- Signs of attraction and that a woman likes you
- -Physical contact
- -Memories
- -Smiles at you often
- -It imitates you
- -Good humor and laughter
- -Use open non-verbal language
- -If you find it everywhere
- -Eye view
- -Text messages
- -Movement of the feet
- -Her feet are facing you
- -It turns red
- -Questions
- -Fluent speaking
- -Nervousness
- -It fixes up or makes it beautiful when you meet or meet
- -Cross your legs often
- -He holds an object in his hands
- -Inquire about yourself on social media
- -It helps you
- Symptoms of infatuation
- 1-She drinks your life
- 2- Need to be close to the other person
- 3- Sex is no longer so important
- 4- You don't stop thinking about the other person
- 5- The "is perfect for me"
- 6- Great empathy
- Themes of interest
To know if a woman likes you, it is necessary to pay attention to what she says, but it is much more relevant to understand the non-verbal language that she shows. That is, understanding the body language of women is essential to know whether or not she is interested, since this type of communication provides us with much more information.
In the XXI century, the liberal world makes its way before the new (and not so new) generations. The traditional couple gives rise to new forms of love, where it is not uncommon to jump from flower to flower practically every week.
The concept of a couple and the meaning of eternal love have evolved, adopting a more realistic position and producing a great change in what is expected of relationships. Clearly assuming a break with traditional relationship models.
Faced with the bewildering world of attraction and the "you will like it or you will not like it", whether to step forward in critical circumstances, or on the contrary not to do so, is shown as a true feat.
That is why below we are going to focus on trying to teach you how to discover if a woman is attracted to you, be it a friend, a girl from your class or work, or someone you just met. I will also show you how to try from a psychological point of view, to conquer her.
Signs of attraction and that a woman likes you
-Physical contact
If she touches you repeatedly, it is always a good sign. In the same way, if she decides to put on your shirt correctly, or if she wants to give you a hug directly, it dictates a lot of someone's intentions, and which of course are the clearest and most universal signs in the world.
Normally, if a girl doesn't like you, she will avoid physical contact with you at all times, basically because they tend to be very careful not to send the wrong message.
Although minimal as they may be, if the girl you like impresses you by remembering anecdotes of conversations or moments that not even you kept in your mind, they mean two things: either that she is very detailed, or that she directly feels something for you.
-Smiles at you often
It is one of the clearest signals on the part of a woman to a man who attracts her. It is a way of indicating that you are willing to meet.
-It imitates you
When a person listens carefully to another, they tend to imitate their non-verbal gestures. This is due to the action of mirror neurons. You can test this signal by doing a gesture, like drinking while talking. If she imitates you, she may like you.
-Good humor and laughter
It is always a clear sign of falling in love. If when he is with you he presents a cheerful and spontaneous mood, it would be a clear sign that he is enjoying your company and that he is most likely attracted to you.
Keep in mind that continually laughing, giggling, or mischievous grinning is a clear indication. He is enjoying being with you and it will be a sign that he feels good.
Also, you should notice that good humor and constant laughter that he presents when he is with you in relation to when he is with other people. If the difference is noticeable, you can be sure that she is interested in you.
-Use open non-verbal language
Keeping her arms and legs open means that she is comfortable and may be attracted to you. It is not a sure sign, it may also be that you are simply comfortable in that situation.
-If you find it everywhere
If you go to the center of the city and you meet her, or if you go to a disco and she is there, they are signs that she likes you. They are sometimes something involuntary, where the desire to find each other is greater than the will. This is about an indicator where there are high chances that he will like you.
If you start to meet her more frequently and in the places that you usually frequent, she begins to suspect that she might like you. It may be a coincidence but it may also be that the desire to meet you makes her start going to the same places that you go.
-Eye view
A top-down "review" is unmistakable in a woman's non-verbal communication. If a woman looks you directly in the eye and for longer than "normal" you can be sure that with that prolonged eye contact she is making you see her interest in you.
Looking a person in the eye is a simple and very old seduction strategy, but according to studies carried out, if that eye contact exceeds the appropriate time it can become uncomfortable, not being effective when seducing the person we are interested in.
In this article you can learn more about how to read eyes.
-Text messages
This signal never fails. Before they were translated into sms to the mobile, today, in messages to WhatsApp. If you answer immediately, you already want to say something, but if you do it in a striking way, with excess emotions and above all those small emoticons so striking, there is a high probability that you are looking for something more than a friendship.
-Movement of the feet
Studies have found that the way a woman moves her feet expresses her nervousness. This is simple, since if you stand with your feet straight and impassive, it means that you are not looking for anything.
But if this is done in reverse, whether standing or sitting, moving your feet nervously or playing with them, you are informing us that you are not distant and that for some reason you are nervous.
-Her feet are facing you
This is a non-verbal signal that can indicate that he likes you. On the contrary, if the feet are facing outwards or to the opposite side where you are, it may not attract her.
-It turns red
Turning red or red is a sign of shame. It is common to do it when you meet an unexpected person, when they say something nice to you or when someone likes you.
If she turns red when she talks to you, it's a good sign that she likes you.
-The direction of the chin
As silly as it may sound, the girl's chin position means a lot. The most appropriate thing would be to look at whether it is pointing towards us. Of course, it should be related to the rest of the signals, since by itself it can be a bit disconcerting.
Not one, not two, not even three. He will ask you something like more than a hundred questions without stops, and one followed by another. Let's call it something like a psychological test of love where if the girl really likes you she will try to get as much data as possible to try to know first-hand if you are really the ideal person she is looking to be with.
All this under a small and disguised veil that it will try to hide, although if we are quick and clever enough we will catch the questions on the fly.
-Fluent speaking
Following the line of the questions, if a woman speaks to you quickly and fluently, it means, at least, that she is not getting bored with you and that she is interested in the conversation and possibly you too. If, on the other hand, she makes no effort to talk and "skips" the subject, it will be a bad sign.
As we mentioned before, the movement or playing of feet is a clear example of nervousness and, therefore, of interest towards the person you are with at that moment.
Another obvious example is the way women touch their hair. That constant movement of the hair, either with quick movements or with gentle movements and twisting the hair around your fingers is a clear sign of nervousness.
We can also observe the reddening of the cheeks or the inappropriate use of language in situations of this type.
-It fixes up or makes it beautiful when you meet or meet
This sign is obvious; If she likes you, she will fix herself and she will want to be attractive when you coincide in an act or when you are on a date.
-Cross your legs often
If a girl crosses her legs often, she may be nervous. Also, if the legs are pointing towards you, it is a clear sign.
-He holds an object in his hands
For a girl to hold an object in her hands while making eye contact is a sign that she likes you. If so, she may also hold the object in your direction, as if she were holding her feet.
-Inquire about yourself on social media
If you research your life on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, you may be interested. You can do this by viewing photos, comments or the Instagram stories.
-It helps you
Even if you don't ask him, he helps you, because he wants to show you that he cares and cares about you. He wants to differentiate himself from the rest of the girls.
Symptoms of infatuation
We have already seen the signs to know if he likes you, now we are going to see the signs that you are in love.
In the first place, we must analyze the different characteristics of falling in love, which, of course, are scientifically proven by Helen Fisher, a prestigious anthropologist at Rutgers University and from whom we have extracted the following six symptoms. These will help you determine whether or not you are really hooked. They are general and are usually used the same for the masculine gender as for the feminine one.
1-She drinks your life
Suddenly, the rest of the people disappear and you only focus on her, and which our brain raises to levels that are translated into adjectives like "unique", "special" or "incomparable".
This is because our brain produces dopamine levels higher than those we commonly develop.
2- Need to be close to the other person
This occurs in such a way that our head only thinks of being close to the other. Again, dopamine is the cause of this type of behavior to continue looking for the other person and thus continue to secrete this substance. Surely you have experienced it in your own flesh.
It is also proven that even if some type of obstacle is propitiated for the approach or being together, the magnitude does not matter, because we will do everything possible to overcome it.
3- Sex is no longer so important
Bad sign, or good, depending on how you look at it. Helen Fisher concluded in a survey conducted under the phrase "sex is the most important thing in my relationship with a partner", that for 64% of those surveyed this was not the most important thing, and that there were other types of incentives.
This confirmed that when sex ceases to be the most important thing, other factors that lead to falling in love come into play, and on which it is fundamentally based.
4- You don't stop thinking about the other person
According to a study carried out on a group of people who claim to be in love, they have proven that the other person takes up 85% of the thoughts.
What is this due to? After spending a period of time with that person, there is an overwhelming decrease in serotonin, a substance that makes us suddenly want that stimulant that made us happy, and therefore think about them again.
5- The "is perfect for me"
Dopamine is the substance that makes all our efforts focus on seeing only the positive aspects of the other person.
6- Great empathy
A clear symptom that reveals our feelings towards the other person is empathy. Would you be able to give your all for the person you love? Well, the anthropologist has shown that this is a clear symptom.
Still not clear if you are in love or not? All that shuffle of feelings means something, that something of going from destroying the pantry to taking whole days without eating anything, or jumping for joy to start crying a few hours later.
Without going any further, when we are in love and they show us a photo of that person, the same areas are activated in the brain as when we ingest some type of drug.
A group of scientists, including Fisher, came to the conclusion that the processes that occur in the brain when you are in love with someone are very similar to those you feel when you fall into some kind of addiction.
Themes of interest
How to seduce a woman.
How to know if you like a woman.
Topics to talk about with a woman.
Seduction books.
How to know if he is in love with you?
Psychology of women.
How to have an attractive personality.
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