- Arguments in favor
- Equality before the law
- Passing homosexual adoption would improve the situation for children
- Gay couples can take care of children just as well as straight couples
- Counterarguments
- Gay couples could raise children with mental health problems
- The rights of the child must be taken into account
- It could lead to the decline of society
- It could lead to the closure of orphanages and adoption agencies
- Situation in Mexico
- Situation in Chile
- Situation in Colombia
- conclusion
- References
The homoparental adoption is the adoption of a child by an individual or a homosexual couple. When it occurs, the domestic unit that is formed is known as a homoparental family. The legal status of this practice varies enormously around the world, although the trend is for it to be increasingly accepted.
Homoparental adoption itself is only legal in 27 countries today. However, some such as the Czech Republic or Chile allow it to be done indirectly, by having one of the members of the couple adopt a child as single.
In addition to this, many countries are currently debating the possibility of legalizing this practice. Generally this debate comes hand in hand with the approval of homosexual marriage; and many of the arguments for and against both practices are very similar.
In this article we will see the particular situation of this hot topic in Mexico, Chile and Colombia. In addition, we will study the main arguments defended by people who are both in favor and against this practice.
Arguments in favor
Source: pexels.com
The debate over whether adoption by gay couples should be legal or is not far from over. However, there are more and more arguments in favor, and more people agree with them. Here we will see some of the most common.
Equality before the law
Advocates for adoption by homosexual couples argue that the fact that these people cannot adopt is a clear example of discrimination due to sexual orientation. This would be a violation of human rights and should therefore be remedied as soon as possible.
Passing homosexual adoption would improve the situation for children
One of the most powerful arguments in favor of adoption by gay couples is that children need a family to grow up psychologically healthy.
By allowing more people to take in a minor, it would improve the situation of all those who, for whatever reason, have not yet found theirs.
The reality is that children likely to be adopted by homosexual couples do not come from a typical family background.
On the contrary, these minors live in orphanages, where they often suffer situations that are far from ideal. Because of this, having a family of any kind would greatly improve their situation.
Gay couples can take care of children just as well as straight couples
Most studies on same-sex adoption show that same-sex couples are just as capable as heterosexual couples to meet all the needs of a child and provide a safe environment in which to grow and develop as a person.
In fact, some researchers point out that a homosexual couple aware that they want a child will probably be more suitable for the well-being of minors than many heterosexual parents, who may have children by accident and therefore not be prepared for the responsibility that this entails.
On the other hand, there is a theory that the children of homosexual parents could become more tolerant and open-minded people. Seeing in their own family an example of sexual diversity, it would be easier for them to accept those who are different.
However, not everyone is convinced that homoparental adoption is a good idea. Whether for religious, philosophical or conviction reasons, many people believe that legalizing this practice would be harmful either to children or to society. Next we will see some of the most common arguments in this regard.
Gay couples could raise children with mental health problems
One of the most repeated arguments both by the Church and by those against homosexual adoption is that children need a father and a mother to develop properly as persons. The idea is that minors need an example of masculinity and femininity in order to become healthy and capable adults.
Today, the long-term effects that the adoption of a child by homosexual couples are not yet known exactly. However, the evidence we have right now seems to suggest that there would be no notable differences between these children and those raised by a father and a mother.
However, more data needs to be collected before it can be stated categorically that there is no difference at all between the two situations, a task that many psychologists are working on right now.
The rights of the child must be taken into account
Some of the detractors of homoparental adoption point out that allowing it would not be contemplating the right of children to have a father and a mother, something that they consider as fundamental and inherent in all human beings.
It could lead to the decline of society
Some people, especially those with an ideology more influenced by the Catholic religion, point out that accepting adoption by homosexual couples could contribute to the decline of society by undermining the Christian values that give strength to our culture.
The argument in this regard is that our society is based on a large number of religious ideas, and that going against them could be counterproductive for our countries.
It could lead to the closure of orphanages and adoption agencies
A problem that has been observed in some countries that allow homoparental adoption is that some agencies and orphanages decide to close and leave the children on the street rather than allow a gay couple to stay with them, something that by law they are required to do.
This problem, although unexpected, has already occurred on several occasions in territories such as the United Kingdom, and must be resolved before the lives of children affected by it deteriorate.
Situation in Mexico
Mexico was one of the first countries in the world to allow homoparental adoption, but at the same time it remains a place full of discrimination towards this practice even today. Thus, despite the fact that in 2009 adoption by homosexual couples was legalized in Mexico City, work is still ongoing on this issue.
When the law allowing gay people to adopt was passed, numerous protests erupted, most of them led by the Catholic Church.
This led to the Supreme Court of Mexico City ruling in 2010 that same-sex couples have the same right to adopt as heterosexual couples in this state.
However, in 2011 the Supreme Court of the state of Coahuila attacked the new legislation, ruling that same-sex couples should not be able to adopt there, while pressuring the entire country to eliminate the new law.
Finally, on February 3, 2017, it was ruled that the rights of the LGBT community not only include the possibility of forming a couple, but also the possibility of adopting a child. Since then, homosexual adoption has been legal throughout the country, and cannot be limited by any state agency.
Situation in Chile
The situation in Chile is somewhat different from that of other countries, in the sense that although it is technically not legal for a homosexual couple to adopt a child, in practice it is perfectly possible for them to do so. In fact, there are two paths that a couple of two members of the same sex can follow to achieve this.
On the one hand, in Chile it is possible that one of the members of the couple adopts a child on their own, making an application as a single parent.
This only gives legal rights over the minor to whom the request is made, which is not an ideal situation but in practice allows homosexual couples to have children.
On the other hand, the National Service for Minors, with its foster family program, allows same-sex couples to become temporary caregivers for a child. This situation can last indefinitely in time, but it does not guarantee the same legal rights as a full adoption.
According to a survey conducted at the national level in 2018, 52% of Chileans believe that same-sex couples should be able to adopt, with 45% against and the rest abstaining from voting. Right now, they are working on a change in legislation that would allow homosexual couples to have children in a totally legal way.
Situation in Colombia
Colombia, despite being one of the countries in the world where the Catholic religion is strongest, was also one of the first in Latin America to allow adoption by homosexual couples.
Thus, in 2015 the law was approved that allows same-sex couples to request the adoption of a child, with the same rights as a heterosexual. Surprisingly, this law was passed a year earlier than the one allowing gay marriage, which took effect in 2016.
As can be seen, the full legalization of homoparental adoption is far from being achieved. The debate is still very much alive, and the arguments on both sides can be extremely compelling to different types of people.
- "Arguments for and against gay adoption" in: Debating Europe. Retrieved on: January 17, 2019 from Debating Europe: debatingeurope.eu.
- "Adoption of Children by Same Sex Couples" in: Debate Wise. Retrieved on: January 17, 2019 from Debate Wise: debatewise.org.
- "Should same sex couples be allowed to adopt children?" in: Debate. Retrieved on: January 17, 2019 from Debate: debate.org.
- "Pros and Cons of Gay Couple Adoption" in: Vision Launch. Retrieved on: January 17, 2019 from Vision Launch: visionlaunch.com.
- "LGBT Adoption" in: Wikipedia. Retrieved on: January 17, 2019 from Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org.