- The 3 main types of ethical environmental agreements
- 1- Conservation and recovery of nature
- 2- Biotechnology and patents
- 3- Education
- The 5 main agreements and treaties
- 1- Montreal Protocol
- 2- Rio Declaration
- 3- Kyoto Protocol
- 4- Cartagena Protocol
- 5- Earth Charter
- References
The environmental ethics codes are a set of rules that have attempted to establish internationally in order to improve and solve environmental problems.
Since the first of these, known as the Montreal Protocol, several more have been negotiated, with greater or lesser compliance.
What led to the conviction that it was necessary to establish a series of rules was the appearance of the hole in the ozone layer in the 80s of the last century.
After that, the growing concern about global warming has made most of the countries adhere to the signed pacts, although there is still a long way to go.
Through the different agreements that have been signed in the last decades, an attempt has been made to establish rules that allow a correct interrelation between human activities and the environment.
Agreements can be grouped into various groups, depending on the approach and the problem they are trying to solve.
The 3 main types of ethical environmental agreements
1- Conservation and recovery of nature
Several of the points of these codes try to establish rules to conserve the environment, establishing gas emission quotas or prohibiting the exploitation of energy resources in certain regions.
This regulation recognizes the difficulty that some poor countries find in limiting their environmental impact if they want to improve their economy, so it advocates trying to find the best possible balance between both aspects.
2- Biotechnology and patents
Another part of the codes deals with regulating, as far as possible, the advances in biotechnology that have appeared in recent years.
Issues such as cloning and genetic engineering, among others, can present both ethical and health problems that must be resolved.
3- Education
Finally, the agreements recall the obligation to offer a complete education to future generations.
This education must also offer children a global vision about the planet and the need to care for it.
The 5 main agreements and treaties
1- Montreal Protocol
Passed in 1987 and in force since 1988, it was the first to establish clear rules regarding an environmental problem.
It was about reducing the hole in the ozone layer that was being created by the emission of different gases caused by human activities.
So far, it seems that the agreement is taking effect. It is expected that, if all the signatories continue to comply, by the year 2050 it will have returned to normality.
2- Rio Declaration
It was the most ambitious declaration of principles in the field of environmental protection at the time.
He also tried to manage economic activities with the environment. It took place during the United Nations Conference held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.
It established a series of regulatory principles that the different signatory countries had to follow.
Likewise, it declared for the first time that the most developed nations should be the ones most involved in the problem, since they had been the most polluting.
3- Kyoto Protocol
Signed in 1997 in the Japanese city that gives it its name, it establishes greenhouse gas emission quotas. These are responsible for part of global warming.
This agreement gives developing nations such as China or India higher quotas than the United States or part of Europe.
The reason was that these more industrialized countries had already emitted large amounts of these gases for many more years due to their increased industry.
4- Cartagena Protocol
It comes into force in 2003. For the first time, attempts are being made to regulate the biotechnological advances that occur throughout the world.
Ethical principles and control bodies are established to evaluate its consequences.
5- Earth Charter
It is the most extensive and ambitious document on this topic. It establishes as its main objective "to respect, favor, protect and restore the Earth's ecosystems to ensure biological and cultural diversity."
All development on the planet, from environmental to cultural, is declared to be interconnected.
The end of conflicts and the conservation of species is something that affects everyone. Therefore, the solution must be global.
- Davila, Lupita. Environmental Ethical Codes. Obtained from clubensayos.com
- Bernal, María Concepción. Environmental ethics a social responsibility. Retrieved from gestiopolis.com
- National Association of Environmental Professionals. Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice for Environmental Professionals. Retrieved from naep.org
- Cochrane, Alasdair. Environmental Ethics. Retrieved from iep.utm.edu
- UNEP. The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. Retrieved from ozone.unep.org