- Characteristics of minority groups
- Same aspects, different from the rest
- Small groups
- Distinctive features
- Vulnerability
- Displaced
- Types
- Ethnic minorities
- The reality of ethnic minorities
- Religious minorities
- Linguistic minorities
- National minorities
- Minority groups in Mexico
- Overcoming vicissitudes
- Minority groups in Colombia
- Afro-Colombians and Gypsies
- References
The minority groups are the set of people who own their own identity and differ from the rest of society, whether by race, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity or disability.
Currently, a global minority group concept has not been defined that is accepted by specialists in the field. For Louis Wirth, a sociologist from the United States and a member of the Chicago School of Sociology, minority groups are part of the discrimination of large societies.
Currently, indigenous people are considered a minority group. Source: pixabay.com
According to Wirth, minority groups are those who are being treated differently and unequally due to their cultural or physical differences, which generates collective discrimination towards them. That is why it is observed that minority groups daily face an unfavorable reality: discrimination in the personal and in the workplace.
Furthermore, they are always at a disadvantage because they are treated differently; sometimes they do not have access to the same opportunities and rights as other people.
On the other hand, minorities are also known as a subordinate group that does not have control over their lives, because they do not have power within the society in which they coexist.
Characteristics of minority groups
Defining or establishing specific characteristics to recognize minority groups becomes complex due to the diversity that each group represents in society.
Under this premise, it is understood that we must evaluate several aspects and not only those that are established in the United Nations Declaration on Minorities.
Taking the above into account, below we will list the most salient general characteristics of minority groups
Same aspects, different from the rest
They are characterized by being made up of individuals who have the same ethnic, gender, religious, sexual orientation, race and customs, and who differ from the rest of the population.
Small groups
The number of people that make it up with respect to the society or nation in which they live is small.
However, it is important to note that a minority group may emerge that is numerous but does not have political, economic or social power, which is why it will continue to be part of the minorities.
Distinctive features
Among these traits, the color of the skin or cultural and language aspects different from those of the dominant group stand out.
Minorities are a group that is considered vulnerable, since it can be dominated by the ruling majority.
In general, those who make up a minority group are usually people who are displaced from their area of origin.
Throughout history, international treaties and policies have been established that protect and recognize minority groups. The categories that have been raised are the following: ethnic minorities, religious minorities, linguistic minorities and national minorities.
It is important to note that in 1992 the United Nations (UN) proclaimed resolution 47/135, through which it refers to minorities in the same way as explained above. Let's get to know this classification in more detail:
Ethnic minorities
They are the groups that are distinguished by their religion, their language, their beliefs, their popular customs, their race, their historical origin, their dialect and their culture, which are evidently different from those of the society in which they live.
The number of people who make up an ethnic group is always lower than the total number of the population; Furthermore, they keep their cultural characteristics ingrained and are not willing to lose them.
It is important to indicate that each ethnic group has its particular elements. and the whole set of aspects mentioned is not necessarily contained.
The reality of ethnic minorities
Although this group has been recognized in countries around the world, as in the case of Europe and the People's Republic of China, it should be noted that the living conditions they face are often not the most optimal.
These ethnic groups continue to suffer discrimination from the dominant groups. Some do not achieve personal or professional improvement and live in extreme poverty; Such is the case of the Dalits in Nepal, where 90% of this ethnic group lives below the poverty line.
The world is still advanced but state policies around the world are still insufficient to protect individuals who are forced to escape famine or wars they face in their country of origin.
Religious minorities
This classification refers to minority groups that carry out religious practices or have beliefs different from the majority and that, despite the fact that they are outside their place of origin, seek to keep their faith intact.
Religious minorities always seek refuge in groups that share the same beliefs or maintain the same conviction.
The field of religion is a very important phenomenon in cultures. Through this, the integration of individuals in society is achieved. However, religion has been tried to suppress in many states regardless of the consequences of these violent events.
In some cases they have caused wars and innumerable deaths; Furthermore, they have been the trigger to initiate the displacement of minorities to other latitudes.
Linguistic minorities
This is the group that maintains its mother tongue, despite being forced by circumstances to form part of a dominant population with a language other than their own.
In this sense, many native languages have been disappearing because many peoples have been devastated by the different warlike conflicts that have occurred in recent decades. Added to this is the advancement of technology and displacement due to exodus.
All these events have led to fewer and fewer groups that retain their languages of origin, as some individuals have found it necessary to learn new customs in order to survive.
However, world policies have been created that seek to protect and safeguard linguistic minorities, since they form an important part of the history of humanity.
National minorities
It is the group that seeks to be recognized for its national consciousness, for its place of origin, and not for attributes such as ethnicity, religion or linguistics dictated by the society in which they live at any given time.
Despite being a very small group that is part of the State because they were born in it, they seek to preserve or maintain their identity and their original roots.
At present, many peoples are protected by international organizations, which support national minorities through treaties. They seek to survive in a world that evolves and forgets their ancestors.
Minority groups in Mexico
Due to its geographical position, Mexico concentrated numerous indigenous ethnic groups in its territory. These have disappeared over the years.
However, Mexico is still a country rich in culture. Currently, some indigenous groups can be located in the center, north, west, southwest and south of the country.
68 indigenous languages are still preserved, despite the fact that the dominant language in that country is Spanish.
Like any minority group, indigenous people have suffered discrimination from Mexican society itself. They do not enjoy the same guarantees and educational opportunities, which is why many of these communities are in poverty.
In addition, they are usually not accepted for presenting differences in their physical features, their language, the color of their skin or their clothing, among other aspects.
Overcoming vicissitudes
There are groups that have managed to survive the modern world thanks to the fact that they have adapted to changes without losing the customs of their ancestors.
Other minority groups remain with their customs intact and have been maintained despite the evolution in humanity.
Some of the groups that remain today are: the Kiliwas, the Paipa, the Kumiai, the Mayans, the Zapotecs, the Mixes, the Mixtecos, the Totonacas and the Tarahumara, among others.
Minority groups in Colombia
Colombia is a country of mestizos as a result of the mixture between indigenous, Spanish and African.
The minority groups in Colombia are made up of the Indigenous people, who occupy 3.43% of the total Colombian population.
It is estimated that at present 90 indigenous groups or ethnic groups survive that cling to their original culture; However, there are groups that speak Spanish perfectly and have acquired current customs.
These groups are characterized because they differ by their linguistic, physiognomic and cultural traits, they have a direct relationship with the environment and maintain their customs and traditions.
In 1991, the Colombian government recognized that there were 87 indigenous peoples in the national territory. In addition, it was recognized that there are 64 Amerindian languages and dialects of 13 linguistic families, which were declared official in their place of origin.
Afro-Colombians and Gypsies
On the other hand, Colombia is home to another minority ethnic group: Afro-Colombians, who come from the African slaves brought by the Spanish. The last census carried out showed that this ethnic group is grouped by 10.62% of the population.
Another minority group in that country is represented by the Roma, who only make up 0.01% of the Colombian inhabitants.
Through various projects, the Colombian government manages policies that seek to safeguard the life and rights of all minority groups; however, these practices are still insufficient.
- "Racial, Ethnic, and Minority Groups" from Courses lumen learning ". Retrieved on May 11, 2019 from Courses Lumen Learning: courses.lumenlearning.com
- “Minority group” from Wikipedia. Retrieved on May 11, 2019 from Wikipedia: wikipedia.org
- "Minority Groups in UNHCR". Retrieved on May 11, 2019 from UNHCR: acnur.org
- Román Rubén Corona Ferreyra "Minorities and Differentiated Groups: Keys for a Conceptual Approach from the International Perspective" from Universidad Latina de América. Retrieved on May 11, 2019 from Universidad Latina de América: unla.mx
- Vicente Llorent-Bedmar "Introduction: education and minority groups" in the Spanish Journal of Comparative Education. Retrieved on May 11, 2019 from the Spanish Journal of Comparative Education: magazines.uned.es
- Chiara Goia "The exclusion of ethnic minorities in the world" in Retrieved on May 11, 2019 from InspirAction: inspiraction.org
- "Ethnic groups of Mexico: characteristics, names, and much more" in Hablemos de Culturas. Retrieved on May 12, 2019 from Let's Talk about Cultures: hablemosdeculturas.com
- "Ethnic groups of Colombia: characteristics, names, and much more" in Hablemos de Culturas. Retrieved on May 12, 2019 from Let's Talk about Cultures: hablemosdeculturas.com
- "Ethnography of Colombia" from Wikipedia. Retrieved on May 12, 2019 from Wikipedia: wikipedia.org