- Basis
- EC broth
- Novobiocin Modified EC Broth
- Preparation
- EC broth
- Novobiocin Modified EC Broth
- Use
- Total and fecal coliform analysis
- QA
- recommendations
- References
The EC broth or broth Escherichia coli is a selective liquid culture medium. This medium is recommended by the Standard Methods for counting total and fecal coliforms, by the most probable number technique (MPN) in water and food samples, where the main agent involved is Escherichia coli.
EC broth is composed of triptein, lactose, bile salts, dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium phosphate, sodium chloride, and water. Its formula is strategically designed to favor the growth of total and fecal coliforms and prevent the development of other accompanying microorganisms.
Figurative representation of the preparation of the EC broth. Source: Pixabay.com
The Escherichia coli bacterium is the main fecal coliform present as a contaminant in water and food sources, being the cause of important gastrointestinal disorders.
It should be noted that there are many serotypes of Escherchia coli; Among them we can mention the enterohemorrhagic (EHEC), enteroinvasive (EIEC), enteopathogenic (EPEC), enterotoxigenic (ETEC) and enteroaggregative (EAEC).
This medium has the ability to allow the development of all of them, but without being able to differentiate them from each other. This requires additional testing.
The microbiological study of water and food by the most probable number (MPN) to search for total and fecal coliforms is a protocol that consists of several phases; presumptive phase, confirmatory phase and completion phase. The EC broth is used in the confirmatory phase.
EC broth
The EC medium is based on providing the nutritional elements necessary for the optimal development of total and fecal coliforms, where the Escherichia coli bacteria are included.
These nutritional elements are provided by triptein, being an excellent source of peptides and amino acids. In addition, it also contains lactose, a fermentable carbohydrate that provides energy and allows to show if the bacteria produce gas.
On the other hand, the medium contains bile salts that provide the selective character, since it inhibits the growth of Gram positive microorganisms that may be present in the sample.
Likewise, dipotassium phosphate and monopotassium phosphate act as a pH balancing system. This system is necessary, because the lactose contained in the broth tends to acidify the medium when it is fermented by microorganisms, but this is compensated by the phosphate salts.
Therefore, these elements are essential, since uncontrolled acidity can affect the proper development of the microorganisms sought.
For its part, sodium chloride stabilizes the medium osmotically, while water is the solvent for the solutes present and provides the liquid consistency to the medium.
Novobiocin Modified EC Broth
Okrend and Rose created a variety of EC broth, called novobiocin modified EC broth. The modification consisted of reducing the concentration of bile salts and adding 20 mg / dl of novobiocin.
This modification favors the recovery of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli strains (O157: H7).
This bacterial serotype causes severe hemorrhagic colitis that can lead to hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS); which in turn can generate acute renal failure, with a high mortality rate that can reach up to 50% in the elderly.
Due to the annual morbidity and mortality caused by this bacterium due to the consumption of contaminated food, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) highly recommends the use of this medium.
EC broth
Weigh 37.4 g of the dehydrated medium and dissolve in 1 liter of distilled water. The mixture should be allowed to stand for 5 minutes. Subsequently, in a heat source, it is finished dissolving by stirring frequently.
Once dissolved, it is distributed into preconditioned test tubes with a Durham tube inside. Sterilize in autoclave at 121 ° C for 15 minutes.
The pH of the medium should be 6.9 ± 0.2. The color of the dehydrated medium is beige and the prepared medium is light amber.
The broths are kept in the fridge until use. At the time of use, the broths must be at room temperature.
On the other hand, the EC broth can also be prepared at double concentration.
Novobiocin Modified EC Broth
Weigh out 36.7 g of dehydrated medium and dissolve in 1 liter of water. The rest of the preparation is the same as described above.
Total and fecal coliform analysis
EC broth is ideal for the confirmatory phase of the study of coliforms by the NMP method, both in water samples, as well as in pharmaceutical products and food.
Turbid, gas-producing lactose broths obtained in the presumptive phase should be reseeded in 2% bile bright green broths and EC broth.
For total coliforms, EC broths are incubated aerobically for 24 to 48 hours at 37 ° C, and for fecal coliforms they are incubated aerobically for 24 to 48 hours at 44 ° C.
In both cases it is interpreted as follows: turbid tubes with gas production are considered positive. If there is no gas production in 24 hours, incubation continues for up to 48 hours.
EC positive broths go to the full confirmatory phase, which consists of reseeding on selective media such as Mac Conkey agar, EMB agar or Endo agar.
If the broth used is novobiocin-modified EC, positive tubes are recommended to be reseeded on Mac Conkey agar with sorbitol.
Each batch of prepared medium must be quality controlled. First, the sterility of the medium must be evaluated. In this sense, one or two broths are incubated without inoculation in aerobiosis for 24 hours at 37 ° C. The expected result is a transparent broth, without turbidity or color change.
Second, the growth of known strains must be evaluated, for this the following bacteria can be used: Escherichia coli, ATCC 8739, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Salmonella typhimurium ATCC 14028.
In all cases a satisfactory microbial development is expected, observing a cloudy broth with gas production for E. coli and no gas for Salmonella.
Other strains that can be included in the control are: Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212. These strains must be totally inhibited.
-The placement of the Durham tubes is essential for the study of coliforms.
-Distribute the medium in the test tubes before sterilizing, never after.
-Do not use if the medium is more than 3 months old.
-Do not use if any change in the usual characteristics of the medium is observed.
- Britannia Laboratories. EC Medium. 2015.Available at: britanialab.com
- Enterohemorrhagic E. coli. The Center for food security and public health. 2010.Available at: cfsph.iastate.edu
- Neogen Corporation. EC medium. Available at: foodsafety.neogen.com
- Neogen. Novobiocin modified EC medium. Available at: foodsafety.neogen.com
- Jure M, Condorí S, Leotta G, Chinen I, Miliwebsky E, Allori C, Aulet O, de Castillo M. Detection, isolation and characterization of Escherichia coli producing Shiga toxin from fresh ground meat from butchers in Concepción, province from Tucumán. Microbiol Rev Arg; 2010, 42 (4): 284-287. Available at: www.scielo.org.