- 1-Regulates the intestinal microflora
- 2-Reduce cholesterol
- 3-Avoid diarrhea
- 4-Protects the stomach
- 5-Helps prevent cancer
- 6-Relieves allergies
- 7-Fight overweight and obesity
- 8-Reduce the risk of diabetes
- 9-Relieves lactose intolerance
- 10-Avoid vaginal infections
- 11-Improves the appearance of the skin
- 12-Source of vitamins
- 13-Helps to recover after exercise
- 14-Prevents colds
- 15-It can help you have a prettier smile
The natural yogurt is a functional food, known for a long time by the various beneficial effects and properties that have on health, especially in the gut.
Regular consumption of this dairy derivative is able to strengthen the immune system, improve intestinal flora, prevent diarrhea and even prevent cancer, thanks to the lactobacilli present in it.
Yogurt recipe with kiwi and strawberries
If you want to know 10 of the most important benefits of taking yogurt, which have been proven by scientific research, pay attention to this article.
1-Regulates the intestinal microflora
The bacteria present in the intestine are important in many ways. They collaborate with the digestion processes, help the absorption of certain foods, stimulate the immune system and prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.
The intestinal microflora (set of bacteria that normally inhabit the intestine) can be altered by various factors, such as stress, changes in diet, antibiotic treatment, alcohol consumption, etc.
The probiotics present in natural yogurt are able to restore balance in the intestinal flora, preventing the proliferation of harmful bacteria that could cause various diseases.
2-Reduce cholesterol
Yogurt recipe with pomegranate, cookie and orange
If you have high cholesterol and you like yogurt, then there is very good news for you.
A study recently released by the American Heart Association has shown that two daily doses of certain probiotics present in some types of yogurt can lower blood cholesterol.
The research was carried out at McGill University in Canada and showed that people who received probiotics during the 9 weeks that the study lasted reduced their level of "bad" cholesterol by 11%, compared to the group of control.
3-Avoid diarrhea
According to WHO data, it is estimated that there are more than 800 million episodes of diarrhea worldwide annually, which cause visits to the pediatrician, hospitalizations and in some cases the death of children and young people, even in developed countries.
Studies have been carried out showing that some of the bacteria present in dairy fermentation are capable of considerably reducing the risk of diarrhea in infants.
Canadian scientists from a research program at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, conducted a study on this preventive effect in children. He concluded that after treatment with antibiotics, lactobacilli and other bacteria present in yogurt were able to reduce the risk of diarrhea.
4-Protects the stomach
Among the most common stomach conditions in the population are gastritis and stomach or duodenal ulcers.
In many cases, these diseases are associated with the presence in the stomach of a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori.
Some scientific research has shown that lactobacilli in yogurt are capable of inhibiting colonization by this bacterium, as well as having a protective effect on the gastric mucosa.
In summary, if you have gastritis, having a cup of yogurt per day can help relieve symptoms.
5-Helps prevent cancer
The beneficial bacteria in fermented milk can also lower your risk of various types of cancer.
Apparently, the regulation of the intestinal flora promoted by these bacteria and the stimulus they perform on the immune system would be the mechanisms that achieve the antitumor effect.
In various laboratory tests, probiotics have been able to lower the risk of colon cancer, breast cancer, and bladder cancer.
6-Relieves allergies
Apparently the famous probiotics can also cure or at least alleviate allergies. The lymphoid tissue present in the intestine is known to play a very important role in the development of these conditions.
Probiotics reduce intestinal inflammation, balance the lymphocyte population, and regulate cytokine secretion, all of which help reduce the occurrence of allergies.
7-Fight overweight and obesity
Did you know that yogurt can help you lose weight?
A study published in the International Journal of Obesity, showed that substituting certain foods for yogurt (with the same caloric content), helped a group of obese people lose more kilos.
People who ate yogurt, as part of a hypocaloric diet, lost 22% more total body weight and also reduced 80% more abdominal fat, compared to people who did not include this food in their diets.
The figures speak for themselves, don't you think?
8-Reduce the risk of diabetes
A daily cup of yogurt can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, is what the results of a study carried out at Harvard University suggest.
The research was based on information from the diets carried out by more than 200 thousand health professionals.
The scientists followed the diet of these people for 30 years, finding that those who had included a serving of yogurt in their daily diet had an 18% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
9-Relieves lactose intolerance
Many people around the world suffer from lactose intolerance. In many cases, intolerance is due to the deficiency of an enzyme called lactase, responsible for digesting lactose (a sugar), present in milk and other dairy derivatives.
However, various scientific investigations have revealed that certain lactobacilli present in yogurt are capable of digesting lactose, facilitating the digestion of this sugar in intolerant people.
10-Avoid vaginal infections
Candidiasis is the most common vaginal infection. It is a yeast (fungus) that colonizes and proliferates in the area causing itching and burning, among other discomforts.
Some studies indicate that the consumption of a serving of yogurt daily can reduce the incidence of this type of infection, because the lactobacilli present in the ferment easily colonize the region, preventing the proliferation of the fungus.
As you can see, having a cup of yogurt daily can be very beneficial for your health. Whole or nonfat yogurts, made from the milk of free grass-fed cows, are recommended.
11-Improves the appearance of the skin
You don't need to spend a lot of money on dermatological treatments. Yogurt contains lactic acid, which can help exfoliate the upper layers of the epidermis, lighten blemishes and discolorations, and even reduce wrinkles.
12-Source of vitamins
Yogurt is an important source of potassium, phosphorus, riboflavin, iodine, zinc, and vitamin B5. It also contains vitamin B12, which maintains red blood cells and helps the nervous system function properly.
13-Helps to recover after exercise
With the correct ratio of protein and carbohydrates, yogurt, especially high-protein ones like Greek, are a good option to eat after exercise.
Proteins contain the amino acids that muscles need to repair themselves, and carbohydrates replace stored energy.
14-Prevents colds
According to a study from the University of Vienna, women who ate a serving of yogurt a day had more active and stronger T cells, which fight disease and infection.
The healthy bacteria found in yogurt help send signals to immune-boosting cells to fight harmful viruses or bacteria.
Allergic people, who normally have low levels of T cells, can lessen their symptoms by adding yogurt to their diets. In a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, people who ate one serving a day had fewer symptoms than those who took nothing.
15-It can help you have a prettier smile
Scientists from the University of Turkia evaluated low-fat and flavored yogurts, and found that neither eroded tooth enamel, the main cause of cavities. The lactic acid in yogurt appears to also protect the gums.