- characteristics
- General morphology
- Nematoblasts
- Danger for bathers
- Parasitic species
- Classification
- Superfilo Coelenterata
- Coelenterata Edge
- Habitat
- Reproduction
- Asexual
- Sexual
- Adult forms
- Polyps
- jellyfish
- Colonies: coral reefs
- Feeding
- Capture of food
- Digestion
- References
The coelenterates (Coelenterata), also known as coelenterates or polyps, grouping a number of aquatic invertebrates, mostly marine. Depending on the classification system, they are considered an edge or a super edge.
Within the coelenterates are corals, hydras, jellyfish, anemones, sea feathers and some endoparasitic species. Some live in fresh water, such as Chlorohydra, but they are more common in marine environments.
Moon jellyfish. (Aurelia aurita). Author: Alasdair flickr.com/photos/csakkarin/
One of the most outstanding characteristics of this group is the presence of stinging cells (nematoblasts), used in defense and in capturing their prey. In the case of Ctenophora stinging cells do not appear, but cells that secrete sticky substances to adhere and trap prey (coloblasts).
The groups that have nematoblasts can cause severe skin irritations to bathers in coastal areas. In some cases, such as the "Portuguese frigatebird" (Physalia physalis), the toxin can cause death.
In general, coelenterates are part of marine ecosystems. The coral formations in particular are of great ecological importance, because they contain a high diversity of species. In addition, they form very effective barriers that protect beaches and mangroves from the waves.
General morphology
They are multicellular organisms. Its basic structure is like that of a sack. They have an opening (mouth) that gives access to a single interior cavity (gastrovascular cavity or cholenteron). This cavity is connected to the outside by an opening or mouth. This opening is called a stomodium and serves as both the mouth and the anus.
Around the mouth they present a series of 4 to 8 tentacles that serve to catch and direct the food. These are hollow and open inside the gastrovascular cavity.
Coelenterates are diploblastic organisms (the body wall is made up of two layers of cells separated from each other by connective tissue). The ectoderm or ectodermis is the outer layer and the endoderm or endodermis the inner. Between the two there is a non-cellular layer, the mesoglea.
The muscular system is not made up of true muscle cells, but specialized epithelial cells.
Coelenterates have specialized cells called nematoblasts or cnidoblasts on the surface of the body. These cells have a capsule called a nematocyst.
Inside the nematocyst there is a spirally wound filament and a highly stinging fluid. The fluid is a toxin called hypnotoxin or actinocongestin.
Next to the opening or operculum of the nematoblast is a species of excitable spinula called cnidocyl.
When something touches the cnidocyl, the mechanism is activated and the filament shoots out quickly, digging into the skin of the prey or aggressor. In this way, it inoculates the toxin that paralyzes the prey or drives away the aggressor.
Danger for bathers
Some of these organisms, especially the jellyfish forms, can cause serious harm to beachgoers in coastal areas. Its nematoblasts cause severe skin burns. Because of this they are called "bad water."
The so-called "Portuguese frigate" (Physalia physalis) lacks a jellyfish shape, but they are mistaken as such. This species produces a poison that causes neurotoxic damage in humans, causing very intense pain that can lead to death.
Parasitic species
The species Polypodium hydriforme parasitizes eggs of freshwater fish of the Acipenseridae family. To this family of fish belongs the sturgeon, whose eggs constitute caviar.
The term Coelenterata or coelenterates is controversial. In a broad sense it includes more than 10,000 species.
In classical terms, coelenterates include cnidarians, ctenophores, and placozoas. However, some molecular evidence indicates that this would be a paraphyletic group, since it leaves out bilateral symmetry animals.
On the other hand, some researchers have provided evidence showing Coelenterata as a monophyletic group (all its elements are derived from a single ancestor).
According to these different views, the group of coelenterates can be treated as a super-edge or an edge.
Superfilo Coelenterata
Coelenterata would be a superphylum that includes the phylum Cnidaria, Ctenophora and Placozoa.
Cnidaria include anemones, sea feathers, corals or polyps in colonies, jellyfish, and fish egg parasites (Myxozoa). They are characterized by presenting cnidocytes.
Ctenophora have a structure called ctenophore. The ctenophores are located in the tentacles and carry specialized cells called coloblasts. These cells secrete a sticky substance that holds prey in contact with the tentacle.
Placozoa are organisms with an extremely simple structure, almost reduced to a colony of cells forming a flat sheet.
Coelenterata Edge
In other classifications, only groups within cnidarians are considered coelenterates. These make up the phylum Coelenterata which is generally subdivided into four classes: Anthozoa, Hydrozoa, Schyphozoa and Myxozoa.
Anthozoa: only the polyp form occurs. In this group are corals, anemones and sea feathers.
Hydrozoa: in this group the polyp and jellyfish forms generally alternate. They form polymorphic colonies, where individuals are modified to fulfill different functions. The jellyfish form, when present, is small in size.
In this group is the «Portuguese frigate», where one of the individuals assumes the function of a gas-filled bladder for flotation (pneumatophore).
Schyphozoa: it is formed by the classic jellyfish. They are characterized by presenting a very reduced polyp phase.
Myxozoa: they are endoparasitic organisms (they penetrate the host's tissues) of fish and annelids.
They are found in aquatic ecosystems, mostly marine in tropical areas, although some inhabit fresh waters. They present benthic forms, that is, they inhabit the seabed, such as anemones and corals. And planktonic forms, those that float freely in the water column, as is the case with jellyfish-like forms.
There are pelagic ones (they live offshore, off the continental shelf), like certain jellyfish, and there are demensal ones (they live in coastal waters), like corals and anemones.
They have alternation of generations. They have a sexual and asexual reproduction phase.
Asexual reproduction is by budding. Bumps form on the outer wall. Then cell differentiation occurs, forming a mouth surrounded by tentacles. Finally, the yolk detaches and continues its growth until it forms an adult individual.
For sexual reproduction they produce sperm and eggs. On the external surface, transitory organs (gastrulae) are formed that act as testicles and ovaries respectively. In both cases they are bumps inside which gametes are formed.
Inside the testicle, the interstitial cells of the ectoderm transform into sperm. The sperm go out through the break in the wall.
In the ovary, an ectodermal interstitial cell develops into an amoeboid form. It incorporates the rest of the cells present and forms the ovum.
Sperm swim to reach the ovary, penetrate and fertilize the egg. The egg is then generated, which develops into an embryo inside a cyst. The cyst detaches and after an incubation period gives rise to a new individual.
In some cases they form a flat, ciliated larva that presents bilateral symmetry (planula larvae). This larva swims to the bottom, where it fixes and forms polyps. This polyp in turn reproduces asexually, giving rise to jellyfish that carry out sexual reproduction.
Adult forms
The polyps are columnar and settled on a base, being able to appear solitary (hydra, anemones or actinias) or forming colonies (corals and sea feathers).
Polyps have calcium carbonate exoskeletons and endoskeletons. The mesoglea or middle layer of the body is condensed into a more rigid, leathery structure.
Jellyfish are cupuliform, with disc or bulbous shapes. In these, the mesoglea is distended by a gelatin with 99% water.
In some species they alternate the polyp shape with the jellyfish shape. In others, only polyps form.
Colonies: coral reefs
The polyps that are arranged in the colony are individually called zooids. The colony is formed by the close anatomical relationship between one zooid and another.
In some cases all zooids are the same and have the same function, as in the case of red or white coral. In other cases, the zooids are different and fulfill different functions, as occurs in hydrozoans.
When there is colonial polymorphism, there are several types of zooids: nutritional, reproductive and defenders. There are even floating zooids or pneumatophore in the group of siphonophores.
Colonies grow and expand, requiring specific environmental conditions for their development. Among these we have a water temperature not lower than 20 ° C, high solar radiation, non-turbid waters, without excessive agitation.
Depending on the distribution of environmental factors, various types of formations are generated. We have the littoral reefs, the atolls or coral islands, and the coral reefs (eg the great Australian barrier).
They are mainly carnivores. They feed on small aquatic animals, such as crustaceans, worms, plankton and organic debris that are carried by the currents and captured thanks to the tentacles.
Capture of food
They have a nervous system sensitized by simple organic chemicals that are diffused in the aquatic environment. This allows them to move prey to their mouths and thus swallow their food.
Some species, such as sea wasps (Chironex fleckeri), detect and advance towards the prey.
Once swallowed, the food enters the gastrovascular cavity and is digested there. The wastes are expelled through the same cavity where they entered.
Digestion is both extracellular and intracellular. Extracellular breakdown of food occurs in the cholenteron, and food particles are distributed through the cholenteron to the body, where they undergo intracellular digestion.
- Chen C. (1995). Systematic Relationships within the Anthozoa (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) Using the 5′-end of the 28S rDNA. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 4 (2): 175–183.
- Fautin DG and RN Mariscal. (1991). Cnidaria: Anthozoa. In: Harrison FW and JA Westfall (Eds) Microscopic Anatomy of Invertebrates, vol.2, Placozoa, Porifera, Cnidaria, and Ctenophora, pp. 267–358. New York: Wiley – Liss.
- Hand C. (1959). On the Origin and Phylogeny of the Coelenterates. Systematic Zoology, 8 (4): 191-201.
- Quaglia A. (1981). The muscular system of coelenterates, Italian Journal of Zoology, 48 (1): 51-56.
- Shostak, S. (2005). Cnidaria (Coelenterates). Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. doi: 10.1038 / npg.els.0004117.