- Origin
- Taxonomic classification of bovine animals
- Genera and species of bovine animals
- Breeds of cattle
- Dairy cattle
- Beef cattle
- Dual Purpose Cattle
- References
The animals or livestock cattle are domesticated mammals ruminant herbivores and are part of a subfamily of bovines group (bovidae).
They are very large, with a height of around 120-150 cm and can weigh between 600 and 800 kg on average.
They have a large body, they are robust with a long tail that ends with a tuft, they have a broad and bare snout, they generally have thick horns, slightly bent.
They are domesticated by humans for their use and production in order to satisfy some food and / or economic needs.
They are considered one of the best economic investments, from them many profits are generated from the raising of these animals, from them you can obtain meat, skin and milk.
They are also used as draft animals: due to their enormous strength, they can usually pull plows or carts.
Oxen, bison, buffalo and some species of antelope are also part of this group of bovine animals.
Since prehistoric times, man has raised these animals since ancient times, the first reports are found around 10,000 years ago in the Middle East and then spread throughout the world in the following years.
At first they were only used for the production of milk and meat, in addition to the land treaty.
Later, the use of their horns was also started, as well as their excrement, which is used as fertilizer or fuel; their skin is also reserved and is used in the production of clothing.
Taxonomic classification of bovine animals
Genera and species of bovine animals
The Bovinae subfamily is composed of the following genera and species:
- Subfamily Bovinae
- Genus Bison (bison)
- Bison bison (American bison, cybous)
- Bison bonasus (European bison)
- Bison priscus (steppe bison, arctic or longicorn bison) (†)
- Genus Bos (oxen)
- Bos gaurus (gaur)
- Bos frontalis (gayal)
- Bos mutus (yak)
- Bos javanicus (banteng)
- Bos sauveli (cuprey, kouprey or kuprey)
- Bos primigenius (beef)
- Bos primigenius taurus (Eurasian domestic cattle; masculine: "bull" and "ox", feminine: "cow")
- Bos primigenius indicus (zebu)
- Bos primigenius primigenius (Eurasian wild aurochs) (†)
- Bos primigenius namadicus (South East Asian wild aurochs) (†)
- Bos primigenius africanus (African aurochs) (†)
- Genus Boselaphus
- Boselaphus tragocamelus (nilgó or blue bull)
- Genus Bubalus (buffalo)
- Bubalus bubalis (water buffalo or arni)
- Bubalus depressicornis (plain anoa)
- Bubalus mindorensis (tamarao)
- Bubalus quarlesi (mountain anoa)
- Genus Pseudoryx
- Pseudoryx nghetinhensis (saola or ox of vu quang)
- Genus Syncerus
- Syncerus caffer (Kaffir buffalo)
- Genus Taurotragus (elands)
- Taurotragus derbianus (giant eland or Derby eland)
- Taurotragus oryx (common eland antelope or common eland)
- Genus Tetracerus
- Tetracerus quadricornis (quadricorne antelope)
- Genus Tragelaphus
- Tragelaphus angasii (niala)
- Tragelaphus buxtoni (Niala montano)
- Tragelaphus eurycerus (bongo)
- Tragelaphus imberbis (Lesser Kudu or Little Kudu)
- Tragelaphus scriptus (hieroglyphic antelope or bosbok)
- Tragelaphus spekii (sitatunga)
- Tragelaphus strepsiceros (Great Kudu)
- Genus Bison (bison)
Breeds of cattle
The classification of cattle breeds is divided into:
- Dairy type
- Meat type
- Double purpose
- Destined for work
- The origin of the previous classification may vary according to its origin:
- Bos taurus (European cattle): includes most of the current breeds of dairy and beef cattle. Originated in Europe.
- Bos indicus (Indian bovine): originates from India and is characterized by having a hump on the cross.
Dairy cattle
They are characterized by having:
- Angular and triangular body structure.
- Good development of the udders.
- A high daily milk production (40 liters or more).
- Milk with high protein and fat content.
Currently, most of the dairy cattle mass is made up of dual-purpose breeds, among some of them we can find:
- Holstein Friesian (Dutch American): developed in New Zealand, very efficient for milk production.
Some of its characteristics are: white with black color, long and stylized structure, it can weigh more than 700 kg.
- Black coat (European Holando) and red coat (German carnation): it has a dual purpose, it has a white color with black or white with red, less angular structure than a dairy breed, more rustic.
- Jersey: excellent breed for milk production, high percentage of milk fat (good characteristic for butter production), easily adapts to the climate and is very docile, they are small animals, weighing approximately 450 kg or less, even brown color.
- Ayrshire: ideal for the production of butter and cheeses, rustic animal, strong, red with white, weight approximately 600 kg.
Beef cattle
Intended only for meat production, some of the best breeds that can be found within this category are:
- Brahman: developed for the American tropics and subtropics.
- Beefmaster: has precocity, weight gain, good survival in the offspring.
- Charolais: French origin, one of the best producers of meat.
- Simmental: high growth capacity, good muscle formation and quality of meat (without excess fat).
- Angus: breed that produces meat, reproductive precocity, easy calving, long-lived. It has good muscle mass and produces good quality meat (tender, juicy, tasty)
- Brangus: synergy between Brahma and Angus.
- Nelore: Originated in India, it is dual purpose but usually used for meat production.
- Santa Gertrudis: the first breed created from controlled matings and crosses in order to adapt to hot climates.
- Wagyu: Japanese origin, meat for refined palates, marbled appearance with fat filtered between the muscle fibers.
- Hereford: good musculature.
Dual Purpose Cattle
They have characteristics for the exploitation of meat and milk, among some of these breeds are:
- Brahman
- Gyr or Gir
- Red polled
- Simmental
- Bovine Taken from boletinagrario.com.
- Definition of bovine. Taken from definition of.
- Definition of cattle or cattle. Taken from conceptdefinition.de.
- Cattle. Taken from uco.es.
- Livestock World. Breeds of cattle. Taken from mundo-pecuario.com.
- The 10 best breeds of beef cattle. Taken from abc.finkeros.com.
- Milk bovine breeds and their characteristics. Taken from.uc.cl.
- Meat producing breeds. Taken from sagarpa.gob.mx.