- Natural and home remedies to relieve headaches
- 1- Avoid stress
- 2- Apply cold
- 3- Apply gentle massages
- 4- Correct hydration
- 5- Physical exercise
- 6- Practice medication
- 7- Chamomile tea with lemon drops
- Foods that stimulate headaches (to avoid)
- Ripe and dry cheeses
- Sausages
- Caffeine
- Chocolate
Who has not suffered an annoying headache without finding a way to relieve it? Possibly you are suffering or have suffered one of these annoying and irritating episodes.
In this article I will give you a list of 7 home remedies for headaches. By adopting them, you will feel more calm and you can avoid using medication. If your pain is persistent, it is advisable that you see a doctor for an evaluation.
Even though they are very common conditions, their causes are still difficult to diagnose: sometimes in long periods of severe headaches, an extensive study is necessary to define their possible causes.
Let's go with a few numbers! Headaches, also called headaches, affect 50% of the world's population, ranking among the 10 most disabling causes for humans. Tension headache is the most common type of headache, it is produced by the tension of the muscles of the neck, jaw, etc.
Tension headache affects 42% of people in adulthood, and 3% of the world population suffers from chronic headache (more than 15 days per month of headache). Up to 11% suffer from migraines and according to various studies, the annual spending on drugs and specialists in the field amounts to more than 20 million euros.
For more peace of mind, the hereditary factor of these discomforts has not been proven, although a greater presence of these conditions in the family environment may be a cause to consider.
Natural and home remedies to relieve headaches
1- Avoid stress
Stress is undoubtedly the silent disease of modern life; associated with a state of physical and, above all, emotional fatigue. It is the response of our body to the different situations that we live: relationship problems, professionals, the difficulties that this materialistic society demands of us, produce serious disorders associated with stress.
Among them the headache, as our body tends to respond with rigidity and tension to moments of alarm. One of the most sensitive parts are the shoulders and neck muscles, triggering the headache.
Relaxation and personal knowledge, through different techniques, are the keys to assimilate and overcome stress; Going to a psychologist, practicing yoga or mindfulness are good options to minimize the consequences of stress.
2- Apply cold
Once the first symptoms of pain and overheating appear, it is advisable to apply cold, relaxes and soothes the entire area, generating a feeling of relief.
This practice should be accompanied by lying down and relaxed, breathing gently and trying to keep the mind clear. Minimizing the headache requires a positive and serene attitude, without these two internalized aspects, any practice to be carried out will be sterile.
3- Apply gentle massages
Tension headache is usually the main cause of headache. It is truly liberating to apply a gentle massage to the affected person; lightly press the neck and shoulders, massage the forehead and cheekbones, progressively reduces pain, numbing and relaxing the area in question.
An optimal massage exercise is to end the session with the patient asleep or in a relaxed state.
4- Correct hydration
Water is essential for our body, optimal hydration helps prevent serious headaches. Incorrect hydration has consequences; thirst, lack of concentration and headache.
Hydration needs vary depending on the sex and age of the people, so it is a factor to take into account to prevent headaches.
5- Physical exercise
It may seem like an obvious concept, but a good sports or physical exercise routine is essential to keep the body healthy and worked.
Sport strengthens muscles, helping to relieve tension caused by headaches. In addition, outdoor sport is relaxing, de-stressing, cleanses the body and mind.
If the headache appeared at the same time that you were exercising, you will have to stop doing it.
6- Practice medication
Possibly the last option to use (in mild cases of pain); many headaches are relieved or minimized with small preventive actions.
Medications should be used under medical prescription, avoiding self-medication, as it is not always effective, for example, sometimes a walk in the open air is more useful than taking a pill. Learn more about its benefits here.
7- Chamomile tea with lemon drops
Chamomile tea with a few drops of lemon helps to minimize headaches, the essence of lavender when performing massages.
Foods that stimulate headaches (to avoid)
Finally, it is worth highlighting the foods that can cause a headache or stimulate its appearance, it is a reality that there is a fine direct relationship between headaches and some foods:
Ripe and dry cheeses
Cheeses such as cheddar or Swiss have large amounts of tyramine, an amino acid that enhances the stimulation of blood vessels, leading to headaches.
The high composition of nitrites and nitrates, great vasodilating agents, in sausages and processed meats are the main causes of headache.
Products with caffeine, cola drinks, coffee, some teas, are associated with maximizing states of nervousness and stress, leading to headaches.
The food par excellence that causes headaches; part of its composition contains phenylethylamine and tyramine, people who suffer from frequent headaches are prone to have problems metabolizing these substances, producing the annoying headaches.
Headache is a very common symptom, of a sensitive nature, since its appearance is caused by numerous physical, emotional, nutritional causes, etc. Peace of mind, a change in habits and a visit to a specialist can be the beginning to say goodbye to these annoying fellow travelers.