I leave you sad phrases about life and love so that you can reflect internally on those delicate moments that affect love relationships, whether due to a disappointment, a deception, a loss or a breakup.
These phrases are ideal to dedicate yourself in moments of sadness and meditation. They give us time to experience, process and take sadness as an important part of learning in our life, and with it continue on our path. You may also be interested in these sadness quotes.
Portrait allusive to sadness and reflection. Source: pixabay.com
Short sad phrases
-All I want in this life is for this pain to have a purpose.
-I'll be fine. One day. Someday. Just not today.
-No one cares if you are miserable, so you could just as well be happy. -Cynthia Nelms.
-A marriage is not something fun, but a solemn act, usually a sad one.
-Sadness is always the legacy of the past; regrets are the ailments of memory.
-It's hard to expect something that can never happen, but it's even harder to give up when that's all you want.
-Life is short, there is no time to leave important words unsaid.
-They say follow your heart, but if your heart is a thousand pieces, which piece do you follow?
-If you cry because the sun has left your life, your tears will not let you see the stars.
-How sad is the fact that we give up on people who are just like us. -Fred Rogers.
-I have given many people bad good parts of me.
-Something no thicker than the edge of a knife separates happiness from melancholy.
-It sucks to be alone, even when there are people all around you. -Scrubs.
-Is it worse if we invented sadness, or was it here all the time?
-I love crying in the rain, because when I do, no one can hear my pain.
-There is no greater affliction than when in times of misery we remember when we were happy. -Dante Alighieri.
-Some of the most painful scars are those that cannot be seen.
-Love has never known its own intensity until the time of separation. -Khalil Gibran.
-It's sad to see how people become what they promised never to be.
-My two most hated words: "I promise." They don't mean anything!
-Nobody deserves your tears, and who deserves them will never make you cry. -Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
-The crying is cleaning. There is a reason for tears, happiness, and sadness. -Dionne Warwick.
-One thing you can't hide is when you're damaged inside. -John Lennon.
-I have a thousand reasons to die and millions of tears to cry. -Draconian.
-It is better to be alone than to be used by the wrong people.
-The most acute sadness is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities.
-I will wait for you until the day I can forget you, or until you realize that you cannot forget me.
-Melancholy is the result of too much joy. -Chinese proverb.
-It is better to have loved and lost it than never to have loved at all. -Samuel Butler.
-Dying seems to be sadder than having lived so little. -Gloria Steinem.
-The truth is that everyone is going to hurt you; only that you will have to find out for whom it is worth suffering. -Bob Marley.
-Sometimes you have to pretend that everything is fine.
-Love can sometimes be magical. But magic can sometimes be just an illusion. -Javan.
-Missing you is not what hurts me. It is the thought of knowing that I had you.
-Some people are going to leave, but that's not the end of the story. It is the end of their part in your story. -Faraaz Kazi.
-The day you finally decide to love me will be the day after the day I give up on you.
-The saddest thing in the world is loving someone who used to love you.
-The only thing that stands between me and my total happiness is reality.
-And that's when I know it's over. As soon as you start thinking about the beginning, it is the end.
-People cry, but not because they are weak, but because they have been strong for a long time.
-Of all the sad words in the pen and on the tongue, the saddest is 'would have'. -John Greenleaf Whittier.
-Sleep the pain for a moment will only make it even worse when you finally feel it. -JK Rowling.
-Sometimes your eyes are not the only place where tears come from. -Faraaz Kazi
-Behind my smile is everything you will ever understand.
-Behind every sweet smile, there is a bitter melancholy that no one will ever be able to see or feel. -Tupac Shakur.
-One should never allow oneself to be overwhelmed by sadness.
-It is so difficult to forget someone who gives us so many moments to remember.
-Sometimes I smile, not because I'm happy, but because I want to hide my sadness.
-If you don't love me in my worst moments, then you don't deserve me in the best.
-I just want to feel good again.
-I don't know if I'm getting better at this, or I'm just getting used to the pain.
-The wounds heal, but the scars persist.
-I love photographs because they never change, even if the people who are in them do.
-I was that person who loved you, even when you gave me a thousand reasons not to.
-Respect yourself enough to get away from things that no longer serve you, that make you grow or that make you happy.
-Dear past, stop touching my shoulders, I don't want to look back.
-Sadness does not come from bad circumstances. It comes from bad thoughts.
-Letting go does not always mean that you are weak, sometimes it means that you are too strong to let go.
-I don't understand why life tries to teach me lessons that I don't want to learn.
-Life has no obligation to give us what we expect. -Margaret Mitchell.
-I still feel sad about things that no longer matter.
-Sadness is nothing more than a wall between two gardens.
-I have learned that it takes years to build trust, but only seconds to destroy it.
-I close my eyes and dream of a moment where I was not alone.
-My heart yearns for you, my soul dies for you, my eyes cry for you and my empty arms are stretched out to you.
-I think I'm afraid of being happy, because when I become very happy, something bad always happens. -Charlie Brown.
-Crying too much makes you realize that breathing is difficult. -David Levithan.
-You are afraid to tell people how much it hurts, so you keep it all to yourself.
-The tears come from the heart and not from the brain. -Leonardo da Vinci.
-When all has been said and done, desolation is the price we pay.
-The good times of today are the sad thoughts of tomorrow.
-The void feels so heavy.
-I hate when crying is the only way to feel better.
-Do not cry because it's over, smile because it happened.
-Don't trust too much, don't love excessively, and don't care so much about things, because that will only hurt you too much.
-Sometimes all you want to do is find out who cares enough about you to ask yourself why.
-It hurts to breathe because every breath I take shows me that I can't live without you.
-The more capacity to love you have, the more capacity you will have to feel pain.
-When I cry for one thing, I end up crying for everything that is a mess in my life.
-There are times when I think I want to disappear, but really what I want is to be found.
-Everything is a battle, every breath is a war, and I don't think I'm winning.
-When he broke my heart, maybe he forgot that he could feel.
-Don't give anyone a special place in your heart. It's easy to give them that place, but it hurts more when they don't value it.
-The greatest loss is that which dies within us while we live. -Norman Cousins.
-I no longer depend on people because I'm tired of being disappointed.
-The aggrieved hearts, as well as the heavy clouds in the sky, are relieved by releasing a little water. -Christopher Morley.
-A large part of letting go consists in discerning when one should stay and when it is time to move on.
-The sad truth is that opportunities do not knock twice on our doors. -Gloria Estefan.
-I am the only person who has not let me down.
-People ignore you until the moment they need you.
-If your presence is indifferent, then your absence will be too.
-The longer we take to analyze a funny story, the sadder it becomes. -Jonathan Safran Foer.
-The flame of love is now just a cold loneliness. -Uniek Swain.
-Sadness flies on the wings of time. -Jean de La Fontaine.
-A temporary happiness is not worth the long-term pain.
-Go in the mirror, because the person you see there needs you more than anyone.
-Anger, tears and sadness are only for those who have already given up. -Katie Gill.
-There is a distinctive and terrible pain that comes from loving someone more than they love you. -Steve Maraboli.
-Let your tears come and water your soul.
-It seems that the harder I try, the harder I fall.
-Smile, even if it is a sad smile, because even sadder would be not knowing how to smile.
-I'm not okay, I just pretend to be.
-It's sad when someone you know becomes someone you knew. -Henry Rollins.
-Things change and friends leave. Life does not stop for anyone. -Stephen Chbosky.
-Whenever people ask me if I'm okay, it's a reminder that I'm not.
-Falling in love is extremely simple, but falling in love is just terrible. -Bess Myerson.
-It is easy to cry when you know that everyone around you will reject you or die. -Chuck Palahniuk.
-Although this world is full of suffering, it is also full of opportunities to overcome them.
-Sadness flies on the wings of the morning; and from the heart of darkness comes light.
-We never experience perfect joy; our happiest successes are mixed with sadness.
-The saddest thing that can happen to a soul is when faith in God and in women is lost.
-Sadness is also in a certain way a type of defense.
-You cannot protect yourself from sadness without also protecting yourself from happiness. -Jonathan Safran Foer.
-I hate having hindsight of the things I don't want to remember.
-What can you do when the person who can make you stop crying is the one who causes your tears?
-People keep telling me that life goes on, but for me that is the saddest part.
Long sad phrases
-Sometimes I wish I was a little boy again. Scraped knees are easier to fix than a broken heart.
-Tears are the natural punishments of pleasure. It is the law that we must pay for the things we enjoy.
-Depression is a prison where you are both the suffering prisoner and the cruel jailer. -Dorothy Rowe.
-It sucks when you know you have to let go, but you can't because you're still waiting for the impossible to happen.
-The hardest part of life is trying to show a smile even knowing that it is false, and to hide the tears that do not stop flowing.
-Not a million words can make you return, I know because I tried; not a million tears will either, I know because I cried.
-At a certain point, you realize that some people may remain in your heart, but not in your life.
-In this world, often our joys are simply the fragile shadows that our sadness cast.
-The beginnings are scary, the endings are usually sad, but the moment in between is what counts.
-Words hurt more than anything else because of how long they last, sometimes forever.
-They say that time heals all wounds, but for me what it has done is give me more time to think about how much I miss you.
-A person can only absorb so much sadness once before the mind falls apart or drifts. -Elizabeth Weil.
-Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than to hurt yourself trying to fix them.
-The absence of the one we love is worse than death, and frustrates hope to a greater extent than despair. -William Cowper.
-Tears are the words that the mouth cannot pronounce nor the heart can bear.
-When the sparrow sings its last refrain, silence is felt no more deeply than in the heart of man. -Don Williams Jr.
-The worst feeling is wanting to cry, but having to put up with it because you are in a public place.
-Sometimes what you have to do is be able to listen to yourself and accept that no one else understands you.
-The tragedy of life is not so much about what men suffer, but rather about what they lose.
-The saddest thing is when you feel really down, you look around you and you realize that there is no shoulder to comfort you.
-When you have been sad for so long and something bad happens to you, you don't cry, you are just stuck there and you feel numb.
-Tears shed because of another person are not a sign of weakness. They are a sign of a pure heart. -Jose N. Harris.
-Generally, people think that I am a strong and happy person, but behind my smiles they do not know how much pain I carry and how broken I am.
-Walking alone is not difficult, but when you have walked a kilometer equivalent to a thousand years and then you return alone, that is the difficult thing. -Faraaz Kazi.
-Life doesn't hurt until you think about how much things have changed, who you have lost along the way, and to what degree it has been your fault. -Jamila M. Allen.
-When love is lost, do not add your head in sadness; Instead, hold your head up high and take to the skies, which is where your broken heart was sent to heal.
-As the light begins to intensify, so does my misery, and I wonder: how is it possible that it hurts so much when nothing is wrong? -Tabitha Suzuma.
-There are moments when I wish to go back in time and eliminate all the sadness, but I have a feeling that if I do, all the joy would also go away.
-There are two types of people in this world: those who prefer to be sad among others and those who prefer to be sad alone.
-Don't be afraid of failure to such an extent that you refuse to try new things. The saddest life summary is the one that contains three descriptions: "would have," "could," and "should have."
-Sometimes I just want to give up, sink into my covers and cry myself out. But I can never tell anyone this because I know they won't understand me.
- Envy hurts more than heartbreak because it breaks the soul in two. One half soaring through the skies happy for another person, and the other half plunged into a well of self-pity and pain.
-If the love of your life throws you out and says, "we can still be friends," it's like your dog dies and your mom tells you, "you can still keep him."
-There is no disguise that can hide love for a long time where it exists, or that can simulate it where it is not found. -François de la Rochefoucauld.
-Remember me with smiles and laughter, as that way I will remember you. If you can only remember me with sadness and tears, then don't remember me at all.
-Don't wait until it's too late to tell people how much you love and care about them, because when they're not around, it doesn't matter that you scream and cry, they won't hear you anymore.
-Ask me why I still love you when it's clear that you don't feel the same way about me. The problem is that while I can't force you to love me, I can't stop loving you.
-Love is in those unsent drafts of your mail. Sometimes you wonder if things would have been different if you had hit the submit button. -Faraaz Kazi.
-It makes no sense to treat a depressed person as someone sad. Sadness is more like a headache, with patience it gives in. Depression is like cancer.
-We have been taught to be ashamed of confusion, anger and sadness, but they are just as valuable as happiness, excitement and inspiration.
-It hurts more when the person who made you feel so special yesterday makes you feel so unwanted today.
-Why do people have to be this alone? What is the end? Millions of people in this world, some yearning, seeking fulfillment, but still isolating themselves.
-Every man has his sadness, which the world does not know; and often when we call a man cold, he just happens to be sad.
-Sadness usually derives from one of the following two causes, either when the man is unsuccessful, or when he is ashamed of his success. -Séneca.
-Something sad in life is that sometimes you will meet someone who will mean a lot to you, only to realize in the end that he was not meant to be and we must let him go. -Will Smith.
-We enjoy the warmth because we know the cold. We appreciate the light because we have been in gloom. In the same way, we can experience happiness because we know sadness. -David Weatherford.
-Depression is a heaviness from which you cannot escape. It crushes you and makes even the simplest things impossible. Is a part of you; it's in your bones and your blood.
-It is difficult to hold on to something that you know will never be yours, you just have to learn to let it go and accept the fact that good things never last. Some even don't even happen.
-Loving can cost a lot, but not loving always costs more. And those who fear to love realize that this need for love is a void that robs them of the joy of life. -Merle Shan.