- Main cities with oceanic climate
- Oceanic of dry summers
- Fauna of the oceanic climate by cities
- Wildlife of London, England
- Fauna of Paris, France
- Fauna of Quito, Ecuador
- Fauna of Toluca, Mexico
- Fauna of Bogotá, Colombia
- Fauna of Dublin, Ireland
- References
The fauna of the oceanic climate is very varied; This climate is characterized by having mild temperatures and abundant rainfall because the areas in which it is located are close to the ocean, on the western coasts of the continents.
According to the Köppen climate classification, subtropical highland areas are also included in this category, which are not usually associated with maritime climates.
On the coasts, you can usually find a very diverse fauna: birds, seagulls, oystercatchers, greenfinches, gray seals, rodents, squirrels, badgers, deer, fallow deer, blue peas, chickadees, kestrels, bears, foxes, wild boars, among others.
Main cities with oceanic climate
This type of climate occurs in a wide variety of cities and continents. The main cities are the following:
- Oviedo, Asturias, Spain
- La Coruña, Galicia, Spain
- Santander, Cantabria, Spain
- Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain
- London, England, UK
- Brest, France
- Paris France
- Quito, Ecuador
- Brussels, Belgium
- Bogota Colombia
- Garzon, Colombia
- Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Merida, Venezuela
- Copenhagen, denmark
- Toluca, Mexico
- Temuco, Araucanía, Chile
- Valdivia, Los Ríos, Chile
- Puerto Montt, Los Lagos, Chile
- Cajamarca, Peru
- Chachapoyas, Peru
- Cusco, Peru
- Mar del Plata, Argentina
- Dublin, Ireland
- Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
- Wellington, New Zealand
- Zonguldak, Turkey
- Constanza, Dominican Republic
- São Joaquim, Brazil
- Caxias do Sul, Brazil
- Gramado, Brazil
- Campos do Jordão, Brazil
- Curitiba, Brazil
- São Francisco de Paula, Brazil
- George, South Africa
Oceanic of dry summers
- Cangas del Narcea, Asturias, Spain
- Reinosa, Cantabria, Spain
- Vigo, Galicia, Spain
- Porto, Portugal
- Eureka, United States
- Concepción, Bío-Bío, Chile
- Seattle, United States
- Vancouver, Canada
- Cape Town, South Africa
Fauna of the oceanic climate by cities
Taking into account that the great variety of locations where the oceanic climate occurs also influences the different types of animals and fauna that can be found, the characteristics of the fauna of some main cities are the following:
Wildlife of London, England
It is one of the greenest cities, representing more than 40% of its surfaces. In the River Thames alone you can find 120 species of fish, central London nests 60 types of birds, 47 species of butterflies, 1,173 of moths and more than 270 of spiders.
Amphibians are common, including the common newt, frogs, toads, webbed newts, crested newts. As for reptiles, they can be found: the lución, the viviparous lizard, the collared snake or the common European viper.
There are more than 10,000 foxes in the entire city, so statistically there are 16 foxes for every square mile of city. Among the mammals that can be found in the city we have hedgehogs, rats, mice, rabbits, shrews, voles and squirrels.
Hares, deer, badgers, voles, tawny mice, moles, shrews and ferrets, among others, live in the green areas of London.
Some of the most unusual animals that have been sighted in this location are the otter, a whale in the River Thames, pigeons in the subway, a seal and even foxes that have learned to sit in exchange for food.
Fauna of Paris, France
The fauna of Paris is not abundant, generally there are not many animals in this city. Birds can be found flying around the city center but to really see animals people have to go to zoos.
Since the 70s, the black-headed gulls have adopted the vicinity of the Seine River as their home during the winter, there are also the mallards, the wagtail or the Kingfisher that are found on the bridges of Mirabeau and Garigliano.
In the middle of the 20th century, 4 or 5 species of fish were identified in the Seine River and today there are around 20 common species and a dozen rare species, most of them are indigenous but some have been introduced.
Fauna of Quito, Ecuador
In this location there is a very varied fauna with an abundance of emblematic and patrimonial species, such as:
- The Spectacled Bear (Tremarctos ornatus)
- Wasteland Wolf (Lycalopex culpaeus)
- The Andean Piquilaminate Toucan (Andigena laminirostris)
- The Yumbo (Semnornis ramphastinus)
- The Sparrow (Zonotrichia capensis)
- The Guagsa (Stenocercus guentheri)
- The Loggerhead Snake or Green Snake (Liophis epinephelus)
- The Andean Marsupial Frog (Gastrotheca riobambae)
- Quito's Rocket Frog (Hyloxalus jacobuspetersi)
- The Pregnant Woman (Astroblepus cyclopus)
- The Butterfly (Papilio polyxenes)
- The Butterfly (Ascia monustes)
- The White Catzo (Platycoelia lutescens)
There is not much variety of amphibians, but the most common are the Gastrotheca riobambae, the Andean marsupial frog and Rhinella marina, in addition to the common toad.
As for reptiles: long-winged snakes and snakes such as the false X, dipsas oreas, woodpecker snake, green loggerhead snake, etc.
There are more than 67 species of birds: woodpecker, eagle variable hawk, cuturpillas, turtle doves, quinde soldier, long-tailed blacksmith, different types of hummingbirds, etc.
Among mammals there are many bats, rodents, rabbits, marsupials, etc.
Fauna of Toluca, Mexico
Kangaroo rats, wild cats, gray foxes, skunks, coyotes, raccoons and scorpions abound in the highland forests.
Axolotls and charales in the water and the most common bird is the wader rail. Species that are not typical of the region have also been found, such as gecko, cane toad, carp and rainbow trout.
Among the animals in this area that are in danger of extinction we can find: the volcano rabbit, the striped cross rattlesnake and the transvolcanic mask.
Fauna of Bogotá, Colombia
Hummingbird (Source: pixabay.com/)
Due to fires, burning, logging and planting of foreign species (example: pines and eucalyptus) most of the fauna that existed in this city has disappeared.
Small mammals such as forest mice, nectarivorous bats, marsupials, weasels, and foxes can still be found.
There are around 58 species of birds in the high Andean forest: such as blackbird, swallow, kestrel, chirlobirlo, tufted, cockatoo and a wide variety of hummingbirds.
There are also some weasels, runchos and canids.
Fauna of Dublin, Ireland
Dolphin on Dalkey Island, an island near Dublin
Irish wildlife is extremely rich, so it's not difficult to get close to it. It can be easily seen on a walk in a park.
It is highly varied, but is characterized by its scarcity of land mammals (only 26 species). The reason for this lies in the detachment of the Island of Ireland from European territories during the ice age.
However, it is a haven for a large number of seabirds and more than 375 species of fish and marine mammals.
Among the 10 most characteristic animals of this city (especially in the Emerald Isle) we can find:
- Gray seal: found along the entire coast of Ireland.
- Puffin
- Red deer or European deer - one of the few large mammals in Ireland.
- Common dolphin
- Red fox: it is possible to find them even in the center of Dublin.
- Minke whale: it is the most common species, although it is also possible to find humpback whales, fin whales and hardly orcas.
- European otter: it is not easy to find it because its hours are nocturnal, but it inhabits the many rivers and lakes of Ireland.
- White-tailed sea eagle: It is a rare bird, it can reach 90 cm in length, flies low along the sea and feeds on fish.
- Basking shark: second largest fish in the world after the whale shark, it feeds exclusively on plankton.
- Viviparous lizard: it is the only native reptile that can be found in Ireland
- Wildlife of Ireland. Excerpted from Discover Ireland.
- Flora and fauna. Extracted from Bogotá Milagrosa.
- Flora and Fauna and natural resources. Extracted from Cuentame.inegi.org.mx.
- Flora and Fauna of England. Extracted from wikipedia inglaterra.net.
- Flora & fauna Paris. Extracted from paris.eu.
- The 10 most characteristic animals of Ireland. Extracted from Paravivirenirlanda.com.