- Biography
- Early years
- I work as an assistant
- I work as a researcher and teacher
- Life in America
- Theory and other contributions
- Human psychological development
- Gestalt theory foundation
- References
Kurt Koffka was one of the founding psychologists of the Gestalt school. This school was one of the first antecedents of cognitive psychology as we know it today; Furthermore, it was one of the most influential schools in the history of this discipline.
Together with Max Wertheimer and Wolfgang Köhler, Kurt Koffka helped to clarify the way in which humans perceive the world, focusing more on wholes than on each of the parts that make them up. His studies contradicted the ideas of mechanism, the school founded by Wundt that predominated in academic psychology of the time.
After moving to the United States, Koffka helped bring Gestalt ideas to the academic world of that country. Today, thanks to the development of her studies, Gestalt theory is still used both in research and in psychological therapy.
Early years
Kurt Koffka was born in Berlin (Germany) in 1886. His father was a lawyer and his brother Friedrich became a judge, but Kurt, instead of following the family steps in the legal field, decided to study philosophy and science encouraged by his uncle.
After graduating from the Wilhelms Gymnasium high school, he entered college to pursue his studies. Koffka began studying at the University of Berlin, but in 1904 he moved to the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, where he became acquainted with British philosophy.
After a period of two years studying in this country, he returned again to the University of Berlin, where he changed his studies in philosophy for psychology.
Because he suffered from a vision disorder (color blindness), Koffka was especially interested in human perception.
In fact, one of his first published scientific papers was based on the study of his own visual problem, meeting Mira Klein, who later became his first wife.
I work as an assistant
In 1909, Kurt Koffka went to the University of Freiburg to practice physiology under Johannes von Kries.
However, he was only in this position for a few months, later going to the University of Wuzburg, one of the largest psychological research centers of the time.
The following year, in 1910, Koffka decided to leave Wuzburg and continue his research at the Psychological Institute in Frankfurt as an assistant to Professor Friedrich Schumann. It was at this university that he met Wolfgang Köhler, together with whom he became an assistant to Max Wertheimer.
Together with the other two founders of the Gestalt school, Koffka began to study the phenomenon of perception of movement.
During these investigations the relationship between the three was consolidated, and together they established the foundations of what later became this current of psychology.
I work as a researcher and teacher
In 1911 Koffka left the city of Frankfurt to start working as a professor at the University of Giessen. However, his relationship with the other two founders of the Gestalt school remained very close.
While in his new job, this researcher became interested in two other basic processes of the human mind: thought and memory. After World War I, Koffka secured a full-time position as professor of experimental psychology at the University of Giessen.
During the following years he continued his career in this institution, until in 1921 he became director of the Institute of Psychology at the university.
There, and after establishing his own research laboratory, he published a large number of articles related to Gestalt psychology, in collaboration with Köhler and Wertheimer.
In 1922, just before moving to the United States, Koffka published his ideas on perception and its application to human psychological development.
His theories became very popular and later formed the basis for much research in the field of developmental psychology.
However, despite his international success, Koffka was not very popular in Germany, so he decided to emigrate to America.
Life in America
Once in the United States, Koffka published his ideas on Gestalt in the Psychological Bulletin with the help of psychologist Robert Ogden. In this way, this stream of psychology was introduced in the United States with great success.
For the next several years, Koffka continued to do research while teaching at the university, this time at Smith College in Massachusetts. His discoveries there were collected in the book for which he is best known: Principles of Gestalt Psychology.
After a series of health and personal problems, Koffka finally passed away in 1941 of a heart attack, at the age of 55.
Theory and other contributions
Human psychological development
Koffka's main contribution to psychology was the application of Gestalt theory to research on human psychological development.
Its main idea is that children perceive the world holistically and respond to stimuli in the same way. Only with the years do we acquire the ability to distinguish the parts that make up each set.
This idea was later fundamental to the advancement in the field of developmental psychology, as well as being the one that brought him to fame. However, Koffka also conducted research in other areas, such as learning, perception, memory, and thinking.
Gestalt theory foundation
On the other hand, Kurt Koffka was a key piece in the foundation of the Gestalt theory, one of the first psychological currents of a humanistic nature.
Together with Wertheimer and Köhler, he created several specialized magazines, carried out research and disseminated his ideas in a large number of articles and several books.
Although Gestalt psychology has changed a lot in the last decades, its foundations have remained intact since Koffka's time. For this reason, today he is considered one of the most influential psychologists of all time.
- "Kurt Koffka" in: Psychology and Mind. Retrieved on: April 25, 2018 from Psychology and Mind: psicologiaymente.com.
- "Kurt Koffka" in: Britannica. Retrieved on: April 25, 2018 from Britannica: britannica.com.
- "Kurt Koffka" in: Wikipedia. Retrieved on: April 25, 2018 from Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org.
- "Kurt Koffka" in: New World Encyclopedia. Retrieved on: April 25, 2018 from New World Encyclopedia: newworldencyclopedia.org.
- "Kurt Koffka" in: Psychology Encyclopedia. Retrieved on: April 25, 2018 from Psychology Encyclopedia: psychology.jrank.org.