- 5 high school physical education games / activities
- 1. Pass the hot zone
- 2. Soccer-tennis
- 3. Slalom
- 4. Let's dance
- 5. Fight of ranks
- References
High school physical education games and activities play an important role in recognizing and reorganizing the body-mind-emotion relationship in adolescents.
Secondary students face great physical and psychological changes, which represents a great challenge for the educational system.
The contribution to the integral development of adolescents in terms of physical education is aimed at stimulating motor, cognitive and psychosocial elements.
These three areas worked together allow the integral and balanced development of the adolescent, favoring the constitution of their own identity.
At the same time, they give you the opportunity to access sufficient knowledge to act in accordance with a health conscience and based on this decide a healthy lifestyle.
5 high school physical education games / activities
1. Pass the hot zone
It is a running scrolling game. It is done by placing a student on the center line of the playing field, while his companions are arranged in a group at the end of the field.
The teacher starts a countdown aloud from 10 to 1. Before the count finishes, all students must go to the opposite end of the court without being touched by their partner on the center line, who must always have contact with the line.
The game is won by the student who cannot be touched during the entire dynamic.
2. Soccer-tennis
For this game you must have a court or field with delimited lines, a net that separates it and a plastic ball with a good bounce.
The game is played by two teams, who will pass the ball over the net so that the players in the opposite field cannot return it.
The main rule is that the ball can only be touched with the feet, thighs or head, allowing only 3 bounces in each field, without the ball touching the ground.
Every time a team fails the rally, its opponents get the point and the right to serve. It is played for 3 times up to 15 points each.
3. Slalom
This game invigorates speed and agility. It consists of placing 10 or more posts in a line at a distance of one meter from the previous one. From the initial start to the first post there must be a minimum of 3 meters.
Each student when blowing the whistle must make the round trip in slalom, without throwing any pole, otherwise the attempt will be considered void. The student who registers the best time in her route will be the winner.
4. Let's dance
It consists of a 5-station circuit that students must complete. Each station has a low-impact aerobic and dance routine to be accomplished in 3 minutes.
The mechanics of the game involve dividing the class into several groups. These will go through the stations of the circuit completing each routine.
The objective of the activity is to work on coordination, rhythm and give students a moment of relaxation and fun.
5. Fight of ranks
Its execution is carried out by dividing the class into two groups. Each group will form a row holding tightly by the shoulders to keep it together.
At the signal, each student will push with the side of his body his opponent in the opposite row. The row closest to its starting place wins the game.
- Brito, L. (2010). Physical Activation Guide. Secondary Education. In: activate.gob.mx.
- Castaño J. (2006). Multipurpose, Recreational and Alternative Games. In: servicios.educarm.es.
- National Council for Educational Development. (2010). Guide to Psychomotor and Physical Education in Secondary Education. In: www.gob.mx.
- Physical education: Activation or Warm-up Games. (sf). Retrieved on December 20, 2017 from: kipediciones.es.
- Play and Physical Education. (2005). In: plaproanenef.files.wordpress.com.