I leave you with the best Catholic phrases, ideal for reflecting on the Catholic faith and teachings. A series of quotations that include biblical passages, phrases from saints or popes such as Francisco I, as well as others of a general nature.
The Catholic religion has very ancient roots, being a two-thousand-year-old faith that has spread throughout the world. Currently, it is estimated that about 1280 million people profess Catholicism, that is, one in six people who live on planet earth.
Catholic Church. Source: pixabay.com
"Your will be done, Lord!"
Trust with all your heart in the Lord and not in your own intelligence. -Proverbs 3: 5.
-Pray and let God take control.
-The soul is known by its actions. -Saint Thomas of Aquino.
-Where there is no love, put love and you will get love. -San Juan de la Cruz.
-He who does not live to serve, does not serve to live. -Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
-The only love that never changes and never fails is God's.
-Keep hope, let yourself be surprised by God and live with joy.
-The best place to find a partner is prayer.
-Strain your anger, give up anger; do not be angry, for this leads to evil. -Psalms 37: 8
-With the measure with which you measure, it will be measured to you and it will be given to you in abundance. -Mark 4:27.
-Faith does not make things easy, it makes them possible. -Luke 1:37.
-Whoever has God, no one lacks: only God is enough. -Santa Teresa de Ávila.
-Live this day with the certainty that God is with you.
-My happiness is Christ, and my life is with him.
-In you is the source of life, and through your light we can see the light. -Psalms 36: 9.
-Sometimes the darkest nights announce the most beautiful sunrises. Trust!
-No matter how long it takes, when God works, it is always worth the wait.
-God won't let you fall. -Deuteronomy 31: 6.
-The obstacles are teachings for the spirit. -Santa Rita de Casia.
-When we believe in God, He remains by our side and protects us from all evil.
-You love your neighbor as yourself. -Matthew 22:39.
-A Christian without a rosary is a soldier without weapons! -San Pio.
-God knows that even if you don't understand it, He is your strength in times of trouble.
-My peace, my consolation, my everything. God is you.
-You are my sweet food, my blood, my faith and my hope, Lord.
-Pray more, worry less.
-God has not called me to be successful. He called me to have faith. -Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
-Love has to be put more in works than in words. -San Ignacio de Loyola.
-God does not reject prayer. -1 Kings 8:28.
-Let your faith be greater than your fears.
-Fe is a very small word, but it has the ability to move mountains.
-Don't bury the talents! Don't be afraid to dream of big things! -Pope Francisco.
-Follow Jesus. Nobody said it was going to be easy. This is for the brave.
-Give God your weakness and He will give you His strength.
-Whoever runs away from prayer runs away from all that is good. -San Juan de la Cruz.
-Don't lose sight of my words; keep them deep within your heart. -Proverbs 4:21.
-It hurts? Do not worry. It is God making you new. -Jeremiah 18: 6.
-There is something in humility that strangely exalts the heart. -San Agustin.
-God loves to whom give happiness. -2 Corinthians 9: 7.
-Prayer dissolves worry.
-Be patient, God will give you what you need in due time.
-Be humble and never believe yourself superior to another person, because you are dust and you will become dust. -Genesis 3:19.
-Blessed are those who think before acting and pray before thinking: they will avoid much nonsense. -Santo Tomás Moro.
-Even though I walk in a valley of shadow, of death, I will fear no evil, because you will be with me. -Psalms 23: 4.
-The congruence between what is said and what is done makes what is said credible and what is done possible.
-God dwells in two places at the same time, on his throne in heaven, and if you are humble enough, within your heart.
-Lord, your miracles accompany me every day and are part of a wonderful lifestyle. It is enough to believe to be able to see!
-The flesh eats and drinks of the body and blood of Christ, so that the soul is satisfied with God. -Tertullian.
-Respect for life is the foundation of any other right, including freedom. -John Paul II.
-Love consists of living according to the commandments of God. And the commandment that you have learned from the beginning is to live in love. -2 Jonah 1: 6.
-If God sends you many sufferings, it is a sign that He has great plans for you, and certainly wants to make you a saint. -San Ignacio de Loyola.
-The peace of God guards your heart and your thoughts when you are in Christ. -Philippians 4: 7.
-Help me Lord that tomorrow when I wake up, my love and my faith for you will be even greater than today.
-The Eucharist and the Virgin are the two columns that are to support our lives. -San Juan Bosco.
-Because God has not given us a spirit of cowardice, but the power of love and self-control. -2 Timothy 1: 7.
-I believe in God as the blind man believes in the sun, because although we cannot see it, it is true that we can feel it.
-The Lord is my shepherd, I will lack nothing. In green pastures he makes me rest. -Psalms 23: 1-2.
-Respect for life is the foundation of any other right, including freedom. -John Paul II.
-The entire law is summarized in this single precept: You will love your neighbor as yourself. -Galats 5:14.
-God goes to the front, opening paths, breaking chains, pulling thorns, and sending angels to fight with you.
-For God there are no impossibilities, and if he is by your side, you will be able to achieve everything you propose.
-The gaze of God is not like the gaze of man, since man looks at appearances, but the Lord looks at the heart. -1 Samuel 16: 7.
-Before going to sleep, pray for the person who has hurt you, forgive them, bless them and that will make a big difference in your heart.
-Every trial involves five things: character, maturity, renewal, wisdom, and a new level of blessing.
-Therefore, faith is the certainty of what is expected, the conviction of what is not seen. -Hebrews 11: 1.
-It is not always easy to immediately discover God's will, but with patience and humility we will see more and more clearly what God wants from us.
-God sometimes puts us in troubled waters, not to drown us but to cleanse us. -Psalms 125: 1.
-Thank you Lord for one more day of life, stay with me tonight and give me your blessing.
-He who walks with wise men will be wise, but he who associates with fools will be destroyed. -Proverbs 13:20.
-Prayer is the key that opens the door of faith. Let's not have the key in our pocket and the door closed. -Pope Francisco.
-Walk in peace and forgive those who do not forgive you. Accept those who do not accept you. Whoever judges you condemns himself.
-Where you are, God guide you; Wherever you go, God be with you; in what you do, God enlighten you. And at all times, God bless you.
-Don't be afraid, trust God, be sure that He is close to you. -Pope Francisco.
-Lord, for you the best offering is humility. You, my God, do not despise those who sincerely humble themselves and repent. -Psalms 51:17.
-Love and do what you want. If you are silent, you will be silent with love; if you scream you will scream with love; if you correct, you will correct with love; If you forgive, you will forgive with love. -San Agustin.
-Pray daily for 30 minutes, except when you are very busy; then pray an hour. -San Francisco de Sales.
-Do not judge. You don't know the storm that person has had to go through in their time of trial. -Romans 2: 1-3.
-In the most difficult moments, although it sometimes seems otherwise, God is there with thousands of blessings ready to be delivered to you.
-The wealth in the pockets is not of much use when there is poverty in the heart. -Pope Francisco.
-Don't be afraid of tests, because these are an opportunity to show the enemy that we are faithful to God.
-Jehovah is good, strength in the day of trouble. He knows those who trust him. -Nahum 1: 7.
-Have you seen what ugly thing a tired, bored or indifferent Christian is? The Christian has to be alive and happy to be a Christian. -Pope Francisco.
-Preaching the word of God is important, but even more important is practicing what is preached.
-The works of love for neighbor are the most perfect external manifestation of the inner grace of the spirit. -Pope Francisco.
-God is never too busy to listen to you. Don't be too busy to talk to him.
-Nobody knocks down whom God raises, nobody defeats whom God protects, and nobody curses whom God blesses.
-God will never give you a load that you cannot carry, because He knows how far your strength will go.
-Pray the rosary every day to obtain peace in the world. -Our Lady of Fatima.
-Don't turn your neighbor bad for bad, whatever he does to you. -Eclesiastic 10: 6.
-Lord Jesus, in your hands I place my actions and my works of today, and I place my plans and dreams for tomorrow.
-It is not about praying and waiting for the miracle, but about praying and believing in it. Praying is not only talking with God, it is communicating with God.
-Dear God, in your hands I leave my worries and problems. In your wisdom I leave my path and my goals. In your love I leave my life.
-Walking with God is reaching the goal. Knowing God is knowing the truth. And to live for God is to give meaning to life.
-Give thanks in everything, because this is God's will for you, in Christ Jesus. -1 Thessalonians 5:18.
-My mouth was given to praise him, my knees to cry out, and my soul to love God. -Psalms 103.
-God does not send impossible things, but when he commands, he teaches you to do what you can, and to ask what you cannot. -San Agustin.
-You will realize that what today seems like a sacrifice, tomorrow will end up being the greatest achievement of your life.
-Peace be with you! Jesus repeated. As the father sent me, so I also send you. -John 20:21.
-Judging belongs to God. He sees the human heart, man sees only the face. -San Francisco de Sales.
-God opens doors that no one can close, works for those who trust him, walks with you night and day. Raise your hands as your victory has come, start singing and praise God.
-Let us always try to look at the virtues and good things in others and cover their defects with our great sins; consider everyone better than us. -Santa Teresa de Jesús.
-Just as two pieces of wax melted together do not make more than one, in the same way the one who takes communion is united with Christ in such a way as he who lives in Christ and Christ in him. -Saint Cyril of Jerusalem.
-Never lose the joy of living, sharing, loving and being happy. Look up and trust that everything will work out, because there is someone who always takes care of you and loves you so much that she gave her life for you.
-Never give in to despair, as it is the devil's work to make you lose your faith. Believe in the Word and turn to it when you falter, and there you will find God's best advice.
-We will never give in to pessimism, to the bitterness that the devil offers us every day, and we will find the courage to take the gospel to the four corners of the earth. -Pope Francisco.
-Holy Spirit, may my heart be open to the word of God, may my heart be open to good, may my heart be open to the beauty of God every day. -Pope Francisco.
-The believers of all religions together with men of good will, abandoning any form of intolerance and discrimination, have been called to build peace.