These soul phrases to reflect on will make you think differently and will make your day different from how it was. They are thoughts of great historical figures like Aristotle, Oscar Wilde, Einstein, Virginia Woolf, Picasso and many more.
They will also inspire you and is that many people agree that when things are done with effort and all the soul, the results come sooner or later.
You may also be interested in these deep quotes or these to think and reflect.
-You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.-CS Lewis.
-A man discovers sooner or later that he is the gardener of his soul, the director of his life.-James Allen.
-What soap is for the body, laughter is for the soul.-Proverb.
-The true beauty of a woman is reflected in her soul.-Audrey Hepburn.
-The only food that the soul needs is love.-Louix Dor Dempriey.
-Money is not necessary to buy a need of the soul.-Henry David Thoreau.
34-False words are not only bad in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil.-Socrates.
-Laughter is the language of the soul.-Proverb.
-Hope is the dream of the awakened soul.-French proverb.
-To live is to be born little by little. It would be too easy if we could borrow prepared souls.-Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
-The culture of a nation resides in the hearts and souls of its people.-Mahatma Gandhi.
-Don't win the world and lose your soul; Wisdom is better than silver or gold.-Bob Marley.
-You didn't whisper in my ears, but in my heart. You did not kiss on my lips, but on my soul.-Judy Garland.
-Every moment and each event of each life of a man on Earth plants something in his soul.-Thomas Merton.
35-Man cannot find a calmer or more trouble free place than in his own soul.-Marco Aurelio
-The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.-Caroline Myss.
-When you do things from the soul you feel a river moving inside you, a joy. When the action comes from elsewhere, the feeling disappears.-Rumi.
-Nothing can heal the soul, except the senses, just as nothing can heal the senses, except the soul.-Oscar Wilde.
-A pure woman delights the eyes, an intelligent the understanding, a pure the soul.-Minna Antrim.
-The soul is born old but grows young. That is the comedy of life.-Oscar Wilde.
-Put your heart, mind and soul into even the smallest acts. That is the secret of success.-Swami Sivanada.
-With the power of the soul, anything is possible.-Jimi Hendrix.
-The soul is placed in the body like a rough diamond, and it must be polished, or the shine will never appear.-Daniel Defoe.
-I have found that among other benefits, giving frees the soul of the donor.-Maya Angelou.
-Beauty awakens the soul to act.-Dante Alighieri.
-Love is composed of a simple soul inhabiting two bodies.-Aristotle.
- Ordinary riches can be stolen, real ones cannot. In your soul there are infinite precious things that cannot be taken away.-Oscar Wilde.
-Happiness does not reside in possessions or in gold, happiness resides in the soul.-Democritus.
-Only he who dedicates himself to a cause with all his strength and soul can be a true teacher. For this reason, mastery demands everything from a person.-Albert Einstein.
-If forgiveness is the medicine for the soul, then gratitude is vitamins.-Steve Maraboli.
-Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; It is destroyed when you are cruel.-King Solomon.
-Character cannot be developed with ease. Only through the experience of intent and suffering, the soul can be strengthened, ambition inspired and success achieved.-Hellen Keller.
-Start to see yourself as a soul with a body instead of a body with a soul.-Wayne Dyer.
-What light is to the eyes, what air is to the lungs, what love is to the heart, is freedom to the soul of a man.-Robert Green Ingersoll.
-The mind wears the colors of the soul, like a valet those of his master.-Anne Sophie Swetchine.
-Until you know that life is interesting -and you find it that way- you have not found your soul.-Geoffrey Fisher.
-Music is a moral law. Give the soul to the Universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and enchant life.-Plato.
-After each storm the Sun smiles; For every problem there is a solution, and the indefensible duty of the soul is to be a good animator.-William R. Alger.
-God is not present in idols. Your feelings are your God. The soul is your temple.-Chanakya.
-Not enough food for the soul. There must also be food for the soul.-Dorothy Day.
-You have to grow from the inside out. Nobody can teach you, nobody can make you spiritual. There is no teacher except your own soul.-Swami Vivekananda.
-The music in the soul can be heard by the Universe.-Lao Tzu.
-Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart through my eyes, so that I can spread smiles in sad hearts.-Paramahansa Yogananda.
-The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.-Ferdinand Foch.
-Equality is the soul of freedom; in fact, there is no freedom without it.-Frances Wright.
-Your true essence is your soul, which is external and exists in an ocean of love.-Patricia Ord.
-Love is when you are given a piece of soul that you did not know was lost.-Torquato Tasso.
-The human body is the best image of the human soul.-Ludwig Wittgenstein.
-What we had longed to embrace was not the flesh, but a soft spirit, a spark, the impalpable angel that inhabits the flesh.-Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
-Until one loves an animal, a part of the soul remains unawakened.-Anatole France.
-The words are a pretext. It is the inner world that attracts one person to another, not the words.-Rumi.
-The human soul has a greater need for the ideal than for the real. It is because of the real that we exist; It is for the ideal that we live.-Victor Hugo.
-95% of you is invisible and untouchable.-Rhonda Byrne.
-The soul, like the body, lives by what it feeds.-Josiah Gilbert Holland.
-When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauties of the Moon, my soul expands in the adoration of the creator.-Mahatma Gandhi.
-Discipline is the soul of an army. Makes a few formidable; Seeks success to the weak and the esteem of all.-George Washington.
-The reason why it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected.-Nicholas Sparks.
-Be careful with your clothing if you must, but have an orderly soul.-Mark Twain.
-Within us there is something that has no name, that something is what we are.-José Saramago.
-When citing others, we cite ourselves.-Julio Cortázar.
-The purpose of art is to wash the dust of daily life from our souls.-Pablo Picasso.
-Books are the mirrors of the soul.-Virginia Woolf.
The diseases of the soul are more dangerous and more numerous than those of the body.-Cicero.
-Let us dream of tomorrow, where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the last truth of the heart of all creation.-Michael Jackson.
-It is not your external appearance that you should beautify, but your soul, adorning it with good works.-Clement of Alexandria.
-The spirit is the oxygen for the soul.-George M. Adams.
-Love must be totally banished. The purified soul will fear nothing.-Plotinus.
-Every flower is a soul blooming in nature.-Gerard De Nerval.
-There is one thing that one has to have: the cheerful soul by nature or the soul made cheerful by work, love, art and knowledge.-Friedrich Nietzsche.
-The soul denies limits and always affirms optimism, never pessimism.-Ralph Waldo Emerson.
-I wish to live a life that causes my soul to dance inside my body.-Dele Olanubi.
-Without work, life rots. But when work is soulless, life suffocates and dies.-Albert Camus.
-I am the light of my soul.-Yogi Bhajan.
17-Faith is the daring of the soul to go further than what it can see.-William Newton.
-Meditation is the language of the soul and the language of the spirit.-Jeremy Taylor.
-A room without books is like a body without a soul.-Marcus Tullius Cicero.
-Prints are the newspapers of the soul.-Henri Matisse.
-Your task is not to search for love, but simply to search and find the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.-Rumi.
-The imagination is the eye of the soul.-Joseph Joubert.
-Every time someone offends me, I try to raise my soul so high that the offense cannot reach me.-René Descartes.
-Lay your ear close to the soul and listen carefully.-Anne Sexton.
-You are a beautiful soul hidden by the layer of ego.-Mike Dolan.
-The soul gives you shade everywhere.-Terri Guillemets.
-Learning how to operate a soul requires time.-Timothy Leary.
-The soul cannot think without an image-Aristotle.
-Wisdom is for the soul what health is for the body.-De Saint-Real.
-Beauty is not what you are on the outside. It is the wisdom and time that you have given to save another soul in pain like you.-Shannon L. Alder.
-I know, I was there. I saw the great emptiness in your soul and you saw mine.-Sebatian Faulks.
-Like the sky, my soul is returning, returning from the past, finally, and from all that I have left behind.-Ray Lamontagne.
-Sometimes, there are moments in your life so perfect that you want to freeze and frame them. Capture them with your soul forever so they never fade away. They are marked by fire in your being until they are part of you.-Cassandra Giovanni.
-The outside world is a reflection of our inner self.-Bryant McGill.
-We see what we are only through our reflection and thus, the more reflections we see, the fewer errors we will have.-Mehmet Murat Ildan.
-The eyes are the place where the flame of the soul resides.-Kate McGahan.
-When the wick of your soul is lit with love, it can magnify its purity, its diamond clarity.-Tracy Bond.
-Just as the sea reveals the sky and the sky reveals evil, your soul reveals my soul.-Xiabo Liu.
-Friends are the family that our soul chooses.-Jess C. Scott.
-For better or for worse, he was my soul mate. My other half. In many ways, it was my reflection.-Sylvia Day.
-Writing, an expression of freedom, is a reflection of a soul that contemplates itself.-Rian Nejar.
-Praying is not asking. It is the longing of the soul. It is the way to admit weakness. It is better for a speaker to have a heart without words than words without a heart.-Mahatma Gandhi.
-Do you think that because I am poor, dark, simple and small I have no soul and I have no heart? You're wrong. I have as much soul as you. And as much or more heart.-Charlotte Brontë.
-The goodbyes are for those who love with their eyes, because for those who love with the heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.-Rumi.
-It is worth spending your time looking for the things that move your soul. That which makes you feel alive.-Roy T. Bennett.
-Care about your outer appearance is important but it is more important to have a beautiful soul.-Roy T. Bennett.
-There is emotion in a hug, and there is also respect and love. Emotion that comes from honesty, respect that comes from the challenge and love that exists between people whose minds, hearts and souls have touched.-James Frey.
-You can achieve everything you want as long as you put your soul and your heart in everything you do.-Roy T. Bennett.
-The heart of a man is like the sea. It has storms, it has tides and depths and it also has pearls.-Vincent Van Gogh.
-Alma, if you want to learn secrets, your mind must forget the pain and dignity.-Rumi.
24-A daily dose of daydreaming heals the heart, calms the soul and strengthens the imagination.-Richelle E. Goodrich.
-Love is to accept a soul completely, not to wish the other person to be different, not to expect them to change, not to cling to an ideal from the past.-Richelle E. Goodrich.
-Write it in your heart: you are the most beautiful soul in the Universe. Realize it. Honor him and celebrate life.-Amit Ray.
-When things went wrong for him, his soul crawled to his heart, he curled up and fell asleep.-Maya Angelou.
-If someone loves you, he should not envy that you put your heart, your soul, your time and your energy in the things that you are really passionate about. Instead, they should love you more.-Sharon Swan.
-If you spend your life being afraid to show your soul then it is not worth living.-Shannon L. Alder.
-When you must make a decision, look towards your heart and towards your soul first, instead of looking first towards your head.-Jeffrey R. Anderson.
-Souls cross the age as clouds cross the sky.-David Mitchell.