Private affairs correspond to everything of a personal and individual nature, so it lacks importance and influence in public life; that is, this type of matter is only relevant for the person or for a certain group of people.
Although the concept indicates that this type of situation has no relevance in the general field, some authors point out that a private matter, depending on how it evolves over time, can become a public matter.
On the other hand, private affairs are characterized by having a degree of informality, are manifested in the sight of few, can develop in a family and intimate environment and do not have importance in the spheres of power.
It should be mentioned that this terminology is also associated with studies related to politics, sociology and law, since it comprises an area that highlights the functioning of the relationships that individuals develop with each other.
-It is only relevant to one person or a small group of people; therefore, it is gestated in the particular.
-Some authors relate private matters to the domestic.
-It can be illustrated in the following way: the private is what develops from the inside, while the public happens outside and in everything related to the community or social.
-It is an aspect that emanates from the individual, so that decisions and actions respond directly to the subject. There is no implication of the whole.
-For some authors, the private would not exist without public affairs, since they are two concepts that are closely related.
-In politics the behavior of the citizen is taken into account and in social context in order to understand the general nature of individuals.
-As noted above, there are several subjects that study private affairs. One of these is private law, which is responsible for establishing the relationships that exist between individuals. This is manifested through two instruments: the principle of equality and the autonomy of authority.
-Some authors have been in charge of introducing a differentiating term: the intimate. This seems to indicate that it is linked to internal thoughts and individual decisions. Instead, private affairs are rather manifested with a minimum of two people (although personal biases may prevail).
-There are records from Ancient Rome that indicate that private affairs were regularized by public entities to control the lower social classes. On the other hand, in the American civilizations there was no sense of private affairs because they were societies of a communal nature; hence, even the smallest details were shared.
-Experts in sociology and politics, estimate that in recent years everything concerning private affairs and spheres has been exacerbated, which has caused the State to promote more forceful actions to favor social structures and maximize the global.
-A manifestation of private and public affairs happens when individuals know the importance of training and work, because the contribution that each person makes will be essential for the development of society.
Private affairs and politics
With regard to this matter, there are two areas that complement each other: the politics of the private and the public. The first refers to the fact that the subject, by himself, is not entirely within a society. The second highlights the need to become a regulatory component.
That is why both concepts are in constant conflict, since they seem to pursue different situations. However, they need each other in order to exist. In this case, private policy is basically governed by three main factors:
-The choice made by the subject.
-The structure of said decision.
-The ethical and moral issues that revolve around it. Depending on how it is presented, this choice may become a relevant factor for the others.
With this, the following is concluded: the subject will develop sufficient mechanisms to make decisions and assume the consequences thereof.
Likewise, one of the relevant actors that intervenes in the process is responsibility; Together with free will, it will form the basis for defining personal ethics.
Private affairs and feminism
According to this current, the understanding of the life and private affairs of women over time serves as the basis for establishing the gaps and needs that they have presented in different stages of history.
This has also helped to promote the movement, in order to generate empathy and reflection on the different situations (political, cultural and political) that women face around the world.
On this point, some authors indicate that thanks to the private spheres, a series of behaviors and situations developed that highlighted the inequality between genders. This situation has been perpetuated to this day.
It is believed that the private is a reflection of social dimensions, since spaces for interaction continue to appear from this area. For this reason, feminism urges the creation of circles that allow the broad representation of minority groups.
In general terms, private matters touch on topics alluding to the following:
-Relationships (romantic or not).
-Sexual relationships.
Private matters can best be illustrated as follows:
-Samuel has lost his job and therefore has fallen into a depression.
-The marriage of María and Juan has worsened their relationship with their children.
-Pedro and Juana do not have sexual relations because their personal relationship has worsened.
-My sister is in Russia enjoying her vacations.
-The president's son went to take the entrance exam at the university.
-My cousin's friend will be married soon.
-The lady who lives across the street was able to finish building her house.
-Juan's dog had eight puppies last Thursday.
-My landlord celebrated his son's birthday two weeks ago.
-Patricia is preparing to take the university licensing exam.
-Soon I will go to study in Chile.
-My parents will celebrate their wedding anniversary in two weeks.
-Felipe is not very sure if he wants to continue living in the capital or if he prefers to move to a province.
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