The shield of Palmyra is divided into three parts: two blocks of equal size in the upper section, and a large headquarters at the bottom of the shield.
In the upper left part there is a sunny mountain atmosphere. For its part, the adjoining section shows three leafy palm trees.
At the bottom is a muscular arm holding a hammer and pointing in turn at a heart, which rests on an anvil.
The herald is framed within two olive branches, depicting the glory and victory of the Palmiran people.
Palmira is a municipality located in the southwest of Colombia, in the department of Valle del Cauca. It is a territory widely known nationally for the agricultural potential of its soils.
The municipal authorities of Palmira decided to designate as the municipal coat of arms the proposal made by the renowned Palmirano poet Ricardo Nieto Hurtado, in 1924.
Nieto Hurtado, in his poem Canto a Palmira, exalts the local values of his land, and mentions verbatim:
"Emblem of your life and emblem of your shield (if you had one) would be a bare arm striking your own heart on the anvil."
Hence the inspiration for the design that currently appears on the municipal coat of arms of Palmira.
The Palmira shield has a classic design, in the old-fashioned way of Spanish decoration. This is reflected in the division by barracks and the olive tree frame.
This herald is divided into three barracks. The first barracks, located in the upper left corner of the shield, presents a mountain landscape with a rising sun.
The sun, in all its splendor, symbolizes the thoughts of the Liberator Simón Bolívar, manifested in the proclamation made in 1819 in which he made explicit mention of the city of Palmira.
In the second barracks, located in the upper right corner, there are three beautiful palms that allude directly to Palmira, since this municipality is also known as the Villa de las Palmas.
This barracks also hints at the fertility of the soils of Palmira, widely recognized as the agricultural capital of Colombia for the richness and variety of its fruits.
The third and last barracks, located in the lower section of the shield, is a faithful representation of Ricardo Nieto Hurtado's poem.
There you can see a bare arm that holds a hammer firmly with one hand, and that is about to hit a heart (its own), on an anvil.
In turn, the anvil is placed on a truncated log, and the entire image is on a grass green background.
This unique scene represents the teamwork that the Palmirans do, hand in hand with people from other lares, to promote the workforce for the sowing and cultivation of local products.
Finally, the shield is framed in two olive branches, which historically symbolizes an element of glory and peace.
- Poetic Anthology of Ricardo Nieto (nd). Recovered from:
- Municipality of Palmira (2015). Recovered from:
- The Symbols (nd). Palmira Municipal Mayor's Office. Palmira, Colombia. Recovered from:
- Palmira Valle (1995). El Tiempo newspaper. Bogota Colombia. Recovered from:
- Symbols of the municipality of Palmira (sf). Palmira Chamber of Commerce. Palmira, Colombia. Recovered from:
- Symbols of Palmyra (nd). Recovered from:
- Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia (2017). Palmira (Valle del Cauca). Recovered from: