- Symptoms of phallophobia
- Causes
- Sexual abuse
- Painful intercourse
- Low self-esteem
- Consequences
- Treatment
- Medication
- Therapy
- Real case
The falofobia is a kind of fear that incapacitates some people to confront the male sexual organ, even causing immediate loss of control. It should be said that it can occur in both men and women.
Some people consider themselves asexual, in the sense that they feel incapable of experiencing any sexual attraction. Many may consider this as a symptom of Fallophobia, but it is not the same. Think that phallophobic people experience extreme terror, even with the simple thought, or watching a video or photograph.
We have all been the first person victim of some fear that controlled us, making us vulnerable and unable to manage a certain situation. The fact of feeling that this fear is capable of controlling our perception and management of the situation is recognized by the name of phobia.
The concept of phobia itself refers to an irrational fear that some people manifest, despite being aware that it is not a real threat. Let's say they are unable to control themselves, since it is the same panic that has dominated them, thus being victims of an internal blockage.
Next, I will detail the characteristic symptoms of phallophobia in a more specific way.
Symptoms of phallophobia
Although at first glance this fear could be closely related to some chapter of sexual abuse, actually its origin is not entirely precise.
The phallophobic person may completely avoid sexual intercourse, but may also present episodes of anxiety in situations such as; being seen naked, a deep kiss or even at the thought of pregnancy.
In this way, when faced with the male sexual organ, or with an image of it, he begins to experience a series of symptoms of discomfort:
-Lack of sexual desire
-Excessive sweating
-Episodes of anxiety
-Panic attack
-Loss of consciousness
Anyway, these symptoms that I have just detailed, may present some variability depending on the subject in question. There are 3 factors to consider:
-Degree of fear
-Personality characteristics
With this I want to tell you that some people are more susceptible to fear and phobias than others.
Like the symptoms, the causes of phallophobia can vary from person to person. However, phobias of this nature are caused by some type of trauma. This trauma typically occurs during childhood, when people are most susceptible to fear and most emotionally vulnerable.
Sexual abuse
A very common cause is sexual abuse, and specifically abuse by an older man. Men who abuse children are usually people that the children themselves know closely, such as people related to their environment, friends or even someone from their own family.
This fact, apart from causing fear of the penis, also produces a serious lack of confidence in men, which in the long run can lead to severe difficulties when establishing relationships with the male gender.
Painful intercourse
Many people suffer from sexual disorders as a result of extremely painful intercourse. In this way, the association between the physical pain of the moment and the virile member, can generate an uncontrollable fear towards the penis and towards the subsequent loss of sexual desire.
Low self-esteem
The low level of sexual desire can occur on certain occasions, in those with little self-confidence (low self-esteem). In an extreme case of insecurity, a feeling of fear / panic towards the opposite sex and their sexual organ may occur in the subject.
Imagine the extent of this phobia, that even aversion to sex can lead a person to remain a virgin for life. What's more, they reject the idea of commitment, avoiding stable relationships or strengthening ties with other people around them, leading to social phobias and isolation.
This unjustified fear affects the daily life of the person, in such a way that it invades the normal exercise of their interpersonal relationships, such as the breakdown of relationships or marriage.
A phallophobic individual may also experience episodes of panic, difficulties in breathing normally, a rapid heartbeat, and even an inability to speak or think rationally.
It should be noted that we can find the case of a permanent phobic character. This means that a stability in behavior is detected, becoming a permanent state of alert with the environment. For the phobic, the relationship with the other means being constantly exposed to imminent danger.
There are different types of treatments for those people who are in this situation:
It is normally recommended to control anxiety and panic attacks derived from phobia.
In this case, therapy is the most recommended long-term option. Through therapy, it is possible to reach the starting point of the phobia, understanding the causes of it and helping to treat it so that it stops conditioning our day to day.
Within the therapeutic treatment, 3 different types of therapy are derived to treat the subject according to the nature of their phobia:
- Cognitive-behavioral shock therapy: it is a short-term therapy that is responsible for carrying out a psychological intervention through small experiments with the patient. That is to say, it focuses on modeling the interpretations or beliefs that the person has about a fact in itself, managing to redirect their behavior.
- Exposure therapy: this type of therapy is recommended when helping the patient to react differently to a given stimulus.
- Social therapy: it is very useful to help patients regain confidence in themselves and in the people around them, making them understand that not everyone around them wants to harm them.
Real case
Next, I will show you a real case about a woman who was immersed in a sexual phobia totally unknown to her: This is a woman who admitted to being a virgin at age 40, alluding to having lost many partners due to her inability to maintain relationships sexual.
So, through this specific case, you will be able to better understand what people in these situations may experience:
Some time ago, there was a case of a middle-aged woman who came to the doctor's office worried about her virginity, since she had never experienced sexual intercourse in her 40s. She confessed to having lost many partners for this reason and she understood that she had to solve it, since someone important had appeared in her life.
The sexologist treating her diagnosed her with vaginismus, along with a phobia of being penetrated. What surprised the professional was that after this diagnosis the patient did not appear again for the consultation.
Subsequently, the specialist determined that the behavior of the patient after disappearing from the consultation, would be associated with the fear of getting rid of that phobia, and would mean a total change in the way in which she managed her life and her sexuality so far.
Let's say that phobias are defined as an excessive fear of something that we know will not happen, constituting an irrational panic. More specifically and taking into account the circumstances of this case, phobias of sexual origin occur in relation to the genital organs of people. In this way, the subjects who suffer from it will avoid sexual encounter by all means, even though they may wish to do so.
According to the specialist, within the field of phobias of sexual origin, fear spreads in various situations: When giving a kiss, or when having contact with the sexual organ of the other person (or with one's own) and even to approach a conversation of a sexual nature. There are situations, in which subjects who suffer from this phobia and have been married, have never consummated the sexual act or become in the least intimate with their partner.
In relation to the treatments that the specialists talk about, they bet above all on desensitization therapy combined with drugs, to control serious anxiety attacks. More specifically, there is talk of the use of specific antidepressants.
On the other hand, another specialist in sexology at Hospital Durand, focused on the study of the different degrees that we can find within this type of phobias. For him, cognitive-behavioral therapy would be the ideal one to treat these cases and find a cure in this regard. This therapy manages to progressively bring the patient closer to their phobias, reducing anxiety levels prior to the origin of fear.
Thus, in the case that I explained to you at the beginning of the text about the woman who was afraid of being penetrated, this therapist would begin by working on how this person perceives her own body, and little by little, she will advance with similar questions until she can reach the origin of the phobia and eliminate it.
This specialist also recommends the combination of therapy sessions together with some type of medication to control the problems derived from the phobia, such as anxiety or panic attacks.
Finally, I will tell you about the testimony of another specialist whose field of work also focuses on sexuality. This professor at the Inter-American Open University also agrees on the steps to follow with the other two specialists that I have told you about previously.
Only, the professor in sexuality clarifies that although they are not easy to treat phobias, he has developed an intensive method with great guarantees with his team. His therapeutic method is based on finding exactly where the fear lies, when approaching the sexual act.