I leave you the best management quotes from excellent authors such as Peter Drucker, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Benjamin Franklin, Jack Welch, Stephen Covey, John D. Rockefeller and many more.
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45-Management is about managing in the short term, while developing long-term plans.-Jack Welch.
-Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is the discipline carried out.-Stephen Covey.
-The true measure of the value of any leader and manager is performance.-Brian Tracy.
-The administration is nothing more than motivating other people.-Lee Iacocca.
-The administration is the efficiency in climbing the slope of the success; Leadership determines if the slope is leaning on the correct wall.-Stephen Covey.
-Corporate culture matters. How the administration chooses to treat its people impacts everything-for better or worse.-Simon Sinek.
-This is the key to time management; See the value of each moment.-Menachem Mendel Schneerson.
-Start with the end in mind.-Stephen R. Covey.
-Failure to prepare, you prepare to fail.-Benjamin Franklin.
-Give me six hours to cut down a tree and I will spend the first four hours sharpening the ax.-Abraham Lincoln.
-What is measured improves.-Peter F. Drucker.
-Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough to motivate them.-John C. Maxwell.
-You can only change what people know, not what they do.-Scott Adams.
-Planning is to bring the future to the present to be able to do something for now.-Alan Lakein.
-In most cases being a good boss means hiring talented people and then going out of their way.-Tina Fey.
-Success in administration requires learning as fast as the world is changing.-Warren Bennis.
-Good management consists of showing average people how to do the work of superior people.-John D. Rockefeller.
-Leadership is working with goals and vision; Management is working with objectives.-Russel Honore.
-Efficiency is doing things well; Effectiveness is doing the right things.-Peter Drucker.
-The way in which the administration treats associates is exactly how associates will treat customers.-Sam Walton.
-A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan for next week.-George Patton.
-Administration is, above all, a practice where art and science meet.-Henry Mintzberg.
-Management is doing things well; Leadership is doing the right things.-Peter Drucker.
-Make your top managers rich and they will make you rich.-Robert H. Johnson.
-A goal without a plan is just a wish.-Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
-If you do not know where you are going, you will end up anywhere.-Yogi Berra.
-Remember that time is money.-Benjamin Franklin.
-A manager is not a successful manager until he is successful in managing managers successfully.-Ram Mohan.
-Your most dissatisfied clients should be your greatest source of learning.-Bill Gates.
-Fans sit and wait for inspiration, the rest just get up and work.-Stephen King.
-Never look back unless you plan to go that way.-Henry David Thoreau.
-You can not depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.-Mark Twain.
-Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hours a day.-Zig Ziglar.
-The simple fact of paying positive attention to people has a lot to do with productivity.-Tom Peters.
35-The objective of the administration is to eliminate obstacles.-Paul Orfalea.
-The best idea will only be as good as its implementation.-Jay Samit.
-Effective management always means asking the right question.-Robert Heller.
-You don't manage people; you manage things. You lead people.-Grace Hooper.
-To manage men one must have a sharp mind in a velvet sheath.-George Eliot.
-The key to survival is learning to add value, today and always.-Andy Grove.
-When you innovate, you run the risk of making mistakes. It is better to admit it quickly and continue with another innovation.-Steve Jobs.
-Make yourself big in a low voice so as not to alert potential competitors.-Chris Dixon.
-Business opportunities are like buses, there will always be a next one that will pass.-Richard Branson.
-If in the beginning you can not feed your team with 2 pizzas, it is too big.-Jeff Bezos.
-Self-finance yourself in the business for as long as possible that you can continue to do so.-Garrett Camp.
-When you are negotiating, find out who is the fool in the deal. If you do not find one, it is because the fool is going to be you.-Mark Cuban.
-Only when the tide goes out, we will know who was swimming naked.-Warren Buffet.
-It takes 20 years to create a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think that way, you will do things different.-Warren Buffet.
-Something you can be sure of about your marketing plan, your products or even your own life, is that things will not turn out as you had planned.-Seth Godin.
-If you do not have a competitive advantage, do not compete.-Jack Welch.
-A system is corrupt when it is strictly directed towards profits, and not directed to serve the best interests of its people.-Suzy Kasse.
-Not only in personal relationships, but also in professional life, if the similar minds of people work together, it is a wonderful thing to see.-Rajasaraswathii.
-The government calls it law, but in reality it means taxes.-Amit Kalantri.
-A nation with few laws will have a maximum laugh.-Amit Kalantri.
-Democracy is not a system, it is an idea that we all value.-Amit Kalantri.
-You can not lead your troops if they do not trust you.-Diane Ravitch.
-If you want to work with people, then you must know how to manage, which means organizing and guiding them.-Sunday Adelaja.
- Put into practice the number one golden rule of administration in everything you do. Manage others the way you like to be managed.-Brian Tracy.
-Bank failures are caused by depositors who do not deposit enough money to cover the expenses of their mismanagement.-Dan Quayle.
-There is a distance that cannot be measured between what is late and very late.-Og Mandino.
-I only ask the government to be treated as all men are treated.-Chief Joseph
-People can prosper under a bad government and suffer under a good one, in the first case the local administration is efficient and in the second it is inefficient.-Annie Besant.
-The sublime of the administration consists in knowing the own degree of power that must be exercised on different occasions.-Charles de Montesquieu.
-The true history of my administration will be written in fifty years, and you and I will no longer be around to see it.-George W. Bush.
-It's not about money. It's about the people you have, and how you guide them.-Steve Jobs.
-Good administration is to make problems interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to work and deal with them.-Paul Hawken.
-The conventional definition of administration is to make people work, but the real definition of administration is to develop people through work.-Agha Hasan Abedi.
28-There have been errors in the administration of the most enlightened men.-Law, Edward, 1st Baron Ellenborough.
-The key to success is to form a strong and stable management group.-Vivek Wadhwa.
-The administration is about ordering and telling. Leadership is about nurturing and exchanging.-Tom Peters.
-Most of what we call management consists of making it difficult for people to work.-Peter Drucker.
-There are companies with management and companies with money. You can always find money. But management is the key to success in any business.-Husnu Ozyegin.
35-Self-deception is rarely a good strategy for effective management.-Eva Moskowitz.
-Management is the best opportunity to help others to become better people.-Clayton Christensen.
-The first rule of the administration is to delegate. Do not try to do everything by yourself because you will not be able to do it.-Anthea Turner.
-It is not enough to have good qualities; We should also have a good administration of them.-Francois de La Rochefoucauld.
-Time management is a big part of a director's job.-Debbie Allen.
-The administration must speak with one voice. When she doesn't manage herself she becomes a peripheral opponent for the team's mission.-Pat Riley.
-The goal of the administration is to convey the leadership message in a compelling and inspiring way. Not only in meetings, but also setting an example.-Jeffrey Gitomer.
-Since the administration deals mainly with the status quo and leadership with change, the next century we are going to have to try to be more skilled at creating leaders.-John P. Kotter.
-In every business, in every industry, management matters.-Michael Eisner.
-Leadership is above all emotional intelligence. Management is taught, while leadership is experience.-Rajeev Suri.
-The administration is managed by making decisions and seeing that they are implemented.-Harold S. Geneen.
-The key to the administration is to get rid of managers.-Ricardo Semler.
37-Leadership and administration are not synonymous.-Travis Bradberry.
-I work strategically with my management team to make all decisions.-Karlie Kloss.