- Water culture in Mexico
- Complex problems in Mexico
- Water culture in Colombia
- - The root problem
- Contamination
- Deforestation
- Water consumption in the agricultural field
- - The hand of man
- goals
- Importance
- References
The culture of water is a way of creating awareness in society for the rational and responsible use of this natural resource. Although it is a renewable natural resource, it is limited and it is imperative for society to learn to use it with caution. Since it requires human capital and modern machinery so that it can reach homes.
According to a study by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) 2.2 billion people around the world do not have access to the service in a safe way.
Some 2 billion people do not have access to safe water in the world. Image by Charles Nambasi from Pixabay
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization defines water as a determining factor for the development of man in all aspects: social, economic and environmental.
Water culture in Mexico
In 1989, the Mexican government created the National Water Commission (Conagua) in view of the need to make better use of water resources in the country and incorporate this as an integral vision for the development of the nation.
From its beginnings until today, it has set precise objectives, including improving the culture of the use of the liquid essential for life and contributing to its renewal.
In the 1990s, the Aztec population suffered an increase in gastrointestinal diseases related to the consumption of unsafe water.
The upturn in diagnoses led to the establishment of the Clean Water program to guarantee that the hydrological product was used for human consumption, and from there also arose the Water Culture program with very specific points to be addressed with greater attention in the rural sector.:
- School talks
- Community meetings
- Pints of fences
- Openings of space to discuss issues related to water resources.
Complex problems in Mexico
Although it is one of the countries that works for a better use of the resource, Mexico faces serious problems related to this service.
It is estimated that some 12 million people in the Mexican nation do not have access to drinking water as a result of over-exploitation and misuse of aquifer systems. In addition, 80% of the waterways are exposed to pollution caused by industries.
The constant failures in the service make the population have to resort to bottled water. According to the media, citizens fear consuming that from the pipes due to poor quality and the lack of guarantee of having been properly treated.
Throughout the Mexican territory, 2,536 municipal wastewater treatment plants were installed, however, it is not possible to meet the population's demand.
In Mexico, the culture of water is about a continuous process of transformation of society regarding the use of this resource. Although even in many populations they point out that the failures in distribution and a non-responsible use of the vital liquid is the responsibility of the government, the truth is that it is a work to be done jointly by politicians and civil society.
According to research studies carried out by autonomous authorities and non-governmental entities, if Mexico does not change the course of the use of this natural resource in 2030, it would face an emergency situation.
Water culture in Colombia
Colombia has 742 thousand 725 river basins. Image by Lina Marcela Perilla Torres from Pixabay
The Colombian communities took the lead for the preservation and good use of the water resource. The populations are convinced that they must organize to present projects and work hand in hand with the authorities to achieve tangible objectives.
In turn, government authorities also took on the development of programs to care for, protect, and make rational use of the resource.
Among the strategies put into practice are educational seminars under the premise of the General Education Law so that children from school understand the importance of caring for water. They carry out workshops, meetings, field trips, cultural and sporting events.
Communities are also given participation in the development of projects and their implementation, with this it seeks to strengthen the participation of the entire society.
- The root problem
In Colombia they have 742,725 hydrographic basins, an abundant amount that led the population to squander this resource. Colombians have challenges to face to achieve efficient use of the water service:
Most of Colombia's cities were built near rivers, but no measures were taken to prevent contamination of the channels, in such a way that the rivers guaranteed a potable supply upstream, but the hand of man carried the waste downstream.
In the Colombian country, 600 thousand hectares are deforested per year, this means that in a short time more than 50% of the green areas of the Colombian territory were lost.
Water consumption in the agricultural field
The sowing sector needs about 3,250 cubic kilometers per year, plantations use water in large quantities and much of it returns to its primary sources contaminated by agrochemicals.
- The hand of man
The abundance of water resources causes citizens, in many cases, to be unaware of the importance of taking care of water. To this is added that it is not given its fair value in the payment of public services.
Those who participate in the culture of water have clear objectives:
- Achieve the participation of society for the rational use of water.
- Preserve ecological wealth as a way to contribute to the sustainable development of man.
- Detect the problems that threaten the preservation of the natural resource.
- Promote education programs to have a more responsible society regarding the use of the water service.
- That people know the current situation of the supply systems.
Without water the existence of man would be impossible. However, society may not be aware of what its scarcity means and if it is not preserved, in a short time several countries will be submerged in a water crisis.
There is a false theory that this resource is inexhaustible, but it is and also essential for social welfare.
- 1 in 3 people in the world does not have access to safe water (2019) Taken from unicef.org.
- Sustainable Development Goals (2015). Taken from fao.org
- Maria Perevochttchikova (2012). Culture of Water in Mexico.
- The water crisis in Mexico means that 12 million people do not have access to drinking water (2018) Taken from iagua.es
- Culture of Water Program (2019). Taken from minvivienda.gov.co
- A new culture of water. Ingeaguas.co