The flora and fauna of Chile is extremely diverse and extensive, to the point that almost half of its species are endemic.
Endemic species only exist in a particular territory and Chile has the peculiarity that more than 2500 of its 5100 species are endemic, that is, almost 50% of its plants and animals only exist naturally in Chile and not anywhere else in the world.
The Government of Chile makes an effort to protect the country's ecosystems, since there are nine areas declared by UNESCO as a World Biosphere Reserve. Let's get to know some of the typical species of this country:
-The larch is the second oldest tree in the world, being able to exceed 3,000 years of age.
-Chile has the curious phenomenon known as the flowery desert, desert areas with little rain in which despite these characteristics the tamarugo and carob trees grow. They grow only in the last months of the year during the few rains that fall.
-The laurel and hazelnut grow in the south of Chile, thanks to the rainy climate that provides an ideal environment for these species.
-Also in the south of that country there is another version of the larch, which can live for a couple of millennia, and the araucaria, considered a national monument of the nation and important in the Mapuche culture.
-In the southern zone, in the extreme south of Chile, are the miniature forests of Cabo de Hornos, where leafy species cover the ground forming a large forest a few centimeters high. Despite the extreme climatic conditions (low temperature and atmospheric pressure), it is a complete forest based on mosses and lichens.
-The Rayadito de Más Afuera (Aphrastura masafuerae) is an endemic bird of Alejandro Selkirk Island, and gets its name because it is the island furthest from the continent. It is a threatened species and by 2002 there were only 140.
-The Chilean seas also welcome dolphins, the famous miniature dolphin that inhabits the shores of the Pacific Ocean.
-Also on the coasts you can see species of pelican, seagull, albatross and cormorant, sea birds that abound on the extensive coasts of Chile.
-To the south of the country lives the smallest deer in the world, the pudu. Huemules also inhabit, another species of deer classified as the southernmost on the planet.
-Of the felines we can mention the Puma, traditional in various parts of the continent, and the rare colocolo, exclusive to Chile and characterized by living above 4000 meters of height. It is reddish in color, with black stripes, and they are difficult to spot because there are few specimens left.
-We cannot talk about the Chilean fauna without mentioning the penguins, which inhabit the extreme south of the country, especially in the Antarctic region. They live in colonies of several and share their space harmoniously with other marine species. There are several species and their sizes range between 70 and 80 centimeters in height.
- This is Chile - Flora and fauna of Chile. Recovered from
- Explore Patagonia - Flora and Fauna. Recovered from
- Go Chile - Flora and Fauna Guide of Chile. Recovered from
- Chile Travel - Flora and Fauna. Recovered from
- Ecocamp Patagonia - Flora and Fauna. Recovered from