- Questions to chat with friends
- Funny questions for conversation
- Questions to converse with a woman
- Questions for conversation with a man
- Questions to chat with someone you like
- Themes of interest
I leave you with a list of questions to talk and talk with both friends, colleagues, and the person you like, be it a man or a woman. These questions are ideal to be able to get to know others, or to be able to converse effectively, discussing relevant, personal and profound topics.
Avoid going blank when you meet someone or delve into attractive topics that make you both think. With questions like the ones that will be developed below, the hours will pass very quickly.
Questions to chat with friends
-What are you most afraid of?
-Mention the three most inspiring people for you.
-Do you consider that you and your friends are competitive with each other? In what aspects?
-What has been one thing that you regret having or not having done?
-What do you want the most in this world?
-If you could do something for the rest of your days, what would it be?
-How do you like to be comforted when you are sad or angry?
-What is your motivation to get up from day to day?
-What is it that most people don't know about you?
-When was the last time you cried?
-If you were president, what is the first thing you would change in the country?
-Who do you consider has been the greatest influence in your life?
-What was your favorite toy as a child?
-Does it bother you to go out alone once in a while? For example, when you go to the movies alone. Or do you always try to hang out with your friends?
-What would you consider changing your life to make it easier or more bearable?
-Have you ever doubted your beliefs? Why?
-Have you ever helped a friend who really needed your support? How?
-If money were not an impediment, what would you buy?
-What do you do to relieve yourself when you are stressed?
-What way do you prefer to keep in touch with your friends over long distances? Calls, messages, letters, or what other method?
-Is there a maximum number of friends that a person can have? What do you think this number is?
-Who was the last person who made you cry and why?
-Have you ever had friends from other cultures or other countries different from yours? If yes, have these differences ever caused difficulties in your friendship?
-Which of your friends have you known the longest?
-Who is your closest friend and how close are they to each other?
-What achievements do you hope to have had by the time you turn 50?
-What do you think has been the best moment of your life?
-Which member of your family are you closest to?
-What makes you most proud?
-If you had to choose an option, would you prefer dogs or cats?
-What is the place you most want to travel to?
-What language would you like to master and why?
-Which book has left the biggest impression on you?
-When you were little, what did you dream of being when you grew up?
-What is the oldest memory that you can remember?
-Do you have much older or younger friends than you? How important do you consider age to be in friendship?
-How would your perfect day be? Describe it from the moment you wake up until you fall asleep.
-If 3 of your wishes could come true without any restrictions, what would you ask for?
-What do you do when you are alone?
-Which celebrity would you like to be your friend and why?
-What are you most afraid of getting old?
-Do you think you're brave?
-What are your aspirations for 10 years?
-What professional career do you want or would you have preferred to study and why?
-What is your favorite food or dish for dinner?
-Which of your belonged is your favorite and why?
-What has been the moment in your life where you have felt the most challenged?
-If you had to get a tattoo, what would it be, why would you choose it and where would you put it?
-What is the most special gift you have received and why do you consider it as such?
-If you could live anywhere for a year, what place would you choose?
-Do you have any regrets? Which ones and why?
-Are you proud of what you do with your time right now?
-What things do you think your friends will say about you, but they don't dare to tell you to your face?
-What's the craziest thing you've done?
-Have you failed at something? How did you get over it?
-What is your dream job?
-Who is your personal hero?
-Which members of your family have you learned the most?
-Where do you see yourself in five years?
-How would you spend the money from a huge inheritance that you just received?
-How do you want them to remember you?
-Which fictional character do you identify with the most?
-Are you religious or spiritual?
-What makes you feel fulfilled?
-Do you believe in friendship?
-Are you afraid of death?
-What was / is your favorite subject at school?
-Do you have an article of clothing that brings you many memories?
-Would you sleep in a cemetery?
-Which of your friends could you live better with?
-Would you make your child's godfather to your best friend?
-Would you lend your best garment to a friend?
-Do you prefer to tell your first sexual experience to your brother / sister or your best friend?
Funny questions for conversation
-How long has been the longest period you have lasted without bathing?
-What do you think would be the worst that the government could prohibit?
-What's the funniest joke you know by heart?
-Which do you consider would be more fun and interesting alternatives to war, so that two countries could resolve their differences?
-What is the most ridiculous curious fact you know?
-Would you rather be bald or covered in hair from head to toe?
-What do you consider is the funniest way to answer questions like "How are you?" or "How are you doing?"
-If you were arrested without explanation, what would your friends and family assume that you did?
-What part of your body wouldn't you mind losing?
-If they put you in a madhouse by mistake, what would you do to show others that you are not crazy and you are not just pretending?
-When was the last time you washed your jeans?
-What has been the most absurd lie you have told and have they believed you?
-Have you ever sent a text message that you shouldn't have sent?
-What's the weirdest thing you've done on a date?
-If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
-What phrase do people often say as a sign of wisdom, but you know it's complete stupidity?
-What items would you buy at the supermarket with the aim of making the cashier feel uncomfortable?
-What food would you not eat under any circumstances?
-Tell me something about what you recently realized, and you are ashamed not to have known before.
-Which fantastic character do you think would be the most boring to meet?
-What has been the most embarrassing situation or what is it that embarrasses you the most?
-What is the strangest thing that a person who has stayed in your house has done in it?
-Mention some things that are okay to do from time to time, but it wouldn't be okay if you did them every day.
-What do you think is the worst name you could give your child and why?
-What is the strangest thing you have smelled and why?
-Which animal is more like the way you eat?
-Would you rather be an ugly genius or someone very silly but good looking?
-If you could only choose to listen to one musical group for the rest of your life, what would it be?
-What would you do if at this moment you had in your possession 10,000 dollars?
-Would you rather not take a bath for a month or eat the same for a whole month?
-What has been the worst thing you have done but nobody has found out that it was you?
-What do you think of people who put pineapple on their pizza?
-What has been the dumbest way in which you have hurt / hurt yourself throughout your life?
-What is the strangest thing you have seen in someone else's house?
-What has been the moment in which you have laughed the most?
-What ridiculous and false theories, however credible, can occur to you as causes of common ailments such as headaches and cavities?
-What would be your last meal?
-What's the worst TV commercial you've seen recently?
-What would be the strangest thing you could say to a stranger who is passing by on the street?
-If you were a mad scientist, what experiment would you carry out if money and ethics were not an impediment for you?
-You believe in aliens?
-Which movie do you think would improve a lot if it became a musical?
-How old is the oldest item you have in your refrigerator?
-What has been the worst purchase you have made in your life?
-Would you travel alone with your in-laws in exchange for being able to see the most beautiful places in the world?
-Would you amputate an arm in exchange for having another much stronger and indestructable bionic?
-Would you accept to spend a weekend in a remote and enchanted place in exchange for 2000 dollars?
-Have you ever farted at an inopportune moment?
- Would you rather go blank giving a lecture or start coughing uncontrollably as a listener?
-Have you ever been caught spying on someone?
-If you removed a snot from your nose now and you had no handkerchief, where in this room would you hide it?
-Have you ever fallen awkwardly in front of many people?
-What is the defect you hate the most in me?
Questions to converse with a woman
-What simple pleasures in life do you enjoy the most?
-What does true beauty mean to you?
-What has been the most terrifying experience you have had to date?
-Do you think life has a purpose, or that it lacks meaning?
-Who do you think are generally best friends, men or women?
-What is the strangest habit you had as a child?
-What topic do you think you know a lot about, but actually you probably don't know as much as you think?
-What was the last book you read and what is it about?
-If you were a famous singer, what would your songs be about?
-What do you consider has been the worst year of your life and why?
-Which celebrity is the one that attracts you the most?
-Is there any kind of people you don't respect?
-What do you think is the strangest thing about your family?
-What do you think about pornography? Is it okay, or is it immoral?
-Generally you prefer to be alone, or surrounded by people?
-If you could take all the pain out of your life, would you?
-What is the most useful skill you have learned?
-What do you think about monogamy? Is it a reality or just a social construct?
-What do you consider is something that we should all experience at least once in life?
-What do you consider to be what you have to do, yes or yes, before you die?
-If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do with that money?
-What do you think has been the luckiest thing that has happened to you?
-What do you consider has been the best year of your life so far and why?
-Do you think it is possible for a man and a woman to be only friends? Or do you think romantic feelings will always come up and interfere?
-What have you done wrong all your life and until recently did you realize the right way to do it?
-If you could know the total and absolute truth to a question, what question would you ask?
-What's that cheesy song you love?
-Who is your nemesis?
-Would you rather be a very intelligent or very happy person? Why?
-What do you consider to be that always constant theme, that is, the one you dream of most often?
-What do you think would happen to us as a species if we managed to lengthen our lives by at least twice our life expectancy?
-If you knew that you were going to die in a month, what would you do with your life?
-If you were of the opposite sex for just one day, what would you do?
-If you could learn a magic spell, only one, but could only do something mundane and boring, what would that spell do?
-What is the personality trait that you most admire about yourself?
-What things do you like to do that are traditionally considered "masculine"?
-Mention the last time a movie made you cry?
-What would you do to make the world a better place to live?
-If time was not an issue and if you had eternity to perfect a skill, what skill would you like to master?
-When you find yourself daydreaming, what do you dream about?
-If you could be a super hero, who would you be?
-Do you usually keep an eye on the most recent events?
-If you had to choose a cause to dedicate your life to, what would it be?
-What is your biggest fear?
-What was your favorite cartoon when you were a child?
-If you could travel anywhere you wanted with just the blink of an eye, where would you go?
-What does love mean to you?
-Do you think that religion has been a good thing or a bad thing throughout the history of man?
-What phrase are you tired of hearing from people?
-What high-level job do you think you can do without experience, and nobody would notice?
-Do you consider your mother one more friend?
-Do you prefer to see a good series or movie in company or alone and relaxed?
-What is your feminine reference?
-Have you done choreography in your room when you were little?
-What do you think of female sex toys?
-Would you go to a pub without company?
-High heels or converse shoes?
-Did you ever call your teacher 'dad' at school?
-What is your favorite social network?
Questions for conversation with a man
-Are your priorities different compared to the past? Which ones and why did they change?
-Would you like to live forever? Cause Yes or not?
-Do you consider yourself as an introvert or an extrovert?
-Mention something that you have been stressed enough about and it ended up being something insignificant.
-Which person in your life would you have liked to meet before?
-What case of double standards do you think is ridiculous and needs to be eradicated?
-What television program could you watch all day without getting tired?
-Mention one thing you hate to see people do.
-If you died today, what do you consider would be your greatest achievement?
-If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, who would it be?
-Do you believe in marriage? Cause Yes or not?
-Mention something you've done in your past, and your friends still tease you about it.
-What do you consider to be the best lesson you have learned in life?
-What movie can you watch over and over and still never get tired of it?
-What is a compliment you usually receive?
-Do you think there is beyond our reality than we can see with our eyes?
-What is the most difficult situation you have had to deal with in life?
-What childish things do you still enjoy doing?
-What do you consider to be your worst defect and how would you change it?
-What has been the worst joke you have played on someone?
-Mate the three events that have had the greatest impact on who you are today.
-If you could be incredibly skilled at just one thing, what would you choose?
-Do you think it is important to be kind only to your friends, or to everyone and why?
-What is it that makes you feel more confident?
-Name two things that you would not spend any money on.
-What is the best advice your parents have given you?
-What do you think is the worst type of phobia to have?
-What do you consider to be the worst and the best about being a man?
-What is your favorite sport and why?
-What do you prefer, Apple, or Android?
-Where do you feel most comfortable living (leaving aside the need and proximity of things) in the country in the city?
-What was the last movie you saw and would you recommend me?
-Do you feel that you are living a full life? Justify your answer.
-What was that opportunity / action that you have risked taking / doing, that seemed unlikely to work, but ended up giving you many results?
-Have you ever had your heart broken?
-What would you rather be, rich or famous?
-What do you think happens to us after death?
-Would you rather have a large mansion in a poor area, or a small but comfortable apartment in a wealthy area?
-Do you believe in karma?
-What would you not do even if they gave you 5 million dollars?
-What is the most unusual but fun experience you have ever had?
-Would you rather be in love, or have a lot of money?
-What is your favorite way to exercise?
-Have you traveled to other countries? What did you learn during your travels? What is the same or different from what you are used to?
-How do you think the world of the future will be?
-Are you a spiritual person?
-How many phones have you lost or broken / broken?
-Do you have any superstitions?
-Have you ever had an involuntary erection at the worst moment?
-Do you remember the first time you shaved?
-Do you prefer urban or rural tourism?
-Have you ever felt the need to pretend something so as not to appear weaker?
-Did you ever call your teacher 'mom'?
-Who taught you to ride a bicycle?
-Were you more of a Scalextric or a video game console?
-What do you think of the compliments?
-Do you have a sports reference?
Questions to chat with someone you like
-What is your favorite phrase?
-What is the first thing that came to your mind when you met me?
-What would you like to do with me right now?
-If you could describe yourself in three words, which ones would you choose?
-What is the part of the body that you like the most in a boy / girl?
-What makes you feel nervous about your partner or going on a date?
-What keeps you awake at night?
-What kind of music do you like?
-What attracts you the most about someone on a date?
-How is your relationship with your parents?
-What do you consider essential to maintain a healthy romantic relationship?
-If you could live a moment of your life again, what would it be?
-If you could have the job you want, what would it be?
-How do you prefer people to perceive you, as sensual or as intelligent?
-What do you think is the most beautiful thing in the world?
-Would you give me the opportunity to go out with me?
-What would the perfect date be for you?
-Do you believe in soul mates?
-Under what specific situations would you lie to your partner?
-What do you think is most important for your partner to have?
-What specific aspects of your life do you consider to have improved in the last 5 to 10 years?
-Who was the first person that you liked / attracted and why?
-Do you believe in love at first sight?
-Mention one thing that most people don't find attractive, but you do.
-In your opinion, what is the most important cause of loneliness?
-What is your zodiac sign?
-If you could ask me just one thing that I answered with full honesty, what would it be?
-What was the first impression I gave you when you met me?
-What about your past do most people not know?
-They say that husbands are always best friends with each other. What is your point of view on this?
-Why did you break up with your ex?
-Have you ever really fallen in love?
-What do they call you affectionately in your house?
-For what cause or for whom would you sacrifice your life?
-Which is your favorite dessert?
-What do you consider to be the most important goal you have set in life?
-If you had to summarize your philosophy of life in a sentence, what sentence would it be?
-If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?
-Do you think that boys should take the initiative, or should girls also?
-Why are people not capable of having serious and meaningful relationships, if in reality it is what everyone wants inside?
-What has been the most ridiculous thing that someone has made you believe or do?
-What is the memory that you treasure the most from your childhood?
-What was the last time you genuinely felt appreciated or loved?
-What city were you born?
-Do you believe in destiny or do we have control of our lives?
-What is the best city in which you have lived or visited?
-What is your biggest and secret fantasy?
-Would you like to have children one day? How many?
-If you could repeat a specific moment in your life and you could do something different, what and how would it be and why?
-What is the most romantic thing that you have done for someone or someone else has done for you?
-What would you do to improve as a person?
-Do you consider that you are ready to get engaged and marry?
- Do you think it is better to ask for forgiveness or permission?
-Are you an only child or do you have brothers or sisters?
-Do you think tattoos are sexy, or not?
-Which topic of conversation do you feel most comfortable with?
-How would your perfect vacation be?
-Which animal represents you best and why?
-How do you feel being in a relationship?
-What would be your ideal age to get married?
-Would you call your children after their parents?
-What perfume do you usually use?
-What is the best and worst thing that you have taken from past relationships?
-Would you have a relationship with a person who has a child from a previous relationship?
-Have you ever had a toxic relationship?
-Do you think love has an expiration date?
-Would it bother you if I had my ex on social media?
-How important is sex in your life?
-Do you have a secret love?
- Do you see it essential to have lived together to be able to get married?
-Would you leave your country in search of love?
-If your partner had a night job, could you sleep peacefully?
-Would you have an intimate encounter with someone you only know from the internet?
-Do I remind you of a song?
-What am I to you?
Themes of interest
Games for whatsapp.
Challenges for facebook.
Truth or dare questions.
Questions of love.
Interesting questions for men and women.
Uncomfortable questions.
Funny questions.
Questions to meet someone.
Yes or no questions.
Questions from me never.
Tricky questions.
Stupid questions to laugh at.
Hot and daring questions.
Questions of what you prefer.