To answer the question How many tenths fit in a unit ?, it is necessary to first know the definition of "tenth."
The origin of this word lies on the definition of Decimal Fraction, which is a fraction whose denominator is a multiple of 10.
When the power of 10 has an exponent equal to 1, we get a tenth; that is, a tenth consists of dividing 1 by 10 (1/10), or what is the same 0.1. One tenth also corresponds to the first unit to the right of the decimal point.
When the power of 10 has an exponent equal to 2, the number is called a hundredth and when the power is equal to 3, the number is called a thousandth.
How many tenths can one unit fit?
When you use the word unit, you are referring to the number 1. As mentioned before, a tenth consists of dividing 1 by 10, which yields a result of 0.1.
To know how many tenths fit in a unit, it is necessary to calculate the number of times that 0.1 must be added with it so that the result is just one unit. Which, when performing the calculations, gives a result of 10.
What was said above is equivalent to saying that 10 tenths can fit in a unit.
The use of these decimal numbers is more everyday than you might think. It can be seen in the marks that appear on a ruler, in the price of an item in a store, in the weight of an object and many more examples.
Everyday Examples
Monetary units
If a universal currency such as the dollar ($) is used, one tenth of a dollar is the same as 10 cents (10 hundredths).
It is clear that if you have 10 10 cent coins then you have a total of 1 dollar. Therefore, with 10 tenths of a dollar a unit of dollar is completed.
A rule
If you look at a ruler whose unit of measurement is centimeters, you can see the first long bar to the right of zero represents one unit (1cm).
Also, you can see that between 0 and 1 there are shorter bars. The separation between all these bars is the same and is obtained by dividing the unit (1cm) into 10 equal parts.
In other words, the distance between each pair of consecutive short bars is equal to 1/10 cm, which is the same as 1 millimeter (one tenth of a centimeter). If you count all these bars you can see that there are 10 short bars.
The above tells us that 10 tenths (10 millimeters) can fit in a unit (1 centimeter).
A 10 × 10 board
If you look at a board with dimensions 10 × 10, that is, 10 squares wide and 10 squares long, it can be seen that each square represents one tenth of its respective row (or column).
As can be seen in the previous figure, to fill a column (one unit) it takes 10 boxes (10 tenths). Again, it can be concluded that a unit fits 10 tenths.
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