I leave you the best phrases of PXNDX, a Mexican pop-rock rock band formed by José Madero Vizcaíno, Ricardo Treviño Chapa, Arturo Arredondo Treviño and Jorge Vázquez Martínez “Kross”.
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-But I no longer thought about it. It hurts so much to say it, but it didn't happen. I already thought about it, my dignity comes first. "When it's not how it should be."
-We have an appointment in the operating room, the doctor will come, he will apply surgery. It will remove my heart, heart transplant, there goes my pain. -Appointment in the quirofano.
-Believe me that I learned to no longer forgive, believe me because you finished all, all my goodness. Now I just hope to see you with someone else, to begin. "You have no chance against my nasty imagination."
-I swear that if you're on fire, don't worry, I'll take care of it, I'll look for gasoline. Call out my name I challenge you, you will suffocate the feeling. -… and from gasoline love was reborn.
-I have to warn you, you have to know, that the same and I will not be at dawn. You think I only want you for once, but you know what, two would be fine. –Procedures to reach a common agreement.
-I want to be there, I will not arrive, because I do not deserve you, I am not who you think, I do not do you good. I should tell you about you, if you have to deserve. -You.
-Friend come, I invite you to a drink (I do not drink thanks). You do not drink, well, I invite you to a coffee (good). I want to remember the crazy time, yesterday when we were sixteen. -Maracas.
-If you want, we can try, I turn to the sky and I can't find what to look at, because in the middle of spring, I already feel wither. - Illness at home.
-You went with another, you preferred another, you went with him because he had a lot of gold, but I don't understand what you see about him: fat, short and ugly, there is nothing like him. "Cut me off with scissors."
-I am very convinced that it is the solution, to be intense with discretion. I am very convinced that this will punish you, being and not being equal to intense or casual. -The infamous "being and not being."
-It is true that every evening, every awakening, I never manage to forget her face. Begging for mercy, forgive me now. -Amnesty.
-And to say everything is worse, that like her, my will also died. I want to tell her that everything goes wrong, that I would reach her if I had the opportunity. –The unfortunate do not cry.
-Supposing that beauty is natural in people, because beauty is the word that I have not yet been able to specify. Disguise, disguise, artificial narcissist. Disguise, disguise, everything is mental - Narcissist par excellence.
-I would be happy if my singing makes you feel very special, that my singing can give you pleasure and thus grow old together, but I could not make you happy, I already decided to leave. –Our affliction.
-I will invent some punishment to make you suffer, things are not going to stay that way. Let me make you suffer please, because there is no love. -Appointment in the quirofano.
-I am not competent for you, I want to know what it is that the person does not have. Come tell me I'm not right for you. -Almost zero self-esteem.
-How did it feel to touch someone who was not me? As you brushed the sheets with someone else, I know you thought of me. I hope you enjoyed it! –Only to third parties.
"I should have hated her for leaving me here, but she didn't choose." I am a simple crazy lover, I have learned my lesson. –The unfortunate do not cry.
-I know, you want to have me, and I promise you, I promise not to talk to you about love. You want to have me, your huge body, without clothing, I respectfully want to touch it. –Procedures to reach a common agreement.
- If you go, never forget that I will remember you. I know very well that in the end you and I will be together, I have already lost the fear of falling, the fear of heights, I will jump with you. -Fear of heights.
-I would never break your heart, unless you give me a reason. You are a carousel, toss it more, it almost feels good. -10 AM.
-Deception is something that was not between the two, and in the end you made it something real. Cross out all the times I told you something about this heart. I withdraw what was said. –Promises / Disappointments.
-Because you are dead, you will be dead. You can be calm, because only in dreams do I dare to kill. -Sorry for the bad thoughts.
-In red you look good, match your eyes and your skin. You look good in red, blood red. -Sorry for the bad thoughts.
-Happy I am, I do not want to learn, that process is painful, but if you are not here, I can do nothing. –Crew, build slides.
-We serenade together, together up to that balcony. You the guitar and I maracas, she fifteen and we sixteen. -Maracas.
-I didn't see you the same anymore, I let time go by, to see if one day you would realize it, but that didn't happen. Until a good day came! –Rest = Hate me.
-I ask you please, always remember my love, that I will be here whenever you want. What you will have to do, just resurrect, because I always eliminate you remember. -Until the end.
-We will forget all those moments that we spent together. I swear that I will not be able to forget, because revenge is a priority. -Sorry for the bad thoughts.
- Come, add salt, add a little more salt, salt the wounds so that it burns a little more, so it will give me more courage, I will lack mercy. "My hurricane bore your name."
-You are absolutely right, this was love. You realized late, what we missed. –Sports jacket and white carnation.
- Nothing, none of that interests me. I want to know myself more, because I no longer know what my goal is. –Casual conversation.
- Remember that you like to be manipulated, and you also wish very strongly that it be tomorrow. –Pathetica.
-I promise to sing, that melody that makes you smile. You prefer to hear, that song which I cannot play. - Separate attached.
-You don't have an idea of loneliness, because you're already with someone else. Time will teach you, I was always the best to forgive. -Until the end.
-I will stop being a burden. Well, I can't take any more farces, I can't help it to feel that my flame dies when you're not there. –Our affliction.
-And today, I feel so right, and I have every intention of hurting like you, with your magic words, that they hurt, and they hit me again. –Your sharp words.
-And although you never left me, there was always fear that you would commit fraud to my love. And now I understand that my heart deserves an explanation. Come explain! –Only to third parties.
-Because now I no longer have a place to hide fear, and fear is still alive and lives it here with me. -Narcicist by excellence.
-Smile please, smile girl I'll stay. I swear I will stay, if you want to cry. If you cry I will leave at dawn, I will leave at dawn. "Because we can still say one more time."
-Hate me. Maybe this is better. Remember how easy it is. Maybe this is better. Hate me, because I'm calm now. "When it's not how it should be."
-When you look at me like that, it resurrects what has died of me. When it turns out that you love me now, I'm not here. –Free grazing.