- Branches of anthropology
- Linguistic anthropology
- Applied anthropology
- Philosophical Anthropology
- Medical anthropology
- Industrial anthropology
- Forensic anthropology
- Economic anthropology
- Cultural anthropology
- Social anthropology
- Biological anthropology
- References
The branches of anthropology are the different aspects or inclinations of study that derive from the main anthropological discipline. The objective of all of them is to analyze the human being from an integral perspective, that is, covering several of the aspects that constitute man.
Likewise, the aspiration of every branch of anthropology is to generate knowledge about the human being from different spheres, but always considering man as an essential part of society. In addition, anthropology is helped with other social and natural sciences, so it is a multidisciplinary study.
All anthropologies want to contribute knowledge about the human being. Source: Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic (public domain)
It is important to emphasize that defining anthropology as a science has been an arduous task. This is because, over the years, the discipline has evolved significantly and has developed new interests, which implies the creation of new branches. Among the branches of anthropology are cultural, linguistic, biological, medical, among others.
Branches of anthropology
Linguistic anthropology
Linguistic anthropology is one in charge of analyzing culture through the study of communication systems, especially language. For this reason, it focuses on syntax, morphology, semantics, among other aspects related to languages.
Consequently, it can be established that linguistic anthropology has as its object of study language and its relationship with culture. This means that the studies must be guided by the sociocultural context, since this discipline considers that language is a medium that allows the reproduction of beliefs, mechanisms of social order and values.
Likewise, it must be taken into account that the language will have certain variations depending on the myths, rites, customs and habits that are applied in each social group.
Linguistic anthropology affirms that language is the most complex and important means of communication that human beings have developed. Different human societies, in their formative process, have adapted and classified various cultural patterns in order to name and understand the activities that man is capable of developing.
Applied anthropology
It is the one in charge of conducting research that promotes tangible socioeconomic changes in society. In other words, applied anthropology is not limited to developing theoretical material, but puts its knowledge into practice to promote social benefits.
Generally speaking, it is a relatively young branch. However, in recent years it has been expanding along with the social demand of our time. Applied anthropology deals with issues of social and sociopolitical justice, as well as educational policy, development strategies, and public health.
Philosophical Anthropology
This branch takes man as its point of focus, taking into account various elements of human existence. Likewise, it is in charge of questioning the fundamental nature of being.
It also tries to define man through the historical perspective. In other words, philosophical anthropology asks questions such as What is man?
Medical anthropology
It is also known as anthropology of health. This branch is primarily concerned with certain health problems such as the relationship between health-patient, as well as epidemiology in multicultural contexts. In addition, it focuses on the study of health policies and health systems.
Industrial anthropology
It is the branch in charge of studying the industrial organizations of companies and companies. In addition, it focuses on development, innovation, industrial strategies and market studies. Industrial anthropology is also known by the less popular name of "organizational knowledge management."
Forensic anthropology
This discipline focuses on the facilitation of expert opinions through biological knowledge. That is, forensic anthropology helps with the individuation and / or identification of human remains. It also carries out social evaluations in order to clarify and declare the events before a trial.
Economic anthropology
It is the branch in charge of analyzing the socio-economic relationships that are manifested in the processes of production, consumption and distribution. Therefore, economic anthropology takes into account the social, economic, cultural capital and the interdependence between each of them.
Cultural anthropology
This branch of anthropology focuses on the understanding of man through his culture. In other words, cultural anthropology analyzes the human being through their myths, beliefs, customs, values and norms.
It should not be confused with social anthropology, since both have a different epistemological approach: one deals with everything that is culture, while the other deals with the social structure of populations.
Social anthropology
It is the branch that studies the social structures of different human societies. In Europe, social anthropology is the most dominant branch within this discipline, while in the United States it is considered as a fragment of cultural anthropology. The origin of this aspect is in the United Kingdom and was born under the influence of French sociology.
Previously, social anthropologists were interested in political and economic organization, family structures, religion, and motherhood. However, today these scholars have focused on new issues such as globalization, gender studies, and ethnic violence.
Biological anthropology
Biological anthropology focuses on the study of the evolution of man, taking into account biological variability. Source: pixabay.com
It is also known as physical anthropology. This discipline focuses on the study of the evolution of man, taking into account biological variability. This means that biological anthropology is characterized by its evolutionary, comparative and biocultural perspective.
Likewise, it tries to offer answers to the evolutionary causes that gave rise to current biological variables, both in humans and primates.
This branch in its beginnings used as a theoretical foundation the theory of Charles Darwin, then the studies of James Watson on the composition and structure of DNA were introduced. This discovery greatly boosted biochemical understanding within this discipline, which made it possible to establish a study of the genetic affinities existing between different organisms.
- Bascom, W. (1953) Folklore and anthropology. Retrieved on January 11, 2020 from Jstor: jstor.org
- Korsbaek, L. (sf.) Anthropology and its neighboring disciplines. Retrieved on January 11, 2020 from Dialnet: Dialnet.net
- Man, R. (1944) The future of social Anthropology. Retrieved on January 11, 2020 from Jstor: jstor.org
- SA (sf) Biological Anthropology. Retrieved on January 11, 2020 from Wikipedia: es.wikipedia.org
- SA (sf) Cultural Anthropology. Retrieved on January 11, 2020 from Wikipedia: es.wikipedia.org
- SA (sf) Social Anthropology. Retrieved on January 11, 2020 from Wikipedia: es.wikipedia.org
- SA (nd) Different branches and disciplines of anthropology. Retrieved on January 11, 2020 from Universidadupav.edu.mx
- Tax, S. (2017) Horizons of anthropology. Retrieved on January 11, 2020 from content.taylorfrancis.com
- Villalobos, V. (2018) Main branches of anthropology. Retrieved on January 11, 2020 from docplayer.es