- Phases or stages of the milk production circuit
- Phase N ° 1:
- Phase N ° 2:
- Phase N ° 3:
- Productive circuit of milk in Argentina
- Productive circuit of milk in Uruguay
- Articles of interest
- References
The milk production circuit is made up of three phases or processes in sequence: milking, industrial processing and marketing. These, in turn, are divided into sub-stages. The phases are formed by various activities that will contribute to the production and transformation of milk.
It is important to highlight that, in order for the process of converting raw material to final products to be carried out effectively, it is necessary to have people and machines to carry out the various tasks of the production circuit.
Woman milking a cow. Niels Van Iperen / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)
Milk is a basic product in most countries that, even in these days of technological advances, is manufactured by producers who are artisanal and have excellent results.
Phases or stages of the milk production circuit
To carry out the production process of milk, it must go through a three-stage circuit, where in the final phase the finished product will be generated for consumption.
Phase N ° 1:
To begin this process it is extremely important that the cow to be milked is completely healthy and the facilities clean, otherwise the milk that is extracted will be contaminated immediately.
In this process, cows are placed in mechanical milkers, although before the Industrial Revolution they were milked manually. Currently the process is faster and the milk goes through a system of aluminum pipes that will direct it to the thermal containers that will keep it fresh.
It should be noted that the milking of the cow is usually done precisely at sunrise or sunset. These are the least stressful times of the day for the animal.
Freshly milked milk, it is stored raw in tanks for conservation. No preservative of any kind is added and the containers must be at 4ºC to keep them fresh.
Phase N ° 2:
The industrial process involves converting freshly milked milk into liquid, fluid milk. Before starting the transformation of the milk, it passes through a filter that retains all the impurities and later the milk is stored in a tank, from where samples are taken for analysis.
The results that the analyzes will emit will be: the temperature at which it has been refrigerated, the fat and protein content, if it has any pathogenic bacteria or if it has preservatives or an antibiotic that is not allowed. As well as any other parameter of interest.
At the end of the analysis process, fluid milk will become part of the industry through packaging.
Phase N ° 3:
Finally, the milk transformed into various dairy products is sent to the centers in charge of distributing the final product.
These products are sent to supermarkets, warehouses, food fairs, supermarkets, among others. Where they will later be purchased by the customer, in this case the final consumer.
The marketing of milk must have certain characteristics, which will allow it to be the main choice in the market. Some features are:
- Product packaging: glass and cardboard containers are one of the preferred options for consumers.
- Labels: it is important that the product is well identified, so that the consumer can differentiate it from the rest.
- Product quality: quality is the main characteristic sought by consumers, which is why making a product with high quality standards is the key for the marketing phase to end successfully.
Productive circuit of milk in Argentina
In Argentina, the most popular breed of cattle is the holando, derived from the Holstein breed. It is named for its Dutch origin. It is mainly distributed throughout the provinces of Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Santa Fe, La Pampa and Entre Ríos.
Their greater presence is due to the fact that they are dairy cows that produce large quantities of milk, in some cases producing up to 10,000 liters a year individually.
Tambo, milk container typical of South American countries. Roberto Fiadone / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)
In Argentina, the milk production circuit is established in dairy farms. The name refers to a dairy production activity with a specialized breed from the moment of breeding to wholesale.
The dairy follows the general milk production circuit process.
Phase 1: during the milking phase, the dairy cow has had an adequate feeding process and the facilities have always been kept clean. The milking will be manual or with a mechanical milking machine.
Phase 2: the milk is stored in the containers (tambo) with suitable conditions to avoid contamination and then the pasteurization process is carried out.
Phase 3: Once it is ensured that the germs have been eliminated, the packaging and subsequent distribution process begins.
Productive circuit of milk in Uruguay
The dairy industry in Uruguay is one of the most important within its agricultural system. Each year, more than 2 billion liters of milk are produced thanks to the work of some 4,500 dairy farmers throughout the country.
As with Argentina, the main breed bred for milk production is the holando. This is distributed over an area of 800,000 hectares, mostly close to the department of Montevideo and other economically strong provinces.
The milk production system is the dairy, so the process is identical to that of Argentina.
Articles of interest
Yerba mate productive circuit.
Sugar production circuit.
Productive wine circuit.
Cotton production circuit.
Production circuit of soybeans.
- Lamb, JH (2007). Do geography at school. Buenos Aires: Noveduc Libros.
- Hernández, LA (2005). The productive and commercial globalization of milk and its derivatives. Mexico DF: Plaza and Valdes.
- Hurtado, MG (2014). Reception and storage of milk and other raw materials. IC Editorial.
- Kutty, CI (2014). Milk Production and Processing. Daya Publishing House.
- World Health Organization, MA (1962). Milk hygiene; hygiene in milk production, processing and distribution. Published under the auspices of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization.