- Food classification according to degree of processing
- Minimally processed
- Medium processed
- Ultra-processed
- Examples of processed foods
- 1- Margarines
- 2- Breakfast cereals
- 3- Cookies
- 4- Instant soups
- 5- Concentrated broths
- 6- Soda
- 7- Nuggets
- 8- Burgers
- 9- Viennese or sausages
- 10- Industrial fries
- 11- Ham
- 12- Butter
- 13- Peanut butter
- 14- Yogurt
- 15- Energy bars
- 16- Mayonnaise
- 17- Ketchup
- 18- Packaged bread
- 19- Refined sugar
- 20- dehydrated fruits
- 21- Long life milk
- 22- Canned fish
- 23- Juice juices
- 24- Pre-made pizzas
- 25- Instant coffee
- 26- mustard sauce
- 27- Tomato sauce
- 28- Chocolate bars
- 29- Candy
- 30- Jams
- Most dangerous ingredients these foods can contain
- Monosodium glutamate
- Potassium bromate
- High fructose corn syrup
- Acrylamide
- Nitrates or sodium nitrite
- recommendations
- References
The processed foods are those that are not consumed in the natural state in which it is found in nature. This term is usually assigned to those who are treated industrially, adding various to them.
These include preservatives (such as salt), artificial flavors, colorants or foods that are subjected to high or low temperatures, change in consistency, mixes with other foods or due to the type of presentation and packaging.
Supermarket shelf full of processed products
There is also processed meat, such as ham, sausages, cold cuts or hot dogs, which, in addition to increasing the risk of cancer and other health problems, can cause microbial diseases such as listeriosis, staph or botulism.
On the other hand, it is important to take into account the degrees of processing; not all foods have the same degree of processing. For example, yogurt has a low level of processing, while industrial biscuits have a high level of processing. Also, pure chocolate has little or no processing, but industrial chocolate for the general public has a high degree of processing.
Food classification according to degree of processing
An attempt has been made to classify food according to the degree or level of food processing and its potential impact on health. In this sense, one of the most recent classifications recommends separating these foods into the following categories:
Minimally processed
To this group belong those who in the industrial process, the healthy properties of food are not substantially modified and their objective is to facilitate their consumption. They are packaged without the addition of components that affect health, such as excess sodium.
Includes meat, milk (and yogurt), whole grains, legumes, fresh and perishable unprocessed foods; legumes, nuts, fruits, vegetables, roots and tubers.
Medium processed
In these foods, processes such as; pressing, grinding, milling, refining, "purifying", hydrogenation, hydrolysis, extrusion, use of enzymes and additives, obtaining manufactured products or culinary ingredients (oils, fats, sugar and sweeteners, starches, high fructose corn syrup, lactose, milk and soy proteins, gums, preservatives and cosmetic additives and others).
They are combinations of the previous ones to obtain a quick preparation. They are high in saturated, total or trans fats, in addition to sugars, sodium, all deficient in micronutrients, dietary fiber and high energy density.
Examples of processed foods
1- Margarines
They carry a very bad reputation and, without a doubt, are processed foods because they use oils that are treated at extreme temperatures and generally producing trans-type fats that are harmful to health, but their direct or indirect consumption has become widespread.
2- Breakfast cereals
They are actually candies (sweets), since what they usually bring is sugar and are based on refined cereals that go through various stages until they reach those attractive packages that are promoted so much in the media.
3- Cookies
It is no news that when we check the labels of the cookies we find a long list of ingredients, among which salt is usually found, although they are usually sweet cookies, this is not an impediment since they favor their duration.
4- Instant soups
Alison Chan from Flint, MI, USA
One of the worst choices for our diet, as they contain a mixture of additives, among which many of them have been highly questioned because they are related to the incidence of various types of diseases.
5- Concentrated broths
Similar to the previous ones but these are usually marketed in compact form, and in addition to a very high addition of salt, we can find monosodium glutamate among others.
6- Soda
One of the queens of the processed, since obviously they are not natural. These types of industries boast of having their "secret formulas", in which various compounds are undoubtedly added (some of doubtful origin) that end up in those refreshing and addictive products that we consume in abundance.
In this article you can learn more about this type of drink.
7- Nuggets
They are widely distributed and consumed because they are easy to prepare. Logically, they are processed, since these meats (whether chicken, beef, pork or fish) are subjected to various treatments and the addition of mixtures of other ingredients.
8- Burgers
Highly processed foods, since the meat they use goes through different stages until it is selected for use and, like Nuggets, receives a mix of additives for its final presentation.
9- Viennese or sausages
The industry that makes this type of sausage is usually the same as hams, and includes a long list of processes in which, for example, meat is pressed and various preservatives and flavorings are added.
10- Industrial fries
Especially the version of the pre-frits that simplify life for many people, but logically increase the chain of addition of artificial and / or harmful substances for health.
11- Ham
High-fat meat already goes through a long process and its curing includes high-temperature processes, flavorings, preservatives and stabilizers that give it its distinctive characteristics, for example, smoked meat.
12- Butter
Based on milk, but logically industrially treated to achieve the characteristic solid consistency and added with ingredients such as salt and yeast according to the type of manufacture.
13- Peanut butter
To get to this attractive paste, the peanuts or peanuts must be logically ground and also previously roasted.
14- Yogurt
They tend to enjoy a very good reputation and are recommended for children. However, their main attraction is the artificial colors and flavors that give them the characteristics that make them so delicious (I am not saying that they are good or bad).
Although yogurt is a processed food, it does not have a high degree of processing and can be considered healthy if taken in adequate amounts.
15- Energy bars
Source: Beatrice Murch from South America
Of great choice in athletes and young people, they are a mixture of various foods subjected to an elaboration that includes various techniques, so they are not natural and fall into this classification.
16- Mayonnaise
In addition to what we already know about this food, we cannot ignore that it is made with many of its ingredients in dehydrated form, which is why it is a 100% processed food.
17- Ketchup
The tomatoes that are used for its preparation are usually unnatural and everything is subjected to high temperature treatments, so do not doubt that it is also a processed food.
18- Packaged bread
To obtain the format in terms of size, consistency and longer duration, the process of this type of bread is much more extensive and sophisticated than the one that we can make at home.
19- Refined sugar
The fact that it is refined already indicates that it goes through different processing stages, to finally obtain that white and almost glistening sugar that we find in stores.
20- dehydrated fruits
Natural fruit contains water, and to offer another alternative that is easier to transport and longer lasting, the industry has promoted the trade of this canned variety.
21- Long life milk
Heat treatments from pasteurization to UHT have been very useful for the duration and safety of this popular fluid, without considering the addition of flavors to make it even more attractive and of a greater range.
22- Canned fish
Fish are not caught in a tin jar, with that I say it all to classify them as processed foods, and not to mention the whole process that they undergo afterwards.
23- Juice juices
Natural fruit juice should last only a few days with its characteristics intact, therefore those juices that are sold in stores and last for months, are logically processed.
24- Pre-made pizzas
They are very useful when we do not have much time to fully prepare our own pizza and they remain for weeks without alteration.
25- Instant coffee
Logically, when dehydrated we speak of a processed food, because that is not its natural state. This fact has allowed it to become massive and more affordable for the population with fewer resources.
26- mustard sauce
Checking its label, the first thing I find is the addition of vinegar and then the use of tartrazine and colorants like twilight yellow to give the characteristic hue.
27- Tomato sauce
Logically, it is not just tomato, and starting with the process of changing its consistency, they immediately receive all the ingredients that accentuate flavor and other characteristics.
28- Chocolate bars
Obviously, it is not natural cocoa, so milk, sugar and / or sweeteners, preservatives and colorings are added to reach them, among others.
29- Candy
The use of dyes and sweeteners abound in its processing, which is the key to its success, especially in children (also in adults, let's be honest).
30- Jams
Source: Adrián Cerón
Those of a natural or homemade type are very different from those that they sell us, which initially are not entirely from the fruit that they declare on the packaging. The industry is always looking for ways to spend less and sell at a higher value.
I make it absolutely clear that the fact that a food is "processed" does not mean that it is "good" or "bad" for that condition, therefore do not be alarmed if you usually consume several of the foods included in the previous list (in fact I have consumed most, of course not all regularly).
However, if your diet is based exclusively on these foods, it is to worry and seek an early change in eating habits.
Most dangerous ingredients these foods can contain
Monosodium glutamate
Monosodium glutamate is used to enhance the taste of food and ends up causing a very strong addiction. Once we try it, it is very difficult to give it up, we long for it perhaps without even knowing it.
We find it in a large part of processed foods including snacks, preserves, fast food, dehydrated soups and it is very famous in Chinese food.
Potassium bromate
Additive used by industries to make doughs fluffier, softer and more friendly to the human palate.
It is usually present in products such as cakes, bread, cakes, pastries in general and other sweet or savory doughs.
High fructose corn syrup
Without a doubt one of the ingredients with the worst reputation today. Its addition has been related to a higher incidence of insulin resistance, diabetes, dental cavities, overweight and obesity, among other pathologies.
Acrylamide is abundant in foods that are subjected to high temperature treatments, such as those that are fried or baked.
As you can infer, potato chips and other snacks, fast food, and stir fries often contain this compound.
Nitrates or sodium nitrite
It is used mainly in canned meat derivatives, which extends the shelf life of food.
This compound is used in ham, salamis, mortadelas, jamonadas, hams and the like.
I am not so alarmist about this particular issue, although I would like to provide the following recommendations, only on my personal criteria:
- Don't stigmatize any food until you really know it.
- Take advantage of food labels, read the ingredients it brings and the processes it has been subjected to.
- To my liking, first privilege natural foods, and then supplement the diet with "processed" foods that are strictly necessary.
- The worst processes in terms of potentially negatively affecting our health are: Fried foods, hydrogenations and additions of high fructose corn syrup.
- Logically as in life, seek a balance between what is healthy, what is most affordable, delicious and relevant to the occasion.
- Ruiz Milena, Natural foods vs artificial foods ¿a real problem of nutrition ?: A proposal for teaching in sixth degree from socio-scientific issues, Enseñanza y Aprendizaje de las Ciencias, ISSN: 2346-4712.
- Croveto Mirta, Uauy Ricardo, Changes in processed food expenditure in the population of Metropolitan Santiago in the last twenty years, Rev Med Chile 2012; 140: 305-312.
- Monteiro C. The big issue is ultraprocessing, World Nutrition 2010; 6: 237-69.
- Uauy R, Monteiro CA. The challenge of improving food and nutrition in Latin America. Food Nutr Bull 2004; 25: 175-82.
- Prentice AM, Jebb SA. Fast foods, energy density and obesity: a possible mechanistic link. Obesity Reviews 2003; 4: 187-94.
- Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), World Health Organization (WHO). The Trans Fat Free Americas: Conclusions and Recommendations. Washington, DC USA, PAHO / WHO, 2007.