- Parts in which an instruction is divided
- 1- Index
- 2- Assembly instructions (if applicable)
- 3- Necessary materials or technical requirements
- 4- Basic instructions
- 5- Illustrations
- 6- Rules or recommendations for Use
- Example
- References
The parts of an instruction manual in which it is usually divided are index, assembly instructions, necessary materials, recommendations, basic instructions or rules of use and recommendations.
An instructive is a text that groups all the steps that must be followed to do an activity. It explains in detail and in order, each of the actions that must be done to achieve the desired result.
The most common types of instructions are those that tell how to use a computer (for example, a television, a DVD player, a camera, a smartphone, etc.) or how to play a board game (Monopoly, Risk, Scrabble, etc).
In general, any document that explains how to do something can be considered an instructional one. Common characteristics such as:
- Step-by-step instructions are presented on how to use the device, program or in general, how to proceed to obtain the desired objective.
- Include drawings, photographs or any graphic element that helps illustrate the procedure.
- Use precise language and as simple as possible, so that it is easy for all audiences to understand.
- Instructions are presented in bulleted or numbered list formats for better viewing.
Tutorials can be created for basically any activity. In some cases, specific standards must be followed, such as the Standards and Procedures Manuals, which are documents used by companies to describe each of their processes and serve as support in the training, evaluation and direction of personnel, among other functions.
At the global level and at the level of each country, there are organizations that are in charge of dictating the guidelines or norms to be followed to write administrative manuals, procedures, among other types.
These guidelines specify details such as: formats, type of information to be included, information gathering techniques, and everything necessary to design the procedure.
However, in this article we will focus on simple and everyday instructions, which must also contain certain information presented in such a way that it is easily understood by the public or end user.
Parts in which an instruction is divided
In general, a tutorial is made up of the following parts:
1- Index
It is very useful since it can easily identify and find important elements, as well as being a good tool for handling the instructions. It is used in equipment and device manuals.
2- Assembly instructions (if applicable)
This section is included whenever it is necessary to pre-assemble parts of the device. For example: inserting the battery into a phone, attaching the lens to a professional camera, etc.
3- Necessary materials or technical requirements
When it comes to an instruction manual to manufacture or make a product, either at a domestic or industrial level, it must indicate which are the "ingredients" necessary for the production of said product.
Regarding the technical requirements, some types of instructions mention the need for certain conditions for the equipment to function.
For example, household appliances (blenders, microwaves, etc.) and in general, all electrical appliances, indicate the type of current with which they work, as well as the voltage (110V or 220V).
4- Basic instructions
This section indicates the steps to follow to turn on the appliance, if applicable.
If it is a question of another type of instruction, for example, a hamburger recipe, the steps to follow for the preparation are specified: season the ground meat, cook it, fill the bread with it, etc.
5- Illustrations
The illustrations section can include: photographs, drawings, diagrams or any other graphic that helps to clearly understand the instructions.
6- Rules or recommendations for Use
The game instructions indicate what is allowed and what is not and how it is penalized. In the case of electronic equipment user manuals, recommendations are usually included so that the device does not suffer any damage due to improper handling or exposure to inappropriate conditions.
To better explain this, let's take as an example the following instructions (recipe): "How to make butter cookies"
(As it is a simple instructions, it does not include an index, nor assembly instructions as it is not necessary).
The instructions are of great importance to obtain good results when carrying out an activity, since all the important aspects are taken into account in their preparation so that no time is wasted.
The instruction manuals are designed to allow the correct and efficient use of the appliances and devices, as well as their proper installation. Also to prevent accidents and inconveniences due to mishandling.
In general, they are documents that have a wide application in daily life and work, being an important support at the informational and learning level.
- 7 Tips for Writing an Effective Instruction Manual. Recovered from: sitepoint.com.
- How to make an instructional for children. Recovered from: parentsenlaescuela.com.
- González, A. (2010). Instructions for the elaboration of a User Manual. Havana, Ceta IT Solutions.
- Technical Guide for the elaboration of Procedures Manuals. Recovered from: uv.mx
- Instructional Text. Recovered from: definicion.de.