- Production
- Types of endorphins
- Features
- Effects on mental activity
- How to increase the release of endorphins?
- Exercising regularly
- Set a goal and meet it
- Having sex
- Sleep long enough
- Eating foods that increase endorphins
- Lack of endorphins (causes)
- Foods that help the release of endorphins
- References
The endorphins are chemicals produced and released into the brain naturally. Their main function is to relieve sensations such as pain or stress, which is why they are colloquially known as "the well-being chemicals." Its presence helps to cope with physical and mental discomfort and increases levels of happiness.
Endorphins are produced naturally in our body, mainly in brain areas such as the hypothalamus and pineal glands. Its levels vary depending on each person, but although each of us has a tendency in this regard, we can influence its production through factors such as exercise and diet.
The release of endorphins in the brain produces well-being. Source: pexels.com
Until relatively recently, we didn't know much about the effects of endorphins on the brain, although we did know about their calming and wellness-enhancing effects. In fact, its name comes from the union of the words "endogenous" (produced within the body) and "morphine", one of the most powerful opioid drugs that exist.
However, thanks to modern neuroimaging techniques we have been able to study the functioning of endorphins within our brain in greater detail. In this way, it has been discovered that these substances play a fundamental role in a large number of processes, from the appearance of addictions to depression or love.
Endorphins are classified as an endogenous neuropeptide class. This means that they are proteins linked in a chain, and that they are formed within the body itself. Its main function is to modify the messages transmitted between various neurons, so its field of action is within the brain.
According to the data available to us today, endorphins are produced primarily in the pineal glands and the pituitary. Both structures are also related to the balance of the body, and intervene in some processes such as sexuality, growth and the formation of metabolism.
Pituitary (yellow dot)
Beginning in the pituitary gland and pineal glands, endorphins begin their way inside the brain and spread throughout the nervous system. Some studies have also shown that they can be found in the digestive system, indicating that they have a significant effect on this vital function.
Types of endorphins
α-endorphin. Sequence: Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met-Thr-Ser-Glu-Lys-Ser-Gln-Thr-Pro-Leu-Val-Thr-OH
According to the latest research on this topic, we can find four types of endorphins in our body. They are called alpha, beta, gamma and sigma endorphins, and are characterized by having different numbers and classes of amino acids within the composition of their molecules.
β-endorphin Sequence: Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met-Thr-Ser-Glu-Lys-Ser-Gln-Thr-Pro-Leu-Val-Thr-Leu-Phe-Lys-Asn-Ala-Ile-Ile -Lys-Asn-Ala-Tyr-Lys-Lys-Gly-Glu
The different types of endorphins also differ based on the strength of the effects they produce. The most powerful are beta-endorphins, which have 31 amino acids and can cause a feeling of well-being even more powerful than morphine.
γ-endorphin Sequence: Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met-Thr-Ser-Glu-Lys-Ser-Gln-Thr-Pro-Leu-Val-Thr-Leu-OH
Alpha and gamma endorphins have 16 and 17 amino acids in their molecule composition, respectively. Regarding sigma endorphins, they are the least studied of all and there is still debate about whether they should be included in this group or not, due to some characteristics that differentiate them from the other classes.
The brain rewards with pleasant sensations when we perform good actions for our survival
Endorphins get their name because their main function is to block pain. At the same time, today we know that they are the main responsible for producing sensations of pleasure. Experts believe that their mission is to get us away from those elements that can harm us, and help us to repeat behaviors that can be beneficial to us.
Thus, endorphin levels in our brain increase when we participate in pleasant activities, such as eating something we like or spending time with our loved ones. At the same time they also rise when we exercise or simply relax.
Effects on mental activity
The limbic system is an area of the brain that is responsible for processing our emotions, memories and other related elements. Inside we can find a large number of opioid receptors, which are the components that allow endorphins to fulfill their function.
When endorphins reach the limbic system, we experience a great sense of pleasure or satisfaction. They are also known to aid in the formation of new memories and in the formation of habits. However, not only its presence is important: people who have low levels of endorphins in the brain tend to have very negative symptoms.
Thus, it is known that people with diseases such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, generalized anxiety and certain forms of addiction have levels of endorphins that are far below normal in the body. Because of this, these substances are believed to play a very important role in emotional and cognitive regulation.
How to increase the release of endorphins?
As we have already seen, the presence of high levels of endorphins in the brain is essential to maintain a good level of well-being and even mental health. However, some people produce less of these substances naturally; And in certain circumstances, our production can decrease for many reasons.
Because of this, a lot of research has been carried out on what are the best ways to increase the release of endorphins. Here we will see some of the most effective.
Exercising regularly
Intense physical exercise is one of the most important requirements for leading a healthy life. However, recently it has also been discovered that training (especially strength training) helps increase endorphin levels in the brain, thus also improving psychological well-being.
Set a goal and meet it
Our reward circuit is designed to make us feel good whenever we take some action that will provide us with a better standard of living in the future or that makes our current situation more positive. So one of the fastest ways to increase endorphin levels in the brain is to set a short-term goal and meet it.
This can be as simple as making a commitment to get up at a certain time every day for a week and stick to it, or following a specific diet for ten days. The important thing is not the content of the goal itself, but the fact of following it.
Having sex
Sexual intercourse is one of the most pleasant activities that can be performed, and in large part it is because of the large amount of endorphins that are released during this act. Even if you're not in a good mood, having sex can completely change your mood and improve your levels of these chemicals in the brain.
Sleep long enough
Sleep is another of the most important factors when it comes to maintaining adequate levels of endorphins in our body. Unfortunately, a large part of the population sleeps less than the minimum time necessary to maintain good physical and mental health, which is considered to be 7 hours a day.
Therefore, if you feel that your mood is more down than usual and you have been sleeping for less than 7 or 8 hours in a row, try to rest for a full night and you will notice how your mood improves almost immediately.
Eating foods that increase endorphins
In addition to physical exercise and sleep, the last pillar to maintain good emotional and psychological health is diet. Some foods help to naturally release higher levels of endorphins in the brain, so following a diet rich in them can help you in this regard.
Lack of endorphins (causes)
As you have seen so far, the lack of endorphins can cause very negative effects, among which are a low mood or the appearance of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety or obsessive-compulsive disorder. But, what are the causes that cause this brain state?
Most of the factors that cause a drop in endorphin levels have to do with lifestyle. Thus, lack of sleep, excessive consumption of caffeine or alcohol, lack of exercise or the presence of chronic stress can cause a significant drop in these chemicals.
On the other hand, there may also be more serious causes that explain endorphin deficiency. Possible more severe factors may include having suffered a physical or emotional trauma, the presence of a physical illness, or a deficiency in neurotransmitters such as GABA.
Foods that help the release of endorphins
Living a healthy lifestyle is the single most important factor in maintaining adequate endorphin levels in the brain. However, once you have regulated your rest, your physical activity and your diet, there are some extra actions you can take to improve them.
One of the most effective actions you can take to release more endorphins in your brain is to eat foods that promote their generation. Some of the most effective in this regard are the following:
- Chocolate.
- Spicy foods.
- Foods rich in Omega 3 such as blue fish or nuts.
- Spices such as ginseng or cinnamon.
- "Endorphins (neurotransmitters): functions and characteristics" in: Psychology and Mind. Retrieved on: February 04, 2020 from Psychology and Mind: psicologiaymente.com.
- "Endorphins" in: Simple Wikipedia. Retrieved on: February 04, 2020 from Simple Wikipedia: simple.wikipedia.com.
- "What are endorphins?" in: How Stuff Works. Retrieved on: February 04, 2020 from How Stuff Works: science.howstuffworks.com.
- "Are You Struggling with an Endorphin Deficiency?" in: Dr. Jockers. Retrieved on: February 04, 2020 from Dr. Jockers: drjockers.com.
- "Endorphins" in: Wikipedia. Retrieved on: February 04, 2020 from Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org.