegie Hall was not going anywhere. It would get to her one day. –Mia Hall.
-I'm not sure if this is a world I still belong to. I'm not sure I want to wake up. –Mia Hall.
-Adam had chosen me, and this I did not understand. Why had he fallen in love with me? It did not make sense. –Mia Hall.
-Dad was wrong. It is true that you do not have control over your funeral, but sometimes you do have the choice to die. –Mia Hall.
-I was running things. Everyone was waiting for me. I decide. Now I realize. –Mia Hall.
- I had this notion that love can do everything. By the time Adam had left me from the concert (…), I think we both realized that we were in love. –Mia Hall.
-If you decide to stay, I'll do what you want. I'll quit the band and go with you to New York. But if you need me to go. I will also do that. (…) I'll let you go. If you decide to stay. –Adam.
-Don't be afraid, women can bear the worst kind of pain. You'll find out one day "Mia's mom."