These nutrition and food phrases communicate the importance of having a healthy diet to be happy, promote our well-being and take advantage of our full potential.
You may also be interested in these health phrases or these about food and gastronomy.
-Those who think they do not have time for healthy eating will sooner or later find time for illness.-Edward Stanley.
-We never regret having eaten too little.-Thomas Jefferson.
-A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools. – Spanish proverb.
- Striving to carry adequate nutrition is the best investment for your body and mind that you can make.
-The food you eat can be the most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.-Ann Wigmore.
-Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food.-Hippocrates.
-Eating is a necessity, but eating wisely is an art.-La Rochefoucauld.
-Over 80% of the food on the supermarket shelves today did not exist 100 years ago.-Larry McCleary.
-We are what we eat, but what we eat can help us to be much more than we are.-Alice May Brock.
-The greatest wealth is health.-Virgilio.
-Just because you're not sick doesn't mean you're healthy.
-The man is what he eats.-Lucrecio.
-Eating healthy food is the simplest way to get rid of excess weight and become healthy and slim forever.-Subodh Gupta.
-Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.-Adelle Davis.
-I have seen few die of hunger, of eating hundreds.-Benjamin Franklin.
-Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are.-GK Chesterton.
-Water is one of the most neglected nutrients in your diet, but it is one of the most vital.-Julia Child.
-If you eat a balanced diet, you get all the vitamins and minerals you need and you do not need supplements, in fact the overdose can be worse.-Subodh Gupta.
-You are what you eat. What would you like to be? -Julie Murphy.
-The doctor of the future will no longer treat human beings with drugs; It will cure and prevent diseases with nutrition.-Thomas Edison.
The first wealth is health.-Ralph Waldo Emerson.
-Eating smart will not only make you smarter, it is the smart thing to do. You will be at a much lower risk of needing to rely on doctors and medicines to maintain your health.
Today, more than 95% of chronic diseases are caused by food, toxic ingredients, nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical exercise.- Mike Adams.
-By going to bed early and getting up early, makes a man healthy, rich and intelligent.-Benjamin Franklin.
-Don't reward yourself with unhealthy meals, reward yourself with fun and healthy activities.
-If you continue to eat unhealthy food, no matter how many weight loss tips you follow, you will probably retain weight and become obese. If you start eating healthy food, you will be amazed at how easy it is to lose weight.-Subodh Gupta.
-If we could give each individual the right amount of nutrition and exercise, neither too little nor too much, we would have found the safest path to health.-Hippocrates.
-Any food that requires improvement due to the use of chemical substances should not be considered as food.-John H. Tobe.
-Eating is always a decision, nobody forces your hand to pick up food and put it in your mouth.-Albert Ellis.
-You don't have to cook complicated meals. Simply healthy food from fresh ingredients.-Julia Child.
-Vegetables are a must in the diet.-Jim Davis.
-You cannot fit your grave with your own knife and fork.-English proverb.
-The healthy man is the thin man. But you don't need to go hungry. Eliminate flours, starches and sugars, that's all.-Samael Aun Weor.
-Wanting a body to function well without eating healthy is like waiting for a car to run on the wrong gasoline.
-The intelligent man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings. Let food be your medicine.-Hippocrates.
-Most people don't have a problem with their diet. Her problem is being consistent with her diet.-Karen Sessions.
-He who takes medicine and rejects the diet, wastes the skills of the doctor.-Chinese proverb.
-The appetite is governed by our thoughts, but hunger is governed by the body.-Clement G. Martin.
-An apple a day keeps the doctor away.-Proverb.
-Fast food is like a movie for adults, nutritionally speaking.-Steve Elbert.
-Our bodies are the most precious thing we have in life; feed them healthy food.
-Don't turn your stomach into a garbage bag.
-A man too busy to take care of his food, is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.-Proverb.
-Resist your appetites and you will have conquered human nature.-Charles Dickens.
-May food be medicine and medicine be food.-Hippocrates.
-Controlling a correct weight is not a complicated science. Our body is made of food that we eat on a daily basis. If we are overweight or obsessed, the sure thing is that the food we eat is unhealthy.-Subodh Gupta.
-Food, like money, should be working for you.-Rita Deattrea Beckford.
-Moderation is the only rule of a healthy life. That means moderation in all healthy things.-Herbert M. Shelton.
-Physical activity is not only the most important key to a healthy body, it is the basis of a dynamic and creative intellectual activity.-John F. Kennedy.
-He who is healthy has hope and he who has hope has everything.-Arabic proverb.
-Don't let your stomach rule your mind.
-All you need is love, but a little chocolate from time to time does not hurt.-Charles M. Schulz.
-If you are not hungry to eat an apple, you are not hungry enough.
-You only have one body; Feed him well and he will return the favor.
-Nutrition and diet is a habit to which you have to adapt. It is as expensive to leave an unhealthy diet as a healthy diet.
-The habit of eating a healthy diet, along with exercising, is the best you can adopt to lead a long and energetic life.
-A proper nutrition will not only give you a longer life, it will improve your quality of life and your well-being during all your days.
-When you eat unhealthy food, you do not see the short-term effects, but it can be said that it is like putting another brick to the wall that will separate you from well-being and health.
-A healthy diet not only keeps you slim and fit; strengthens your mind and therefore helps to improve all areas of your life.
-To eat a healthy diet is to value and be grateful to life; Eating junk food is denying the gift that has been given to you.
-A healthy and varied nutrition is the key to prevent diseases, have energy to enjoy life and feel strong to overcome obstacles.
-The mental and physical life interact; a physically healthy person tends to improve their mental health and a mentally healthy person tends to improve their physical health.
-To suppose that food is the only source of happiness is to deny all the stimuli that life offers us. Eat just enough and you will have a healthy physique to enjoy all that life has to offer.
-Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if vegetables smelled as good as bacon.-Doug Larson.
-Health is a state of complete harmony of body, mind and spirit.-BKS Iyengar.
-Health is like money, we do not know its true value until we lose it.-Josh Billings.
-Our bodies are our gardens. Our will are our gardeners.-William Shakespeare.
-Time and health are two valuable assets that we do not recognize or appreciate until they are exhausted.-Denis Waitley.
-To ensure good health: Eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate joy, and keep an interest in life.-William Londen.
-Eating is not only a material pleasure. Eating well brings spectacular joy to life and contributes greatly to goodwill, morale, and happiness.-Elsa Schiaparelli
-The cheapest way to achieve good health is taking care of nutrition.
-Life is the tragedy of nutrition.-Arnold Ehret.
-Think about the tree of nutrition. Even though people grab the fruits, the plant continues to produce. So give him all the love he has, don't reserve anything for yourself. What you give is not lost, it will return.-Kamand Kojouri.
-Even in this technological age, plants (lacking in technology) are still the key to nutrition and health.-Jack Weatherford.
-To change our eating habits, we must learn to eat with awareness, to realize when we chew, to savor what we eat, so that the brain can register the input of nutrients.-John M. Poothullil.
-Adjust your mind so that your meals and snacks are vegan. Get used to eating large amounts of vegetables instead of submitting to traditional western diets.-Mark Sisson.
-Our genes expect us to consume fat, they see agricultural products (and modern food such as sugar) as poisons. They see the lack of sun and exercise as a problem. We have not adapted to modern life due to lack of pressure.-Mark Sisson.
-Your “factory programming” is to be an efficient beast when it comes to burning fat.-Mark Sisson.
-Two million years ago, our ancestors spent days without eating anything and carbohydrates were very scarce. The truth is that fat is the preferred fuel for human metabolism.-Mark Sisson.
-Exercise stimulates an increase in appetite and calorie consumption.-Mark Sisson.
-Eating cholesterol and negative fats will cause heart problems if and only if you take a bath is an overdose of insulin and glucose.-Mark Sisson.
-Eat your food slowly and chew each portion thoroughly. Ideally, chew between 20 and 30 times to facilitate digestion.-Mark Sisson.
-The faster you invest in your health, the more dividends you will get later.-Tarun Sharma.
-Don't train to have a better body. Train to be a better body.-Nate Hamon.
-Take care of your body. It is the only place you can live.-Jim Rohn.
-Sugar is a problem in an average diet, but it is not THE problem.-Catherine Saxelby.
-The formula for care is simple-NDTF (5R): Nutrients Inside and Toxins Outside in the 5 Realms (Mental, Emotional, Physical, Environmental and Spiritual).- Nina Leavins.
- Obesity is not a disease. It is an affliction as a result of a lifestyle. It is a symptom. It is a side effect of poor eating habits and is reversible.-Nancy S. Mure.
-It is childish to eat only in order to please your taste buds.-Mokokoma Mokhonoana.
-Health first, then everything else.-Nancy S. Mure.
-A mother who does not feed her children with genetically modified foods is an avid researcher, a conscious protector and the most efficient teacher of natural health.-Nancy S. Mure.
-If human beings come to understand the importance of natural food, it will be the beginning of a new era in the history of human life, it will simply be paradise.-Arshavir Ter Hovannessian.
-Never, never, never is wrong to eat more fruit.-Nancy S. Mure.
18-An unhealthy life is destined to end in an unhealthy death.-Nancy S. Mure.
24-Optimal nutrition is eating the right things, in the right portions, at the right time.-Siim Land.
-Your body is your body, learn more about it.-Josh Bezoni.
-Lead a healthy lifestyle creating a space for good nutrition.-Dave Shepp.
-Most people get fat because they succumb to cravings. But when you control yourself, without feeling that you are depriving yourself of anything, the extra weight disappears.-Josh Bezoni.
-The key to following any diet is learning to control hunger and manage cravings.-Josh Bezoni.
-Balance your body for better results. A balanced body improves electrical communication between muscles and makes you stronger, faster.-Josh Bezoni.
-Focus on progress, not perfection.-Josh Bezoni.
-When the body has a problem, we have to find what it is and eliminate the cause, not simply medicate the symptom.
-Eating healthy is not about counting the grams of fat, dieting, cleaning your stomach and ingesting antioxidants. It is about eating food as we find it in nature and in a balanced way.-Pooja Mottl.
-Natural food (like whole grains) give us all we need to nourish ourselves.-Pooja Mottl.
-You can get hooked on sugar just as much as on drugs, tobacco or alcohol. The effects of sugar on your brain are the same as these other substances have.-Thorbjorg Hafsteinsdottir.
-The key to health and weight loss: reduce stress, sleep, breathe deeply, clean water, complete nutrition, sunlight, walk, stretch, meditate, love, live in community, laugh, dream, persevere, purpose, humility and action.-Bryant McGill.
-For half a century, we have been making the food that people should eat less delicious (fruits, whole grains, fresh meats). At the same time, we've made the foods you shouldn't eat tastier (fast food, drinks). - Mark Schatzker.
-With industry sales and marketing disguised as virtuosity, it's no surprise that most Americans don't realize that the junk they eat as food is actually the biggest contributor to the health crisis.. Colin Campbell.
-We do not have to know the effects of an agent on health because that is not how nature works. Nutrition has a complete effect on health, one that we misunderstand when we focus on a single nutrient.-T. Colin Campbell.
-Cold water fish from remote regions, free of contamination (anchovies, salmon, sardines, among others) are one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. No other food has such a high level of Omega 3..- Mark Sisson.
-The human body seems indestructible when you are young. But it is very fragile and must be cared for in order for it to serve our lives. Often times, we abuse drugs, eat poorly or injure ourselves while doing sports, this can cause future problems.-James C. Dobson.