- Types of resistance
- 1- According to the predominant energy path
- 2- Depending on the muscle mass involved
- 3- Depending on the way we have to work
- Tips to improve our resistance
- What sessions can be done?
- For starters
- For advanced
- Types of exercise
- 1- Running
- 2- walk
- 3- Gym machines
- 4- Jump rope
- 5- Bicycle
- Benefits
- Other kind of help
Physical endurance can be improved by following a series of exercises and advice based on the experience and knowledge of experts. Also, best of all, with a well-planned routine and habit, it is possible to greatly enhance physical endurance.
Resistance is defined as the "action and effect of resisting or resisting" or "ability to resist." Its definition is so broad that professionals disagree about its true meaning.
For example, for coach Arturo Oliver of the National School of Trainers of Spain, resistance “is not only something related to the physical” but “the mind also plays a fundamental role” and which ultimately defines it as the "Psychophysical quality that allows us to prolong an exercise or an activity".
Now, what is sought to improve is the cardio - circulatory system, increasing the size of the heart in order to reduce the number of beats at the same time. We would also help the functioning of the venous and arterial network that we have to function in a more successful way.
The resistance expert Piolanti explains that “the important thing is that the heart is able to pump the oxygenated blood that the body requires when it is exercising. There is the key to resistance.
At the same time, we also want to achieve that our lung capacity notably filters carbon dioxide as well as oxygen, benefiting us in greater quantities.
If we talk about fibers, we want the muscular system to activate those that work in a more leisurely and slow way, and of course stimulate the rest.
Types of resistance
1- According to the predominant energy path
Here we can find two types, aerobic and anaerobic:
The first is based on the ability to prolong a low intensity effort for a long time, while the second focuses on explosiveness and the ability to carry out an effort that requires high levels of intensity.
2- Depending on the muscle mass involved
We observe general muscular endurance and local muscular endurance:
The general refers to the involvement in physical activity of more than one sixth of our total muscle mass. However, the local is positioned contrary to the general and only involves less than one sixth of the total muscle mass that we have.
3- Depending on the way we have to work
Again, we can observe two perfectly distinguished types:
The first of them is called static resistance and is in which there is no type of movement of the different bone levers, where the resistance is carried out through isometric work.
The second is called dynamic resistance and the work of the muscles causes different movements of the joint levers of our body to take place.
Tips to improve our resistance
1- The first and most important of all the advice that we are going to offer in this article is explained below: consult a professional first, be it a doctor or a physiotherapist directly.
He will advise us in a professional way and help us to know ourselves and to work in an optimal way.
2- We must calculate the limitations and know the functioning of our body. We can do this in several ways:
- Know our Body Mass Index (BMI), which will help us to know where the state of our body is currently.
- Take our pulse just before doing physical activity.
- Prepare a long-term exercise plan in a suitable way based on our own limitations. But what exactly are those limitations ?:
- Do not demand more than the account, since increasing our physical resistance is a gradual and progressive process. This means things like going at our own pace.
- Establish a daily routine. According to specialists in physical preparation, it is recommended that the human being should perform a total of about 30 minutes of anaerobic exercise a day and 5 days a week.
- Variety is the key. If you do different types of exercises, you will be able to alter the monotony, making the aforementioned routine become something much more enjoyable and of course, pleasant to perform.
- Rest the necessary time that our body requires in order to perform at the highest possible level.
- And finally establish a set of goals. This is to say, "in two months I want to run so many kilometers" and fulfill it without making any kind of excuse or objection.
To improve our physical resistance we will need to perform the exercise mentioned in the previous lines. Doing this successfully is only possible through a series of strict steps:
1- Warm up and stretch at all times. This will prepare our body for sports and in this way we avoid a multitude of risks and injuries.
2- If we are not yet very used to exercise, it would be convenient to start practicing low - medium impact sports, walking at a moderate speed or jogging for a few minutes.
3- Make the relevant exercise sessions that we will show you in another section below.
4- Measure the time as well as the distance that we are doing during the exercise if it is mobility. If it is not a distance activity, and on the contrary it is based on the performance of abdominal series or weights for example, we must calculate it in the relevant way.
Once we have finished our physical activity we will have to finish with a series of stretches in order to cool down in the best possible way and not run the risk of suffering any type of injury. It is important that this stretch is much longer than the one previously performed.
We will also have to collect the pulse that we show again and compare it with the one we had previously obtained to obtain results.
In addition, it should be noted that there are different ways of developing it and they depend on the person. It is not the same to improve the resistance of an elite athlete than that of an amateur or directly from a footballer to a swimmer. That is why we will show you different ways to improve it.
What sessions can be done?
According to the physical education teacher and personal trainer Florencia Piolanti, “you can start by jogging 100 meters and then walk back. Then you can do sit-ups, then cones, and thus rotate.
For starters
The following training plan is intended for beginners who are just starting to improve their stamina.
During the established planning, it is proposed to walk at a fast pace for a total of 5 minutes and then run for 1.
In the next session we will have to walk 10 minutes and then run 2.
Already on the third day, the subject in question should walk for 100 meters and after that, run another 100, and alternate and increase the distance in each series that is performed by 50 meters.
In this way, we can improve day by day, following the formula explained and simply increasing distance and time day by day. If this is done with discipline and regularity, the results can be seen quickly.
For advanced
Here we can divide them into two categories: In aerobic or organic and anaerobic or muscular endurance.
1- Aerobic
CONTINUOUS RUN: Low intensity race in nature on uneven terrain and without pauses.
- Factors: Distance from 5 to 20 km.
- Duration: 30 min. to 1 hour and a half.
- Pause: No pause will be required.
- Pulsations: In equilibrium during the run 140 - 150 bpm
- Progression: First in volume and then in intensity.
SWEDISH FARLETK (Soft): It is a racing game or rhythm breaks. With progressions and accelerations all within the race and without pauses.
- Factors: Distance from 6 to 12 km.
- Duration: 30 min. at 60 min.
- Pause: No pause.
- Pulses: During continuous running 140 - 150 ppm and in progressions or accelerations 160 - 170 ppm
INTERVAL TRAINING: Interval racing games with active and rewarding breaks
- Purpose: Rapid development of running technique and lower body muscles.
- Progression: From volume to intensity and in this order.
- Reps: Increase
- Interval: Decrease
- Intensity: Increase
RHYTHM - ENDURANCE: It is a race where the idea of rhythm prevails, this system is suitable for acquiring Aerobic or Organic Endurance, but not as a specialty for sprinters and yes for mid-distance runners. It is to maintain a constant rhythm during the race where the contribution-expenditure threshold ranges between 160 - 170 ppm
2- Anaerobic
SWEDISH FARLETK (Strong): This system is identical to the Swedish Farletk (Soft) only it differs that by cutting the Continuous Running and increasing the progressions and accelerations, we turn it into a system that improves Anaerobic or Muscular Endurance.
POLISH FARLETK: It consists of 4 phases:
- Warm up from 15 to 20 min.
- Rhythmic races over short distances of 150 - 300 m.
- Rhythmic races over long distances of 600 - 800 - 1200 m.
- Normalization of 10 to 15 minutes of relaxation at a gentle jog.
DEFINITION: Interval repetitions with incomplete recuperative pauses that improve our Anaerobic or Muscular Endurance.
- Reps: Increase.
- Progression: Increase.
- Interval: Decrease.
Types of exercise
The exercises that we can perform to improve our resistance are multiple and varied:
1- Running
2- walk
Depending on the state of resistance in which we find ourselves we can walk instead of running. It is therefore about adapting physical exercise to our possibilities.
3- Gym machines
Here it is recommended that the set of machines be altered as much as possible in order to enhance the different parts of our body. If we do not have access to these, as an alternative we can perform push-ups, sit-ups, squats or chin-ups working on our own body weight.
4- Jump rope
Without a doubt one of the most effective exercises that we can find to improve our resistance. It will basically help us to improve the amount of air that enters our lungs in addition to helping us reduce our body weight in a faster than normal way.
5- Bicycle
Like jumping rope, it is one of the fastest and most important activities. On the bicycle you work for a longer time than in the race and we can also strengthen and define our legs.
The benefits for our body are multiple:
- Prevention of chronic diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, back pain, depression or obesity among many others.
- We improve our muscle tone which helps us protect our joints from injury.
- We improve our mobility and balance leading to a better body posture.
- Another of the most notable advantages is the reduction of the risk of suffering from osteoporosis due to the increase in our bone density.
- It considerably reduces the chances of suffering from insomnia.
- Last but not least, improve our spirits and in this way our own self-esteem and personal well-being.
Other kind of help
If by any chance we feel any kind of pain during the activity that we are doing, we should stop as a precaution and not force ourselves too much.
It is also recommended that the training places and the different physical activities that we carry out be varied taking into account the maximum of our possibilities.
Yoga helps our body get used to rest and especially concentration. With this practice we will improve our breathing when playing sports, making our fatigue decrease.
Adequate food intake becomes crucial. Those necessary to optimize our resistance will be especially those that present lower levels of fats and that are not too processed.
In addition, they should include large amounts of protein along with different vitamins and cereals. Perfect for this would be lean meats, cereals and of course a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.