The ammonium phosphate is an inorganic substance produced to the reacting ammonia (NH3) with phosphoric acid (H3PO4). The result is a very important water soluble salt for the agricultural sector.
Its chemical structure consists of a phosphate group (H2PO4) and ammonium (NH4). The phosphate group is made up of a phosphorus nucleus (P) that binds to an oxygen with a double bond, to two hydroxides (OH) and to an oxygen with a single bond.
In turn, this last oxygen connects with ammonium, thus forming the entire ammonium phosphate molecule. Its formula is represented as (NH4) 3PO4.
In nature it occurs in crystals. This is a product that is produced to scale quite inexpensively.
Main features
It occurs in nature as white crystals in the form of tetragonal prisms, or as bright white powders.
In fertilizers it comes in granulated or powder form. It does not have a characteristic odor.
Ammonium phosphate is normally a stable substance, so you don't have to pay much attention to whether it will react with any agent.
Unlike other substances, it does not represent a danger on contact. However, in case of ingestion or irritation it is important to consult a doctor.
- It is a compound soluble in water.
- It has a density of 1800 kg / m3.
- It has a molecular weight of 115 g / mol.
- It is insoluble in acetone.
- Its pH is slightly acidic. It falls into a range of 4 to 4.5.
The main use for ammonium phosphate is as a fertilizer. Plants need minerals and nutrients that they obtain from the earth in order to develop, grow and produce.
These include nitrogen and phosphorus. Because ammonium phosphate is soluble in water, plants absorb it from the soil very easily.
Ammonium phosphate also has a fundamental role in photosynthesis, respiration and energy management of plants.
On the other hand, research has been done to use this compound as a hydrogen storage in fuel cells.
The trend to seek efficient technologies has led to testing different materials, but many are too expensive. Ammonium phosphate is very cheap, so it can be a great option.
Some companies use it as a fire extinguisher.
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