- History of environmental biotechnology
- What does environmental biotechnology study?
- Biotechnology
- Ecology
- Applications
- Bioremediation
- Sewage treatment
- Agrobiotechnology
- Biodegradation of materials
- References
The environmental biotechnology is a discipline dedicated to the development and use of biological systems to correct and solve pollution problems in the environment. It employs principles of science, technology and genetic engineering to treat organic and inorganic materials, seeking to improve the natural environment and aiming for sustainable development.
Its applications range from bioremediation and the treatment of wastewater, gases and toxic waste, to the biodegradation of materials, agrobiotechnology, bioenergy, biomining and the control of pests and diseases.
Environmental biotechnology uses microorganisms to recover the environmental conditions affected by pollution. Source: pixabay.com
At present, its most prominent function is the cleaning of floors, water and air through the use of more sustainable and economic processes.
For example, when faced with an oil spill on land, fertilizers with sulphates or nitrates can be made to promote the reproduction of microorganisms that favor the decomposition of this substance.
In short, environmental biotechnology helps nature to overcome situations of imbalance, recovering ecosystems that suffered some kind of alteration, in most cases due to human action.
History of environmental biotechnology
Biotechnology has been present in the history of mankind since ancient times, when different techniques for handling animals and crops began to be used to obtain certain products such as wine, beer, cheese or bread.
In the 19th century, the French chemist Louis Pasteur discovered that microorganisms were the cause of fermentation, bringing great benefits to the food and health industry.
Years later, British scientist Alexander Fleming observed the effects of penicillin bacteria in treating infections, which allowed the development of antibiotics on a large scale.
In 1953, scientists Rosalind Franklin, James D. Watson, and Francis Crick of the University of Cambridge discovered DNA and the workings of the genetic code. This generated an unprecedented advance in the field of molecular manipulation, giving rise to modern biotechnology.
The modification and transfer of genes from one organism to another allowed the development of better products and processes in the fields of agriculture and medicine.
Over time, and as a consequence of the negative impact of industrial exploitation on the environment, these techniques began to be used to solve problems related to pollution, giving rise to environmental biotechnology.
What does environmental biotechnology study?
This discipline comprises two major areas of study: biotechnology on the one hand and ecology on the other.
It is a science that investigates and analyzes living organisms in order, through technology, to take advantage of their resources and capacities to use them in the improvement of products and other purposes.
It is used mainly in the fields of food, medicine, pharmacology and care of the environment.
Through its use, it is possible to obtain more efficient medicines, more resistant materials, healthier food, renewable energy sources and less polluting industrial processes.
It is the part of biology that studies the relationships of living beings with each other and with the environment in which they live. One of his main interests is the changes that ecosystems undergo from the activities carried out by human beings.
In this sense, for several years ecology has been related to the political and social movements that all over the world fight for the defense and care of the environment.
Its actions aim at the preservation and regeneration of natural resources, the protection of wildlife and the reduction of levels of pollution generated by man.
Within this framework, environmental biotechnology seeks to find solutions to the loss of biodiversity, climate change, the availability of new renewable energy sources and the thinning of the ozone layer, among other problems.
In agriculture, environmental biotechnology makes it possible to generate food with more vitamins, minerals and proteins, and plants that are more resistant to insect attacks. Source: pixabay.com
The main uses given to environmental biotechnology are those related to bioremediation, wastewater treatment, biodegradation of materials and agrobiotechnology.
This term refers to the use of microorganisms to treat a substance or to recover the environmental conditions affected by the contamination.
For example, certain bacteria, fungi, and genetically engineered plants have the ability to absorb and degrade toxic elements from soil, water, or air.
One of the best known cases is that of the genetic modification that was made of the bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans, which has a great capacity to withstand radiation, so that it absorbs the mercury ions and toluene present in nuclear waste.
For their part, certain fungi have a high tolerance to lead concentrations and are used to clean soils contaminated by this heavy metal.
Sewage treatment
Environmental biotechnology can also be used to remove physical, chemical and biological pollutants from human wastewater.
Through the use of aquatic plants, microalgae and biodegradation processes, it is possible to purify the waste and improve its quality.
In agriculture, environmental biotechnology uses living organisms or microorganisms to improve the condition of crops and increase production.
It allows, for example, to generate food with more vitamins, minerals and proteins, and plants that are more resistant to insect attacks, without the need to use chemical products that damage the environment.
In addition, it makes it possible to reuse agricultural residues or effluents in the production of energy and biofuels.
Biodegradation of materials
Environmental biotechnology also enables the development of biodegradable materials that decompose naturally through the action of biological agents, such as animals, fungi and bacteria.
The degradation of these elements can occur in two ways: through organisms that need oxygen to live (aerobic degradation) or through organisms that do not require oxygen in their metabolism (anaerobic degradation).
This type of process helps to minimize the level of waste and avoids the permanence of pollutants in the environment.
On the other hand, other possible applications of environmental biotechnology are those related to the treatment of solid waste and gases, bioenergy and biomining, the control of pests and diseases and biogeochemical cycles, among others.
- Castillo Rodríguez, Francisco (2005). Environmental biotechnology. Editorial Tebar. Madrid. Spain.
- Bécares, E. (2014). Environmental Biotechnology, the Cinderella of Biotechnology? AmbioSciences. Scientific dissemination magazine edited by the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences of the University of León.
- ISEB. International Society for Environmental Biotechnology. Available at: inecol.edu.mx
- Blanch, Anicet. Environmental biotechnology. Biotechnological applications in the improvement of the environment. University of Barcelona.
- Rittmann, BE (2006). Microbial ecology to manage processes in environmental biotechnology. Trends Biotechnol.
- Environmental Biotechnology, Wikipedia. Available at: Wikipedia.org