I leave you with the best phrases of Mónica Robles, a character based on the Mexican drug trafficker Enedina Arellano Félix and who appears in the Telemundo series, El señor de los cielos.
Robles is a character that has gained popularity because she represents female empowerment. She is strong-willed, daring and with enough attitude not to allow herself to be bossed around by any man, even if he is a drug lord. However, even better known are his phrases, which reflect his personality. You may also be interested in these typical Mexican phrases.
-Don't speak ill of the beast you couldn't tame.
-What men change? Sure, but for a woman.
-They have not broken my heart, they have opened my eyes, and that hurts more.
-I choose who I fuck, and you are the last on the list.
-I decided to get away from you when it hurt me more to be with you than without you.
-Locate yourself; although the floor is even, there are levels.
-I forgive but I never forget.
- I am of few friends, because I do not like to collect hypocrites.
-If you don't like the way I am, then… fuck it. The door is over there.
-Poor the bastard who drops a star for wanting to catch a firefly.
-Muérete to see if I cry.
-So you not only have your face, if you are an asshole.
- I'm going to put your opinion in the bank, to see if in a while it generates interest.
-He doesn't have me, I don't have him. I decide when and how this ends.
-Whoever laughs does it to me, crying pays it to me.
-Sometimes sadness is expressed in a bad mood.
-Don't be a woman who needs a man, be the woman a man needs.
-There are words that are not bullets but they still kill you.
-Don't make room in your future for those who have already left you living in their past.
-Being an option is not among my options.
-It hurts, you cry, you look in the mirror, wash your face, go out and smile. That's a bitch.
-The only person I am faithful to is myself.
-Sometimes we are good with the wrong people.
-When I am good, I am very good, but when I am bad, I am much better.
-I could always alone, I can always alone, and I will always be able alone.
"You want to teach the Duchess to move the fan."
-A lioness does not turn when a bitch barks.
-Do yourself a favor and don't mess with me, you don't know the scorpion you're going to get on top of.
-The day the garbage has value, that day I will value you.
-In life you have to turn pages, close books and even close libraries.
-It's not you, it's me who improved my tastes.
-Walking away also counts as a proof of love. One of self-love.
-Talking about me is easy. Being like me is the difficult thing.
-My love, you cheat on me and I'll cut it. Well, I'll take it away, because short you already have it.
-Mijo, a question. Do you get paid for being that asshole, or does it come naturally to you?
-The difference between you and me is that I have value, and you, price.
-You are the "while I'm gone" and since I've already arrived, you're leaving!
-I left your side because you never gave me reasons to stay.
-In life, ever put a hand on me again, because I swear I'll shoot you.
-Old hen makes good soup.
-When you go to tell lies, say them well, asshole.
-Nothing lasts forever. But your stupidity is making me doubt.
-Some love me for what I am, and others hate me for the same reason.
-While they try to have you, they cannot forget me.
-I'm going to insult you with such politeness that you won't know whether to cry or applaud me.
- Trust is not requested, it is earned.
-I tried because I love you, but I gave up because I love myself.
-Here the only one who takes for money is you. I have plenty.
-Never be anyone's second choice. Either they choose you now, or they fuck forever.
-One does not decide who to fall in love with, but who to send to the fuck.
-Where the lion steps on, it does not erase the cat's footprint.
-I am like glass: if you break me, I break, and if you step on me, I cut you.
-Not because forgiveness exists, people have the right to harm you as many times as they want.
-Women were born to hold heels, not assholes.
-Let's see if you find someone who loves you with everything and your bullshit.
-I'm blonde, but not an asshole.
-If you already know how I am, why you provoke me, you bastard.
-The words are carried by the wind, but you are going to take the fuck.
-No my king, we are like this because you think with "that", and not with your head.
-I prefer to shout from the rooftops what I am, and not remain silent like a dead fly.
-Of the thousands of things that are worth to me mother, your opinion has been my favorite.
-The trick is to say goodbye to the person, not to love.
- I do not like that they ask me for explanations, and neither to give them.
-I was taught to be grateful, so I would appreciate it if you would go to hell.
-You shut up, asshole, that wallowing with this does not give you the right to anything.
-I am at the perfect age to be left with the guilt and not with the desire.
- From the back, all dogs are brave.
-I am who I am because of a couple of scars and disappointments.
-I prefer a painful truth, than a false illusion.
-Be careful, I didn't turn the page. I tear it off.
-I like people who speak three languages: in front, direct and with ovaries.
-Don't be afraid, I'm not going to kill you today.
-An eye for an eye, knife for a knife.
-No Corporal. As a virgin I have nothing, or what… have you forgotten?
-You expired, you no longer have the same effect on me.
-Disappointments make you open your eyes and close your heart.
-I didn't come to beg, you are here to beg.
-Having known you were such a dog, I chose you of the best breed.
-I suspect what I don't see, when I suspect it sooner or later I confirm it.
-A true queen can make any cat feel like a king.
-I can't go back to you, I'd kill you.
-Dear, are you looking for dignity in the ground? Or why are you crawling?
-The second time I did not come to stumble, but to kick the stone.
-It will be slow and painful, but you will not smile again. I swear to you!
-Love is not decreed. It is felt or not felt.
-When you go, I already went and came three times, pedaling and in heels.
-The trick is to be less sentimental, and more of a bitch.
-Sometimes I don't want to be bad, but with you it comes from the bottom of my soul.
-Do not be confused, if I answer the messages it is out of courtesy, not because I am interested.
-For chingonas like you, mija, there is always one more bitch and asshole like me.
-No matter how short the road, whoever stomps, leaves a mark.
-What do I do a lot of fart? Mijo, worry when I'm worth it!
-I've been the only stupid one who fell in love with the crap you are.
-They taught me to value things. You, for example, are worth mother.
-I hope this Easter you find the eggs that you are missing.
-Toasting with tequila the wounds hurt less.
-And then I understood that being jealous for an ugly woman was like disrespecting myself.
-Don't get excited mija, because he talks nice to everyone.
-Don't ask me for forgiveness if you're going to do the same shit again.
-When I tell you that you bring all of them dead, I'm talking about your neurons.
-Hate you? Hate is a feeling, and I feel nothing for you.
-I do not share enemies with you.
-I am the hell that no one can control.
-There are those who take you to heaven, and from there they throw you without a parachute.
-In the game of power, either you win or you die.
-While you think you lie to me, I pretend that I believe you.
-Love has a limit, it is called dignity.
-My plan "A" is not to be anyone's plan "B".
-What did you think? That you were going to fuck me and you didn't pay me.
-I hope you're really in a business and not with another old woman, if not, you're not going to finish it.
-I forgive but never forget. I'll give it back to you quietly.
-That's how you met me. That's how you liked me. Don't give me blowjobs that I changed.
-To tell a woman "Calm down now!" Is like saying "Satan, I invoke you. Unleash your fury ”.
-Chess taught me that with a bad move you can lose your queen.
-I was going to miss you, but I better throw you gasoline and throw you a match.
-Look, where there is quality, there is no competition.
-I did not leave you for a paunch, I left you for a asshole and that not even the gym takes it away from you.
-Few people know who I am. The rest can say what they want, total, that's good for me!
-As you say: you calm, I nervous.
-If you're not going to help me fly, clear my track.
-I did not run out of love, I ran out of patience.
-True love only occurs once in life, the others are only replicas.
- Viper that bites, alone it fucks with my poison.
-If he loves you, come back. And if you love yourself, you send him to hell.
- Past trodden, present in front, and to hell with what the fucking people say.
-And red color, you lost me as a moron.
-I didn't change, I just learned to treat you as you treated me.
-I pretend to be crazy, but I realize everything.
-I will write I miss you on a stone and I will throw it on your head so you can see when it hurts.
-To speak behind my back you have plenty of tongue, but to say it to my face you lack eggs.
-Sending the fuck is not an insult, it is just the easiest way to help certain people find the right path.
-You changed the princess of your life for the bitch of the moment. Now don't come to ask for forgiveness, now fuck me mijo.
-Look, mijo, your love for a while does not serve me; Either you drink the water, or let it run, make up your mind.
-I like being a woman, even in a man's world. After all, they don't know how to wear dresses, and we do pants.
-It is not that I am a difficult mare to tame, it is that you are used to pure donkeys.
-Since I was little I was rebellious, contested, tantrum and did not leave me anyone, and if you think that it has already taken off, then no!
-Men like him are like dogs: even if you give them the best meat, they always go looking for the garbage.
-Don't threaten to leave my life, because I'll open the door myself and ask you for a taxi.
-That of "if he does not speak to me, he does not surprise me", is not entirely true, one strange, but pride is bastard.
-Don't forget that when the reasons for hating you were many, I was the only one who loved you, you bastard.
-Tree that is born crooked never straightens its trunk. I mean, dear, you were born, you will stay.
- If one does not demonstrate, they say that there is no interest; and if it shows a lot, they catch you as an asshole.
-I know who I am, what I did, what I did, what I said, and therefore I don't care what people say and think about me.
-I am one of those women who are poison and antidote at the same time, whom I want to cure I cure, and whom I want to kill I kill.
-I don't mind when they talk bad about me, normally dogs bark when they don't know people.
- Throw them, throw them all, but the day you fall in love I'm going to realize it, and that day you won't see me again.
-I, like Santa Elena, every day more good; and you, like Santa Aleja, every day more stupid.
-I do it because I can, because I want to and because one day you told me that I could never do it.
-I am bothered by people who only do things when you ask them. Nobody asked me to be a fucking daughter, and here I am giving everything.
-Some time ago I thought that I could not overcome things that today I no longer understand how they mattered to me.