The tamarind feeds mainly of nitrogen and phosphorus and their growth is better in deep soils with good drainage, and a pH level of between 6.5 and 7.5, making a neutral (acid level).
It does best in hot climates, with mild, dry winters. It is a tree from tropical areas, susceptible to cold and frost, and very resistant to winds.
It needs a lot of watering, so that the land does not dry out, especially in summer when temperatures rise. You need two components that will make you develop stronger; nitrogen and phosphorus.
At the end of the winter stage, and just before flowering, it can be fertilized around the tree with decomposed organic matter.
When the soil in which it is planted shows a lack of minerals, and the fertilizer is not enough, fertilizers must be added. 50 grams of nitrogen and 50 grams of phosphorous during the first 4 years of life are sufficient.
The tamarind, depending on the place where it is planted, will need between 4 and 5 years to bear fruit, if it was reproduced from cuttings, and between 7 and 12 years, if the reproduction was by seeds.
Tamarind thrives best in deep, well-drained soils
To prepare a seedbed for the germination of this tree, a sandy substrate with moisture content is used. A seed germinates around 7 to 10 days after being sown.
When the plant reaches 5 centimeters in height, it must be transplanted into pots to strengthen them.
What are their characteristics?
Tamarind is a tree native to Africa, where it grows wild, especially in Sudan. He entered America with the first slave ships.
Upon reaching maturity, its trunk can reach 7.5 meters circumferences. It has strong and flexible branches, which can withstand hurricanes.
The leaves are pinnate, between 7 and 15 centimeters, with rounded edges. Its flowers grow in clusters, yellowish in color, with small orange or red lines, with three well developed petals and two smaller lower ones.
The seeds are hard, brown in color, with a protective covering. A dry pod contains between 2 and 10 seeds of a centimeter in diameter. A pod takes about 10 months to mature after flowering.
The tamarind tree does not need pruning, although it is practiced for aesthetics, removing dry or crossed branches. It is a tree that is used a lot decoratively.
Its growth is slow, and at maturity it can reach more than 20 meters in height and exceed 150 years of age. It can bear fruit for almost 50 years.
The fruits of the tamarind are large bags, brown, widely used especially in the kitchen. This fruit has properties and benefits that make it ideal in diets.
It has a mild laxative effect, which makes it purifying. It has a high content of vitamin C and B. Its pulp contains fiber, making it an excellent digestive.
It has a high content of amino acids, which is very beneficial in the growth of children and adolescents. It favors the elimination of liquids and toxins, which makes it a good natural diuretic.
- "The tamarind tree" in Plants to cure. Recovered in October 2017 from Plants to cure at:
- "Tamarindus indica" in Wikipedia. Retrieved in October 2017 from Wikipedia at:
- "Tamarindo" in Flores. Recovered in October 2017 from Flores in:
- «Characteristics of Tamarind» in Botanical on line. Recovered in October 2017 from Botanical on line at:
- "Cultivation of Tamarind" in Agromática. Recovered in October 2017 from Agromática at: