The social components of Sonora are the compendium of elements that characterize and allow to differentiate and classify the population of the state with respect to the rest of the country.
Factors such as demographics, ethnicity, culture, or politics are some of the main social components of Sonora.
Sonora districts map
The state of Sonora is the second largest in Mexico in terms of area with about 180 thousand square kilometers, it was founded in 1824 and its capital is Hermosillo.
2.9 million people live in Sonora, of which 20% currently live in poverty of some degree.
Main social components of Sonora
Sonora ranks 17th among the states with the most inhabitants in Mexico and is divided into 72 municipalities, of which the most populated is the one that houses its capital, Hermosillo, with about 900,000 inhabitants.
1- Demographics
Given its medium-sized population and its large territory, Sonora is the fourth state with the lowest population density, with only 16 inhabitants per square kilometer. During the last decade its growth rate was 2% per year.
86% of the population is located in urban areas, almost 10 percentage points more than the national average of Mexico (78%).
The distribution by gender is practically the same and life expectancy is around 75 years, being slightly higher in women.
2- Ethnicity
About 3% of the population of Sonora belongs to some indigenous ethnic group. There are 13 recognized groups, the most numerous being Mayo, Yaqui, Pima and Guarijío. Indigenous peoples are located in rural areas of the state.
Several organizations that have studied these communities, such as the National Institute of Anthropology and History, consider them a vital part of the historical development of Sonora, as well as the state's cultural heritage.
Currently, a struggle is being carried out to grant them more rights in order to avoid the disappearance of their customs and languages. It is believed that 10% of the indigenous population is in danger of disappearing.
3- Religion
82% of the inhabitants profess the Catholic religion, the remaining percentage is divided equally between Christians and other religions.
4- Culture
Its culture is a great tourist attraction, normally the folkloric manifestations depend on the main ethnic group of each municipality.
The most inhabited, Hermosillo, is usually the center of various celebrations accompanied by typical music, dances and crafts.
It is also in Hermosillo where the historical areas of Sonora are located, such as the Government Palace and the Cathedral of Nuestra Señora de la Purísima Concepción.
Gastronomy is a very characteristic element of the area. It is possible to find a fusion between traditional indigenous foods (together with the influence of the Spanish colonizers) in the form of tortillas and tamales filled with beef, pork, lamb or goat.
5- Policy
The representation of Sonora in the Legislative Congress is 3 senators and 11 deputies, the 72 municipalities are dependent on a city council whose municipal President is elected every 3 years.
Sonora presents many laws in charge of granting autonomy to social, economic and cultural institutions.
- Javier Knappe (nd). The State of Sonora. Retrieved on November 23, 2017, from Eumed.
- José Luis Zárate (April 2016). Ethnic groups of Sonora. Retrieved on November 23, 2017, from Scielo.
- The cultures of Sonora (nd). Retrieved on November 23, 2017, from Arqueología Mexicana.
- Sonora (sf). Retrieved on November 23, 2017, from INEGI.
- Sonora is home to 13 native and migrant indigenous groups (October 12, 2014). Retrieved on November 23, 2017, from Uniradio Noticias.
- Sonora. Cultural and Tourist Attractions (sf). Retrieved on November 23, 2017, from INAFED.