The burgundy is a type of red of great intensity. It is so deep that it appears blackened purple or deep purple, indicating that its coloration is dark and penetrating.
Burgundy falls somewhere between brown and purple in the warm color range. It comes from red, to which some black has been added to make it darker.
Although it is very similar to burgundy and garnet, it has differences since the tone is darker and it can adopt a coloration that is close to brown or purple.
Main features
Burgundy, like burgundy, owes its name to the product of the vine of equal coloration that is obtained in the French historical region of Burgundy. This wine is identified by its very peculiar deep color.
Two particular shades can be found in burgundy: a warm burgundy, with the intensity of red and a slight touch of blue; and cooler burgundy, when red is quite close to brown.
This is one of the colors that has the duality of being warm and cold depending on the proportions of the mixture.
It has been identified in many regions and products as a red with a purple lean, while considering only the deep red color, it appears brownish.
In earlier times, the color burgundy was associated with the clothing of the emperors due to the symbolism of power and strength inspired by color.
Burgundy is a bright color because it absorbs the luminosity of the primary colors that make it up. It is used in Christmas decorations because it evokes the holiday season.
The use of this color is synonymous with power and magnetism. Being a deep color, it evokes strength and security. When a person wears clothes of that color, it usually reflects a lot of self-confidence and firmness of character.
Burgundy has been rated as a color for healing in the event of low energy, because it makes the person feel powerful and confident that they can accomplish whatever is necessary.
In its composition yellow in a small part, deep blue and red intervene. The proportions indicate that you should mix 3 parts of dark red, 1 part of blue and add several drops of yellow.
Basically red and blue are used in a ratio of 3 to 1, or also 4 to 1; hence the purple hue. Yellow in small amounts is added to obtain a slightly brown coloration.
For some colorists, burgundy is a deep reddish brown made with a mixture of brown, red and a small amount of blue.
Burgundy can take on various shades according to the proportions of each color used in the combination.
When a bright burgundy is desired, more red is used, but if a deeper hue is desired, more blue should be incorporated.
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- Wikipedia. "Burgundy Color" Retrieved on December 16, 2017 from
- Quora. "What colors make up burgundy?" Retrieved on December 16, 2017 from
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- Old-Earth. "Color Meaning: Burgundy Color Magic" Retrieved on December 16, 2017 from