- The 4 main plateaus of Honduras
- 1- Siguatequepe Plateau
- 2- Plateau of Santa Rosa
- 3- Plateau of La Esperanza
- 4- Plateau of Santa Ana
- References
The plateaus of Honduras are distributed in the mountain ranges that make up 80% of its territory. A plateau is a tall, flat landform that rises sharply above the surrounding area on at least one side.
Honduras is the most mountainous country in Central America and has distinct series of mountain ranges that divide the country into two halves: the north and the south.
In the areas between one mountain range and the other there are several plateaus. These plains are an average of 3 to 11 kilometers wide. The plateaus of Honduras are flanked by mountains 914-2133 meters high.
In general, the plateaus of Honduras are the most populated territories in this country. In fact, Tegucigalpa (its capital) is located on a plateau.
Tegucigalpa is a small municipality, but it is the most populated of the Honduran political divisions.
This occupies an interior plateau, limited to the north and west by the mountains of Sulaco and Comayagua, and to the south and east by those of Ule and Chile. Its average elevation is 900 meters above sea level.
The 4 main plateaus of Honduras
1- Siguatequepe Plateau
On this plateau is the city of Siguatepeque, located in the center of the department of Comayagua.
The plateau is located in the Sierra de Montecillos of the Central Cordillera and has a height of 1200 meters above sea level. A distinctive feature of the place are the extensive pine forests that surround it.
It has an average climate of 22 ° C throughout the year. Various tourism and recreation activities are carried out on this plateau.
2- Plateau of Santa Rosa
The Santa Rosa plateau, seat of the city of Santa Rosa de Copán, is located in the Sierra del Gallinero of the Cordillera Central.
With an altitude of 3700 meters above sea level, the predominant climate is temperate subtropical, averaging 21 ° C throughout the year.
The city of Santa Rosa de Copán exhibits colonial architecture, cobbled streets and tile roofs. This city has been declared a National Monument and Cultural Heritage of the Nation.
3- Plateau of La Esperanza
The La Esperanza plateau is located in the Sierra de Puca-Ocalaca of the Cordillera del Sur.
It has a height of 1700 meters above sea level, which makes it one of the highest plateaus in the country.
The cities of La Esperanza and Intibucá are located here; These cities are known as "the twin cities." Both maintain an important tourist activity.
4- Plateau of Santa Ana
The Santa Ana plateau has a height of 1500 meters above sea level. This plateau is the seat of the homonymous municipality of Santa Ana, department of La Paz.
This municipality is recognized for its production of coffee, cocoa and vegetables. Santa Ana belongs to the department of Francisco Morazan, whose capital is Tegucigalpa.
This department is located in the central plateau and is the most populated in Honduras.
- Nations Encyclopedia. (s / f). Honduras. Retrieved on November 17, 2017, from nationsencyclopedia.com
- National Geographic. (2011, January 21). Plateau. Retrieved on November 17, 2017, from nationalgeographic.org
- Squier, E. (2012). Notes on Central America. Carlisle: Applewood Books.
- Hondura tips. (2011, December 31). Siguatepeque. Retrieved on November 17, 2017, from hondurastips.hn
- Adelsar. (s / f). Santa Rosa de Copán. Retrieved on November 17, 2017, from adelsar.hn
- Banegas, G. (2014, April 07). Hope, a cultural and natural paradise. Retrieved on November 17, 2017, from elheraldo.hn
- Eco-Honduras (2015, April 22). Francisco Morazán Department. Retrieved on November 17, 2017, from ecohonduras.net