- Interesting topics to present and practice speaking
- 1- Drug addiction
- 2- Is technology changing the way we communicate?
- 3- Social networks
- 4- Entrepreneurship for young people
- 5- Effects of tobacco and alcohol
- 6- venereal diseases
- 7- Eating disorders
- 8- Environmental issues
- 9- Teen pregnancy
- 10- Causes of adolescent deaths
- 11- bullying
- 12- Literature for teenagers
- 13- Artificial intelligence
- 14- Robotics
- 15- First aid
- 16- Integration of minorities
- 17- Administration of the economy
- 18- The ocean's plastic and its pollution
- 19- The coronavirus and other pandemics
- 20- Nuclear power plants
- 21- Espionage and data given to large companies
- Share on social networks (hover over the image)
- Other topics of interest
- References
There are several interesting topics to expose in class or do a job if you are a child or adolescent: health, addiction, politics, entrepreneurship, diseases, environmental problems, abuse…
To choose topics of interest, the first thing to do is make a list of what interests you, whether they are youth or adult subjects. In oral presentations or to write essays or monographs, it is convenient to talk about a topic that excites you and of which you have knowledge.
Then choose a topic, search for information, organize the information and prepare the presentation well.
Speaking in public can also help you in your presentation, an essential skill if you have many presentations to do. It is a skill that is learned with practice and that you will have to practice often to reach a good level and lose your stage fright.
Some of the proposals that I present below are topics of social interest, surely you have heard of them often. You can easily find information on this website and prepare your presentation well.
Interesting topics to present and practice speaking
1- Drug addiction
Half of all new drug users are under the age of 18. Experimentation plays the most important role in adolescent drug use. However, experimentation is a fact of life and just because a teenager has tried drugs or alcohol does not mean that they will become addicted.
It is more important to understand why some teens are tempted to experiment. Common reasons teens abuse medications include: curiosity, pressure from other friends, stress, emotional struggles, a desire to escape, rebellion. This topic is a topic of primary dissemination among young people from 13 to 18 years old.
It is important to highlight when addressing this issue which are the symptoms that indicate that an adolescent is using drugs.
Some common signs of drug abuse among teens are: poor grades, bloody eyes, laughter for no apparent reason, loss of interest in activities, poor hygiene, unpleasant personal appearance, avoiding eye contact, frequent hunger, the smell of smoke on the breath or secret or mysterious clothing, behavior, and unusual tiredness.
By exposing the consequences of drug addiction and how they affect health, young people can understand why drugs are harmful and can definitely be the cause of unsuccessful lives given the addiction and destructive power of certain drugs.
2- Is technology changing the way we communicate?
This is a very interesting topic today. In a world where technology is penetrating all areas of life, we spend most of our time staring at the screen of our smartphones or sitting in front of a computer.
Although technology absorbs us and is taking us to spend more time than necessary connected by virtual means, several surveys have determined that as human beings we still seek social interaction.
In the immediate future, the irruption of technology in our lives will continue. Not only has the way we communicate with those we know has changed and will change, but also with those we don't know and to some extent we can say that technology has become so ubiquitous in our existence that we are not even realizing it.
3- Social networks
It is also a controversial issue how social networks are changing the way we communicate. Platforms like Facebook and YouTube exceed one billion monthly active users, giving rise to insight into how they have completely redefined the way we build and maintain relationships.
These social networks have found themselves seeping into our offices, living rooms and even the dining rooms of our homes; They have even become our preferred way of meeting people to establish intimate relationships.
It is estimated that adults spend 20-28 hours a week on social media and on average they have 275 personal connections through their social media channels. In some cases, in which this data is exceeded, the person may end up suffering from a certain addiction to Facebook or the social network they use.
However, only 11% of those surveyed physically see their social connections on a regular basis. Communication as we know it is changing rapidly.
Social networks, mobiles, and the clouds have changed our lives, they have changed the way we communicate and will continue to revolutionize the company and our way of life for decades to come.
Article of interest: Advantages and disadvantages of social networks.
4- Entrepreneurship for young people
An excellent topic to expose and motivate young people to begin to be successful and productive is the one about entrepreneurship for adolescents.
Many of the most successful people in business today started out as entrepreneurs in their teens. Getting to the right idea and developing it is not always easy.
Entering the world of entrepreneurship as a teenager can be a great and difficult challenge, but the hard work, setbacks and challenges that come with this experience are nothing compared to the rewards of owning your own business and gradually building. what is dreamed of. Some interesting entrepreneurship ideas are:
- Assistance of the elderly: there are elderly people who need help in their daily life. The tasks they need help with can range from grocery shopping, personal needs, to house cleaning or going to the post office. There are many ways to help or assist older adults, and being this a growing segment of the population, it is a great business opportunity that can also give the satisfaction that you are helping people who really need it.
- Social Media Consulting - Teens have excellent knowledge of social media and this can be a great business opportunity for them, as there are consulting companies fully dedicated to helping their clients maximize their social media efforts. Young people with experience in social media can work as community managers, as well as offer their services as blog and website designers or even develop applications, an undertaking that can be very well paid.
5- Effects of tobacco and alcohol
This is a topic of great interest to young people, as it has been determined that in adolescence, young people start smoking at the age of 13 and experimenting with and abusing alcoholic beverages.
Drinking is risky and can lead to car accidents, violent behavior, intoxication, and other health problems. Drinking at a young age increases the risk of developing alcohol problems in adult life.
So addressing this issue openly by highlighting the risks of drinking can help reduce the chances that teens will become problem drinkers.
As for tobacco, it is said that more than 90% of smokers start before their 18th birthday, around 30% of adolescent smokers will continue to smoke and will die early from lung cancer or a tobacco-related disease. Also, teen smokers are more likely to have panic attacks, anxiety disorders, and depression.
Article of interest: Consequences of smoking.
6- venereal diseases
This is a topic of great interest to young people between 13 and 18 years old. Sexually transmitted diseases are very common, especially among teenagers.
There are about 20 million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases each year in the United States, and about half of these are in people between the ages of 15 and 24.
Young people are at higher risk for venereal disease for several reasons:
- Young women's bodies are biologically more susceptible to venereal diseases
- Many young people are hesitant to speak openly and honestly with a doctor or nurse about their sex lives.
- In general, young people tend to have more than one sexual partner.
It is important to know what can be done to avoid contracting venereal diseases, how to know if you have contracted a venereal disease, where you can have tests to determine if you have contracted a sexually transmitted disease and what are the treatments to cure these diseases, if there is cure.
7- Eating disorders
This is an incredibly interesting topic since eating disorders in young people are very common.
The obsession with weight affects millions of adolescents today, especially young girls who have just developed, being a problem that can last throughout youth.
One in seven women is said to have an eating disorder or are struggling with an eating disorder. One study revealed that 36% of adolescent girls - more than one in three - believed they were overweight, while 59% were trying to lose weight.
Eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, are psychological disorders that involve extreme disturbances in eating behavior.
An adolescent with anorexia refuses to stay at a normal body weight. Someone with bulimia has repeated episodes of binge eating followed by compulsive behaviors such as vomiting or the use of laxatives to eliminate food.
Adolescents with anorexia fear gaining weight and are at least 15% below their ideal body weights. Although there is no easy treatment for eating disorders, they are treatable. A combination of treatments, including cognitive behavioral therapy and antidepressant medication, can be used to help teens overcome bulimia.
Cognitive behavioral therapy helps identify and replace inaccurate thoughts to help change behavior and emotional state. Treatment of anorexia generally involves nutritional nutrition, medical monitoring, and psychological treatment.
Article of interest: Nutritional diseases.
8- Environmental issues
Many of these issues are political in nature, but if properly stated, the issue can be approached from a scientific and informative approach, away from controversial or hyperbolic language.
Environmental issues include global warming, acid rain, deforestation, soil degradation, overpopulation, overfishing, poaching, whaling, endangered species, or poor agricultural practices.
One of the most current issues regarding the environment is global warming. Explain its causes and above all what young people can do to help preserve the environment and how at a governmental and technological level solutions can be promoted to face pollution and stop global warming.
9- Teen pregnancy
This is a fundamental topic that can interest and help adolescents who start a sexual life. Adolescent pregnancy is associated with negative consequences, both for adolescents who undertake this experience, and for children of adolescent parents.
The vast majority of adolescent pregnancies (75%) are unintended, and 40% of unwanted pregnancies occur in adolescents 15-19 years of age. 30% of teenage pregnancies end in abortion.
Pregnant teens are more likely to have experimented with various illicit substances and to meet the criteria for disorders associated with alcohol, cannabis, and other illicit drugs.
Older teens have much higher pregnancy rates than younger teens.
Addressing adolescent pregnancy prevention requires broad efforts that involve adolescent families, health care providers, schools, faith-based and community organizations, recreation centers, and most importantly, youth.
10- Causes of adolescent deaths
An essential issue to address and expose is the one that addresses the causes of death among adolescents. The top five causes of death among teens are; accidents (unintentional injuries), homicide, suicide, cancer, and heart disease.
Accidents account for nearly half of all teen deaths. In the accident category, car accidents are the leading cause of death for teens, accounting for more than a third of all deaths.
Suicide among teens is really worrisome. The reasons behind a teen's suicide or attempted suicide can be complex.
Although suicide is relatively rare among children, the rate of suicides and suicide attempts increases greatly during adolescence. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), after accidents and homicides, suicide is the third leading cause of death among 15-24 year olds.
At least 25 attempts are also thought to precede a completed adolescent suicide. The risk of suicide increases dramatically when children and adolescents have access to firearms at home and almost 60% of all suicides are committed with a gun.
That is why any weapon in your home should be unloaded, locked, and kept out of the reach of children and adolescents.
11- bullying
A topic of great importance to address is bullying, since many young people are victims of bullying.
Bullying or bullying occurs when someone is being hurt through words or actions intentionally, usually more than once, managing to affect the young person, who usually has difficulty stopping what is happening to them.
Bullying can be: physical (hitting, shoving, tripping, yelling, rude gestures, taking or breaking things from the person being harassed) and emotional harassment (name calling, teasing, laughing, starting false rumors, sending messages through a phone cell phone or computer).
It is important for teens to understand that bullying is not acceptable as no one deserves to be mistreated.
12- Literature for teenagers
Many young people begin to read and become interested in literature between the ages of 10 and 13, maintaining the habit of reading throughout their youth and perhaps throughout their lives.
Recommending, discussing, and inviting to read the most popular books among teens can be a great topic to expose.
Among these books we find:
- The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins: It is a trilogy of science fiction and adventure.
- Catching Fire, by Suzanne Collins: This is the second book in the Hunger Games trilogy.
- Mockingjay, by Suzanne Collins: Third book in the excellent trilogy of the hunger games.
- Katherine's theorem, by John Green: Collins begins to study relationships and breaks from a scientific point of view, until he reaches a mathematical formula that allows him to guess the direction of a relationship
- Will Grayson, Will Grayson, by John Green: It tells the story of two young men with the same name.
- Looking for Alaska, by John Green: Miles, a normal young man, meets Alaska, a beautiful self-destructive girl who will drag Miles into her universe and even steal his heart
- Allies: Between Heaven and Earth, by Leandro Calderone: In this work, God decides to destroy humans because he is tirelessly squandering opportunities to change and be better.
- Allies: The Fight of the Gods, by Leandro Calderone: The Lord of Darkness kidnaps beings of light to study their energy and thus try to create a new race of human beings by annihilating the corrupted.
- August's Lesson, by RJ Palacio: This book is about a 10-year-old boy who was born with Treacher Collins syndrome, a genetic disorder that leads to craniofacial malformations
- Under the Same Star, by John Green: It's a love story that happens between two terminally ill young people.
13- Artificial intelligence
Another of the most interesting topics that can be discussed today is artificial intelligence, a technology that has been developed for decades but has grown rapidly in recent years.
Some questions we can ask about artificial intelligence are: will it create other jobs or will it end many jobs? It's dangerous? Will it make life easier or will it worsen the quality of life? Should it be regulated by the States?
14- Robotics
Toyota robot. Chris 73, commons.wikimedia.org
Robots are becoming more and more common, not just in large factories, but in homes; for example robot vacuum cleaners are already common. In addition, robots are used as waiters in restaurants in Japan, even in some European restaurants.
15- First aid
Teaching children and adolescents first aid would help a lot to avoid major ills in some emergencies.
How to deal with burns, learning to use the Heimlich maneuver in cases of suffocation, resuscitation techniques or simply knowing where to contact to notify the health services are some examples that could save lives.
16- Integration of minorities
Photo by Sam Balye on Unsplash
The world is no longer such a heterogeneous place and many minorities are increasingly visible in society: the LGTBI group, immigrants, the disabled, single-parent families, etc.
Of course, these minorities have a presence in school, but they do not always fit in because of their less frequent condition. For this reason, it is important to promote integration and inclusiveness every time a new boy or girl of different conditions arrives at the school. Otherwise you could suffer discrimination or in the worst case bullying.
17- Administration of the economy
The economy is one of the great concepts of which young people are totally ignorant. Expenses, income, payroll, taxes, rent or savings are concepts that do not tell us anything until we start working.
There are many economists who warn of the need to teach children from an early age to know basic rules about money and how it works. With this, it is possible to prevent that in the future we will have adults who do not know how to manage their economy.
18- The ocean's plastic and its pollution
It is a topical issue and also of great importance. There is so much plastic pollution in the oceans that so-called islands of plastic have formed.
19- The coronavirus and other pandemics
Another topical issue; The coronavirus is a virus that began to spread from Wuhan in China, through Japan, South Korea, other Asian countries, and even reaching the United States and Europe. This presentation would also talk about other possible pandemics and how they can be prevented.
20- Nuclear power plants
Nuclear power plants are essential to provide energy to many countries, but it is debated whether they should be dispensed with because of the danger they pose if there is an accident, such as the Chernobyl power plant.
21- Espionage and data given to large companies
This is another important topical issue. Governments and the population wonder what data is being given to large companies such as Facebook, Huawei, Apple or Google.
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Other topics of interest
Interesting topics to investigate.
Topics to discuss in class.
- Segal, R. (2016). Teenage Drinking. 1-4-2017, from Harvard
- dosomething.org. (2014). 11 Facts About Teen Smoking. 1-4-2017, from dosomething.org
- Burgert, N. (2012). 10 topics to discuss with your teen this summer. 4-1-2017, by KevinMD
- Moll, E. (2010). Interesting Speech Topics for Teenagers. 1-4-2017, from synonym.com
- Universia Foundation. (2015). I found 50 books for teenagers and chose which one to read this vacation. 1-4-2017, from Universia.net
- Penangigo. (2016). 50 interesting topics for discussion. 1-4-2017 by Scribd
- Business Insider. (2011). 10 Awesome Business Ideas For Teen Entrepreneurs. 1-4-2017, from Business Insider
- Newman, D. (2014). 10 Awesome Business Ideas For Teen Entrepreneurs. 1-4-2017, from Forbes
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Incidence, Prevalence, and Cost of Sexually Transmitted Infections in the United States. 4-1-2017 from Division of STD Prevention, National Center for HIV / AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.