- 15 basic but important rules of courtesy
- 1- Say hello
- 2- Punctuality
- 3- Know how to listen
- 5- Hygiene
- 6- Ostentation
- 7- Discretion
- 8- Self-control
- 9- Conciseness
- 11- Cordiality and kindness
- 12- Please and thank you
- 13- Vulgarity
- 14- Serenity
- 15- Comprehension
- References
The rules of courtesy have evolved with the human being, even though in many societies these rules have been relegated to the background, communication and all that it implies, are the basis on which most of our activities are based. social life.
In this sense, through language communication materializes, however, to make a good interpretation of what is communicated, only words are not enough. It is also necessary attitude and non-verbal communication.
Carrying out a good interpretation does not rely solely on the translation of the semantic meaning of words, but also requires a mental process based on aspects such as words, gestures, codes, treatments, and above all, courtesy.
The latter is a set of social norms that have been established by the members of a community and whose purpose is to regulate the behavior of individuals to favor some forms of behavior and correct others.
In the current age, it is incredible to observe the contrast between the absence of good manners and courtesy of some people that is often replaced by insulting or grotesque ways, and the attractiveness of well-educated women who know how to deal with other people in a common environment. That is why to live in harmony with our peers in the environment where we operate.
15 basic but important rules of courtesy
1- Say hello
As we well know, the greeting is, in addition to a form of courtesy, a demonstration of affection and kindness.
When a person is in a crowded place, it is correct to say good morning or good afternoon even if the people present are not known, on the street instead it is only customary to greet acquaintances and the type of greeting will depend on the degree of friendship or personal or professional relationship and this greeting should always be answered.
2- Punctuality
This is one of the most elementary rules of courtesy, since as human beings we are inconsiderate when making other people wait.
When this lack occurs, the feeling of stealing the time of others is created, which could well have been used in a much more productive way.
With regard to punctuality and its value, you should also avoid creating the feeling that we are in a hurry, in case you have to leave, you should communicate without nervousness and with simplicity.
3- Know how to listen
A simple conduct and a trusting attitude towards others is one of the most essential elements to build the relationship with society; a simple person makes himself loved and respected very easily since there is nothing that impedes personal relationships more than an arrogant attitude and devoid of respect.
Arrogant people expect to receive praise and special treatment from others, while simple people treat others as equals without expecting to be served or receive special consideration.
5- Hygiene
Although not many would consider it a rule, home as well as personal hygiene is an important factor in human relationships and life within a society. It is rude to show up at an event, in a home, or anywhere that looks or even smells bad.
6- Ostentation
In addition to being a great risk to our security, exposing our material goods to the world makes us look vain and materialistic. If there are things in life that are difficult to hide, they are money, love and education, so it will not be necessary to express it, people will notice it for themselves.
The ostentation in a person places them in an unwanted and also dangerous place, many times they will become a victim of envy or could even be considered as an unpleasant person.
7- Discretion
It is a quality that is priceless. A person who is indiscreet always poses a danger to coexistence and can in fact become a big problem.
If discretion is taken care of with personal matters, much more should be done with other people's affairs, for example, it is preferable to silence foreign or personal matters than speak them unnecessarily.
8- Self-control
As human beings we have the need to express our feelings, but in life there is a time for everything. Although our temperament influences the way we have to express our feelings, you must have control of yourself to know how to express it appropriately
9- Conciseness
In social relationships it is essential to know how to value and observe all the factors in order to maintain an understanding attitude towards the opinions of others.
Avoiding gestures or comments that are inappropriate or that may annoy people for the simple fact of not agreeing on an opinion, is a sign not only of immaturity, but also a lack of respect.
11- Cordiality and kindness
These are just fruits of a good education. Knowing how to find the right words and the right moments are characteristics of kind people. This is demonstrated with words, gestures and actions and a phrase that describes it well is "treat people as you want to be treated."
12- Please and thank you
Two extremely powerful words that have the gift of opening the doors of any place to us. These are two words that every human being must learn and use in a harmonious society, since no one wants things to be imposed on them, much less deal with ungrateful people; in short they are traits of courteous people.
13- Vulgarity
A person's language not only denotes his level of intelligence, but also his degree of education, so that eccentric people who make use of elaborate, corny or vulgar expressions are rarely worthy of admiration.
Like rudeness, using words with double meaning shows very bad taste when its background is a vulgar subject. Show courtesy to speak frankly, using appropriate language for each situation and being prudent when speaking in front of each type of listener.
14- Serenity
Maintaining good manners goes beyond what we say, it is also about showing that in some moments serenity, lucidity and stability are necessary, which means that when a conversation takes on a nuance of discussion or debate, an educated person you will know how to change the subject or even respond appropriately and calmly to obtain a profitable solution.
15- Comprehension
When you have the ability to consider and understand others, you should gracefully ignore other people's mistakes without making them momentous.
It is also important that if we realize that the person who is having a conversation with us has not understood us, avoid using expressions that in some way can mortify their self-love.
That is, although we believe that we explain ourselves clearly enough, it is courteous to use phrases such as "I was not fortunate enough to explain myself well" or "I have certainly not been able to make myself understood" instead of making an exclamation that highlights whoever accompanies us.
- Cantos Peré, M. (2013-2014) Analysis of the modalization and courtesy in the parliamentary debate. Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona. Recovered from scholar.google.es.
- Soto Díez, C. (2004) Good manners. Uses and social customs. The protocol. Recovered from books.gogle.co.ve.
- Asghar, R. (2014) 27 Etiquette Rules for our times. Recovered from forbes.com
- Carreño, M. (1853) Urbanity. Compendium of the manual of civility and good manners. Recovered from google.com.