I leave you the best Zen and Buddhist phrases to meditate and increase your concentration of great authors such as Rumi, Osho, Thích Nhất Hạnh, Dalai Lama, Lao Tzu, Shunryu Suzuki and many more.
You may also be interested in these Buddha phrases or these yoga ones.
Zen Buddhism phrases
-Your home is where your thoughts find peace.
44-Worried about a single leaf you will not see the tree.-Vagabond.
-Let go or be dragged.-Zen proverb.
-If you make a mistake, it is better to laugh.
-The frog in the pond knows little about the great ocean.
-When I eat, I eat; when I sleep, I sleep.
-If you want to climb a mountain, start at the top.
-The less I preach, the more likely they are to listen to me.-Alan W. Watts.
-The person who moves a mountain begins by moving small stones.
-In the mind of the beginner there are many possibilities, but in that of the expert there are few.-Shunryu Suzuki.
"If you are unable to find the truth right where you are, where do you hope to find it?"
-The temptation to surrender is stronger before victory.
-Don't be afraid to go slow. Be afraid to stop.
-A good teacher opens the door for you, but you must go through it.
-A mountain does not surrender to the wind, no matter how strong it is.
-Live calmly. The time when the flowers bloom will come.
-Unhappiness enters a door that has been left open.
-Open your eyes to change, but do not let your values escape.-Dalai Lama.
-You can only lose what you are clinging to.-Buddha.
-The entire Moon and the entire sky are reflected in a drop of dew on the grass.-Dogen.
-The inexpressible is inexhaustible in its use.
-When you get to the top of the mountain, keep climbing.
-The person who returns from a long trip is not the same person who left.
-The goal of life is to die young, but to do it as late as possible.
-Don't try to follow in the footsteps of the men of yesteryear; Look for what they were looking for.-Basho.
-The fundamental deception of humanity is to suppose that I am here and you are out there.-Yasutani Roshi.
-If you understand, things are as they are; If you don't understand, things are just the way they are.
-Every morning we are born again, what we do today is what matters most.-Buddha.
-You cannot control the result, only your actions.
-Knowledge is learning something new every day. Wisdom is learning something new every day.
-Sit, walk or run, but do not stagger.
-A true, like green tea, shows its strength in hot water.-Chinese proverb.
-The energy of a person can tell you more than their words.
-Someone who tells you your flaws is not necessarily your enemy. Someone who tells you your strengths is not necessarily your friend.
-You cannot travel the path until you become the path itself.-Buddha.
-The more you know, the less you need.-Yvon Chouinard.
-If you worry about what could be, and wonder what could have been, you will ignore what it is.
-Being happy does not mean that everything is perfect. It means that you have decided to see beyond the imperfections.
-Only when you are extremely flexible and soft can you be extremely hard and strong.-Buddhist Proverb.
-Wherever you are, it is totally there.-Eckhart Tolle.
-The teachers we need the most are the people with whom we are living now.-Byron Katie.
-When you do something, you must burn yourself completely, like a good bonfire, without leaving traces of yourself.-Shunryu Suzuki.
-Follow the path, see the teacher, follow the teacher, walk with the teacher, see through the teacher, be the teacher.-Buddhist Proverb.
-The life is a trip. Time is a river. The door is ajar.-Jim Butcher.
-Walk as if you were kissing the earth with your feet.-Thích Nhất Hạnh.
-It is easy to believe that we are waves and forget that we are also the ocean.-Jon J. Muth.
-When something comes from within, when it is a part of you, you have no option but to live it, to express it.-Kamal Ravikant.
-Be patient. Wait until the mud settles and the water is clear. Remain motionless until the correct action arises by itself.-Lao Tzu.
-Peace comes from within. Do not look for it outside.-Buddha.
37-Courage is often associated with aggression, but it should be seen as a willingness to act from the heart.-Donna Quesada.
19-Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the gods did for fun.-Alan Wilson Watts.
-The true source of happiness is within each one of us.-Chris Prentiss.
-What you allow to enter the circle of your life, will make a difference in the quality of your life.-Chris Prentiss.
-What determines the state of happiness or unhappiness of each person is not the event itself, but what the event means for that person.-Chris Prentiss.
-The glass is neither half full nor half empty. The glass is simply a glass and its content is perpetually changing with your perception.-Jennifer Sodini.
-Only the hand that erases can write the true.-Meister Eckhart.
-Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.-Dalai Lama.
-Just like parents take care of their children, you should take into account the entire Universe.-Zen Master Dogen.
-What we can change are our perceptions, which have the effect of changing everything.-Donna Quesada.
-Three things cannot continue to be hidden: the Sun, the Moon and the truth.-Buddha.
-Those who are free from resentment will find peace for sure.-Buddha.
-We are formed by our thoughts; We become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows it like a shadow that never leaves.-Buddha.
-You are not your thoughts. This simple statement can make a big change in your quality of life.-Dawn Gluskin.
-The things I carry are my thoughts. They are my only weight. My thoughts determine whether I am free and light or heavy and burdened.-Kamal Ravikant.
-The object of your desire is not an object.-Jack Gardner.
-Escape from the world means that one's world is not concerned with the opinions of the world.-Dogen.
-Stress comes from the way you relate to events or situations.-Chris Prentiss.
-The problems that remain persistently unsolved, should be taken as questions incorrectly questioned.-Alan Wilson Watts.
-How people treat you is their karma; How you react is yours.-Wayne Dyer.
-If you can bring your consciousness, your intelligence to the act, if you can be spontaneous, then there is no need for any religion, life becomes itself in religion.-Osho.
-All that we are is the result of what we have thought.-Buddha.
-The answer is never 'out there'. All the answers are "in there", inside you, wanting to be discovered.-Chris Prentiss.
35-The power of the mind is unconquerable.-Seneca.
-Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.-Buddha.
-The presence is when you no longer wait for the next moment, believing that the next moment will be fuller than this.-Eckhart Tolle.
-Not thinking about anything is Zen. Once you know this, walk, sit or lie down, all you do is Zen.
-I have lived with many Zen masters, many of them cats.-Eckhart Tolle.
-The meaning of spiritual life is to realize the truth. But you will never understand spiritual life, or the truth, if you measure it with your own criteria.-Dainin Katagiri.
-We should live every day as people who have just been rescued from the Moon.-Thích Nhất Hạnh.
-If you want to learn, teach. If you need inspiration, inspire others. If you are sad, encourage someone.-Leo Babauta.
-You can be happy if you are willing to let go of your past and get rid of obstacles to be able to fly.-Chris Prentiss.
-The best trick of the mind is the illusion that it exists.-Marty Rubin.
-Stress is an ignorant state. With him you think everything is an emergency. Nothing is that important.-Natalie Goldberg.
-I discovered that those who rarely dwell in their emotions, know better than anyone what an emotion is.-John Cage.
-Zen does not confuse spirituality with thinking about God while peeling potatoes. Zen spirituality is simply peeling potatoes.-Alan Watts.
-Nothing is permanent in this world, not even our problems.-Charlie Chaplin.
-Guilt, regret, resentment, sadness and any form contrary to forgiveness, is caused by an excess of the past and a lack of present.-Eckhart Tolle.
-Nothing exists completely alone, everything is in relation to everything else.-Buddha.
-Treating to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth.-Alan Watts.
-Just as a bee collecting nectar does not harm or disturb the color or fragrance of a flower, so is the wise movement around the world.-Buddha.
32-Seeking happiness is one of the main sources of unhappiness.-Eric Hoffer.
-Before giving, the mind of the giver is happy. While giving, the mind of the giver is at peace. After giving, the mind of the giver is on high.-Buddha.
-He who does not explode against someone who is upset wins a difficult battle to win. Buddha.
-If you miss the present moment, you are missing your appointment with life.-Thich Nhat Hanh.
-The practice is this life, and the realization is this life, and this life is revealed here and now.-Maezumi Roshi.
-If you want to change the world, start with the next person who comes to you with a need.-BD Schiers.
24-Throughout this life, you can never be sure enough if you will live to take another breath.-Huang Po.
58-Consciousness is the greatest agent for change.-Eckhart Tolle.
-The intuitive recognition of the moment, of reality… is the highest act of wisdom.-DT Suzuki.
-One must be deeply aware of the impermanence of the world.-Dogen
-In fact, the truth of Zen is the truth of life, and life means living, moving, acting, not simply reflecting.-DT Suzuki.
Zen phrases of love
-Hatred does not stop because of hatred, but only because of love; this is the eternal rule.
-The only 'elephant' left in the room is love.-Benjamin Aubrey Myers.
-All the things that really matter, beauty, love, creativity, joy and inner peace, arise beyond the mind.-Eckhart Tolle.
-A flower falls, although we love it; And a grass grows, although we do not love it.-Dogen Zenji.
Zen phrases about silence
-Silence is a fence around wisdom.
-Don't talk if you don't improve the silence.
-Sitting quietly without doing anything, spring comes and the grass grows by itself.
-Do not speak unless you can improve the silence.