I leave you the best phrases of Rocky Balboa, the movie character played and created by Sylvester Stallone. This is an Italian-American boxer who fights and trains hard to win and advance his career.
His films have been Rocky (1976), Rocky II (1979), Rocky III (1982), Rocky IV (1985), Rocky V (1990), Rocky Balboa (2006) and Creed (2015).
You may also be interested in these Sylvester Stallone phrases or these from movies.
-If you know what you are worth, go and get what you deserve, but you will have to endure the blows.
-It is your right to listen to your destiny, no one has the right to say no after you have earned the right to be what you want to be and do what you want to do.
-You know, a lot of people come to Vegas to lose, I don't.
-Every champion was once a contender who refused to surrender.
-Until you start to believe in yourself you won't have a life.
-Go to another round when you think you can't. That is what makes the difference in life.
-No one owes anyone anything. You owe it to yourself.
-Remember, the mind is your best muscle. Big arms can move rocks, but big words can move mountains.
-To defeat me, you will have to kill me. He will have to have a Heart to stand in front of me and to do that, he must be willing to die himself.
-Time takes everyone out. Time is undefeated.
-I think there is an internal power that makes winners or losers. And the winners are the ones who really hear the truth from their hearts.
-If this is something you want to do, and if it is something you must do, then you do it. The fighters fight.
-Fear is like fire, if you control it, it will warm you and keep you alive, but if it controls you, it will burn you and destroy you.
-If I can change and you can change, everyone can change.
-Until you start to believe in yourself, you will not have a life.
-Let me tell you something you already know. The world is not rainbows and sunrises. Actually it is an evil and disgusting place. And it doesn't matter how tough you are, it will hit you and bring you to your knees and will leave you there if you let it. Neither you nor anyone else will hit as hard as life. But no matter how hard you can hit, it matters how hard I can hit you and keep going, how much you can resist and keep going. That's what winners do. Now if you know what you are worth, go ahead and get what you are worth. But you should be able to take the blows and not point your finger and say that you are what you are because of that or the other. That is what cowards do. And you're not a coward. You are better than that.
-You hold on while you advance, you have to endure while continuing to advance, that's how you win
-Only those who run the risk of moving forward can know where they can go.
-Nobody remembers you, they only remember your reputation.
-You have to prove that the last thing that ages in someone is their heart.
-Come on, you're like that, you've always been like that. You don't let anyone pass you until you let them pass.
-If you are willing to go through all the necessary struggle to get where you want, no one has the right to stop you.
-The only respect that matters is self-respect.
-When you and I fought, your gaze was that of a tiger, that of a real beast.
-The boxers box, it doesn't matter what others think, what matters is what you think.
-Remember where you came from and what it took you to get here and especially what he did to you last time.
-The great insults last a long time.
-If you spend a long time in a place, in the end you are part of it.
-Occasionally, a person arrives who defies all odds, all logic and fulfills an incredible dream.- (Rocky III).
-No one owes anything to anyone. You owe it to yourself.- (Rocky III).
-All you had to do is ask.- (Rocky III).
"You're going to have to go through hell, worse than any nightmare you've ever imagined." But when I'm done, I know you'll be the one to stand up. You know what you have to do. Do it.- (Rocky IV).
-Going to one more round when you think you can't, makes all the difference in your life.- (Rocky IV).
-Because if you are willing to go through all the struggles you have to go through to get where you want, who has the right to stop you? - (Rocky VI).
-It does not matter how hard you hit, but how strong you are when they hit you.
-Why do you have to be in debt to offer something?
-Nothing ends until you feel it ends.