The positive and negative aspects of the Fujimori government in Peru are, in the first case, the success in ending economic inflation and in dismantling the Shining Path group.
As for the negative points, we can point out the self-coup that ended the legitimate Congress, the network of corruption created by his adviser Vladimiro Montesinos or the use of death squads.
Alberto Fujimori is a Peruvian politician who held the presidency of the country from July 28, 1990 to November 21, 2000. In that year he was harassed by numerous accusations of corruption and despotism, so he fled Peru and tried to resign from Japan sending a fax. Congress, however, removed him for "moral incapacity."
Sentenced to 25 years in prison for actions carried out during his tenures, including several killings, he was pardoned after serving a 10-year sentence on December 24, 2017.
Positive aspects
First of all, some positive points are mentioned that the government chaired by Fujimori achieved during its decade in power. Later, you will realize the most negative aspects of your presidency.
1- The economic policy
Upon coming to power, Fujimori is faced with runaway inflation that, at times, reaches 3000%. The government undertook a series of tough reforms, including a currency exchange, to try to tackle the problem.
Despite the low transparency of certain privatizations and the recession that occurred at the end of his mandate, inflation fell to normal figures and the economy experienced some improvement.
The struggle to end the Maoist group Sendero Luminoso was what gave the president the most popular support. The capture of the terrorist leader, Abimael Guzmán, and his commanders during the decade of government, contributed to free whole areas of their threat.
However, as noted below, this war was not without its deplorable moments, which contributed to the downfall of Fujimori.
Negative aspects
Fujimori and his government spared no means to put an end to the terrorist group. So much so that, at times, they skipped the line of legality. This occurs with the use of death squads, used to assassinate suspected terrorists.
Many times, as in the Barrios Altos massacre, the dead were unrelated to the group. Furthermore, the squads did not hesitate to shoot children or the elderly during their actions.
For these types of actions, Fujimori was condemned as the intellectual author of them.
These tubal ligation were performed in areas of extreme poverty. Doctors were forced to reach a certain number, so they made an effort to manipulate and influence patients, most of the time illiterate.
With the excuse of establishing an Emergency Government, Fujimori and his supporters commit what was known as a self-coup, which ended a good part of the democratic institutions in Peru.
In April 1992, the Parliament and the Senate were dissolved and many opposition politicians were imprisoned. He also established rigid control of the press.
Finally, he changed the 1979 Constitution in order to draft a new one at his convenience, introducing, for example, presidential re-election.
On the subject of corruption, a dark person appears who was the one who created a complex network that encompassed the entire society. He is Vladimiro Montesinos, Fujimori's intelligence chief and right-hand man.
Judges, businessmen, journalists and other important figures in society were involved in this network of corruption. Sometimes by simple greed and, in others, by being blackmailed from the spheres of power.
- News 24. “The Good” and “The Bad” of Alberto Fujimori's administration. Retrieved from
- Zapata, Percy. Positive and negative aspects of the three presidential terms of Alberto Fujimori. Does it deserve amnesty? Obtained from
- BBC News. Profile: Alberto Fujimori. Retrieved from
- Peru Support Group. The Fujimori Years. Retrieved from
- Dan Collyns. Network of corruption ': Fujimori's legacy at heart of fierce battle for Peru's future. Retrieved from