I leave you a nice list of congratulatory and farewell graduation phrases for primary, secondary, high school, graduates and university students. They are words, messages, reflections and quotes that will help you to give you ideas when creating a speech or writing a farewell.
Who better to give good advice than the thoughts of people who have been so successful in their lives like JK Rowling, John Ford, Oprah Winfrey, Walt Disney or Albert Einstein.
You may also be interested in these motivational phrases or these educational ones.
Graduation phrases images
Primary graduation
-This is your moment, you have knowledge, time to experiment and prove to the world what you are worth. Congratulations graduates!
-Graduating is the first step to advance in life.
-Completing studies is not something that is used to stand out, completing studies serves to help us know the place we want to occupy in the world.
-Children are our most valuable resource.-Robert A. Heinlein.
-Welcome to the end of a path that begins a bigger one.
-Congratulations son! Your mother and I are proud of your graduation from elementary school. The next stop is high school.
-I'm proud of you and I can't wait to see a girl as great as you turn into an amazing person.
-I look forward to the future full of promise, fun and prosperity. Seeing my daughter grow up and go to school with confidence.
-Great job, cute. We are proud of you. We hope you continue to work hard in school and have good grades.
-Happy Graduation. This is a special day for you, keep up your great work.
-Today is your day, we will celebrate with you! We are proud and happy for you. Keep learning and growing.
-Teaching is having faith in the person who is educated. The most sincere compliment you can give your child is to show him that you trust him by giving him freedom.
-Congratulations, you did it! You are a bright star in a dark world. Continue sharing your light to the world. We are very proud of you dear.
-Preschool graduation is just the beginning. Congratulations.
-Remember the past, live the present and see the future.
-It's time for a new adventure. Happy primary school graduation.
-Celebrate your little graduating successes.
-Parents wonder if children are ready to advance to the next stage. But, everyone knows the answer to your question, and that is Yes!
-The graduation is full of entertainment, happiness and joy. Look at your parents full of pride and love.
For high school graduates
-Your time is limited, do not waste it living someone else's life.-Steve Jobs.
-Our effort, beyond the fact that today we are graduating, may serve to give energy to the lights and make the shadows disappear.-Grant Smith.
-The experts, the people who are supposed to be trained to tell you what to do, will tell you that you are not capable of doing something, even when they know that you are capable.-Mark Zuckerberg.
-Never take studying as a duty, take it as an opportunity to penetrate the beautiful and wonderful world of knowledge.-Albert Einstein.
-Today the fireworks begin to shine. Each diploma is a lit match and you are the wick.-Edward Koch.
-Graduandos, point to the sky. Because even if you don't make it, you can see the stars. Then aim for space and never stop setting goals. The road is just beginning.
-Use in life all the talents you have: the forest would be very quiet if only the birds that sing best sang. -Henry Van Dike.
-Repeating what others say requires education. To challenge it you need brain.-Mary Pettibone Poole.
-The great barrier to success is the fear of failure.-Sven Goran Eriksson.
-It doesn't matter how far you can go. At some point you will stumble… And when you do, remember one thing: there is nothing like failure. Failure is simply life trying to move us the other way.-Oprah Winfrey.
-I learned a lot from my teachers; from my co-workers, more; I have learned even more from my students.-Hindu Proverb.
-No rules. Just follow your heart.-Robin Williams.
-You have a brain in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can drive in any direction you choose.-Dr. Seuss.